Class tcustomchartedit



type tcustomchartedit = class(tcustomchart, iobjectpicker)


No description available, ancestor tcustomchart description follows
No description available, ancestor tcuchart description follows
No description available, ancestor tscrollbox description follows
No description available, ancestor tscalingwidget description follows
No description available, ancestor tcustomscalingwidget description follows
No description available, ancestor tpublishedwidget description follows
No description available, ancestor tpublishedwidgetnwr description follows
No description available, ancestor tactionpublishedwidgetnwr description follows
No description available, ancestor tactionwidget description follows
No description available, ancestor twidget description follows
No description available, ancestor tactcomponent description follows
No description available, ancestor tmsecomponent description follows




Protected procedure resetnodehint;
Protected function hasactivetrace: boolean;
Protected function nodepos(const atrace: integer; const aindex: integer): pointty;
Protected function nearestnode(const apos: pointty; const all: boolean; out atrace,aindex: integer): boolean;
Protected function nodesinrect(const arect: rectty): integerarty;
Protected function encodenodes(const atrace: integer; const aindex: array of integer): integerarty;
Protected function decodenodes(const aitems: integerarty; out atrace: integer; out aindex: integerarty): boolean;
Protected function chartcoordxy(const atrace: integer; const avalue: complexty): pointty;
Protected function tracecoordxy(const atrace: integer; const apos: pointty): complexty;
Protected function chartcoordxseries(const atrace: integer; const avalue: xseriesdataty): pointty;
Protected function tracecoordxseries(const atrace: integer; const apos: pointty): xseriesdataty;
Protected function encodemarker(const isy: boolean; const adial,aindex: integer): integerarty;
Protected function decodemarker(const aitems: integerarty; out isy: boolean; out adial: integer; out aindex: integer): boolean;
Protected function xmarkertochart(const avalue: real; const adial: integer): integer;
Protected function ymarkertochart(const avalue: real; const adial: integer): integer;
Protected function xcharttomarker(const apos: integer; const adial: integer): real;
Protected function ycharttomarker(const apos: integer; const adial: integer): real;
Protected function getmarker(const apos: pointty; const nolimited: boolean; out isy: boolean; out adial,aindex: integer): boolean;
Protected procedure tracehint(const atrace,aindex: integer);
Protected procedure markerhint(const apos: pointty; const isy: boolean; const adial,aindex: integer);
Protected procedure clientmouseevent(var info: mouseeventinfoty); override;
Protected procedure dokeydown(var ainfo: keyeventinfoty); override;
Protected procedure dobeforepaint(const acanvas: tcanvas); override;
Protected procedure doafterpaint(const acanvas: tcanvas); override;
Protected procedure change;
Protected procedure dochange; virtual;
Protected procedure domarkerchange; virtual;
Protected function chartdataxy: complexarty;
Protected function chartdataxseries: realarty;
Protected function activetraceitem: ttrace;
Protected procedure doreadvalue(const reader: tstatreader); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure dowritevalue(const writer: tstatwriter); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure dostatread(const reader: tstatreader); override;
Protected procedure dostatwrite(const writer: tstatwriter); override;
Protected procedure statread; override;
Protected procedure loaded; override;
Protected procedure docheckvalue(var accept: boolean); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure doclear; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure drawcrosshaircursor(const canvas: tcanvas; const center: pointty); virtual;
Protected function getcursorshape(const sender: tobjectpicker; var shape: cursorshapety): boolean;
Protected procedure getpickobjects(const sender: tobjectpicker; var objects: integerarty);
Protected procedure beginpickmove(const sender: tobjectpicker);
Protected procedure pickthumbtrack(const sender: tobjectpicker);
Protected procedure endpickmove(const sender: tobjectpicker);
Protected procedure cancelpickmove(const sender: tobjectpicker);
Protected procedure paintxorpic(const sender: tobjectpicker; const canvas: tcanvas);
Public constructor create(aowner: tcomponent); override;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public procedure clear; override;
Public function checkvalue: boolean;


Public property readonly: boolean read getreadonly write setreadonly;
Public property activetrace: integer read factivetrace write setactivetrace default 0;
Public property optionsedit: optionseditty read foptionsedit write setoptionsedit default defaultoptionsedit;
Public property optionsedit1: optionsedit1ty read foptionsedit1 write foptionsedit1 default defaultchartoptionsedit1;
Public property snapdist: integer read fsnapdist write fsnapdist default defaultsnapdist;
Public property options: charteditoptionsty read foptions write setoptions default [];
Public property onchange: notifyeventty read fonchange write fonchange;
Public property onsetmarker: markerseteventty read fonsetmarker write fonsetmarker;
Public property onmarkerentered: notifyeventty read fonmarkerentered write fonmarkerentered;
Public property ontracehint: tracehinteventty read fontracehint write fontracehint;
Public property onmarkerhint: markerhinteventty read fonmarkerhint write fonmarkerhint;
Published property optionswidget default defaultcharteditoptionswidget;



Protected procedure resetnodehint;
Protected function hasactivetrace: boolean;
Protected function nodepos(const atrace: integer; const aindex: integer): pointty;
Protected function nearestnode(const apos: pointty; const all: boolean; out atrace,aindex: integer): boolean;
Protected function nodesinrect(const arect: rectty): integerarty;
Protected function encodenodes(const atrace: integer; const aindex: array of integer): integerarty;
Protected function decodenodes(const aitems: integerarty; out atrace: integer; out aindex: integerarty): boolean;
Protected function chartcoordxy(const atrace: integer; const avalue: complexty): pointty;
Protected function tracecoordxy(const atrace: integer; const apos: pointty): complexty;
Protected function chartcoordxseries(const atrace: integer; const avalue: xseriesdataty): pointty;
Protected function tracecoordxseries(const atrace: integer; const apos: pointty): xseriesdataty;
Protected function encodemarker(const isy: boolean; const adial,aindex: integer): integerarty;
Protected function decodemarker(const aitems: integerarty; out isy: boolean; out adial: integer; out aindex: integer): boolean;
Protected function xmarkertochart(const avalue: real; const adial: integer): integer;
Protected function ymarkertochart(const avalue: real; const adial: integer): integer;
Protected function xcharttomarker(const apos: integer; const adial: integer): real;
Protected function ycharttomarker(const apos: integer; const adial: integer): real;
Protected function getmarker(const apos: pointty; const nolimited: boolean; out isy: boolean; out adial,aindex: integer): boolean;
Protected procedure tracehint(const atrace,aindex: integer);
Protected procedure markerhint(const apos: pointty; const isy: boolean; const adial,aindex: integer);
Protected procedure clientmouseevent(var info: mouseeventinfoty); override;
Protected procedure dokeydown(var ainfo: keyeventinfoty); override;
Protected procedure dobeforepaint(const acanvas: tcanvas); override;
Protected procedure doafterpaint(const acanvas: tcanvas); override;
Protected procedure change;
Protected procedure dochange; virtual;
Protected procedure domarkerchange; virtual;
Protected function chartdataxy: complexarty;
Protected function chartdataxseries: realarty;
Protected function activetraceitem: ttrace;
Protected procedure doreadvalue(const reader: tstatreader); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure dowritevalue(const writer: tstatwriter); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure dostatread(const reader: tstatreader); override;
Protected procedure dostatwrite(const writer: tstatwriter); override;
Protected procedure statread; override;
Protected procedure loaded; override;
Protected procedure docheckvalue(var accept: boolean); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure doclear; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure drawcrosshaircursor(const canvas: tcanvas; const center: pointty); virtual;
Protected function getcursorshape(const sender: tobjectpicker; var shape: cursorshapety): boolean;
Protected procedure getpickobjects(const sender: tobjectpicker; var objects: integerarty);
Protected procedure beginpickmove(const sender: tobjectpicker);
Protected procedure pickthumbtrack(const sender: tobjectpicker);
Protected procedure endpickmove(const sender: tobjectpicker);
Protected procedure cancelpickmove(const sender: tobjectpicker);
Protected procedure paintxorpic(const sender: tobjectpicker; const canvas: tcanvas);
Public constructor create(aowner: tcomponent); override;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public procedure clear; override;
Public function checkvalue: boolean;


Public property readonly: boolean read getreadonly write setreadonly;
Public property activetrace: integer read factivetrace write setactivetrace default 0;
Public property optionsedit: optionseditty read foptionsedit write setoptionsedit default defaultoptionsedit;
Public property optionsedit1: optionsedit1ty read foptionsedit1 write foptionsedit1 default defaultchartoptionsedit1;
Public property snapdist: integer read fsnapdist write fsnapdist default defaultsnapdist;
Public property options: charteditoptionsty read foptions write setoptions default [];
Public property onchange: notifyeventty read fonchange write fonchange;
Public property onsetmarker: markerseteventty read fonsetmarker write fonsetmarker;
Public property onmarkerentered: notifyeventty read fonmarkerentered write fonmarkerentered;
Public property ontracehint: tracehinteventty read fontracehint write fontracehint;
Public property onmarkerhint: markerhinteventty read fonmarkerhint write fonmarkerhint;
Published property optionswidget default defaultcharteditoptionswidget;

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