Unit msechartedit




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class tcustomchartedit  
Class tcustomxychartedit  
Class txychartedit  
Class tcustomorderedxychartedit  
Class torderedxychartedit  
Class tcustomxserieschartedit  
Class txserieschartedit  


setcomplexareventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: complexarty; var accept: boolean) of object;
setrealareventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: realarty; var accept: boolean) of object;
charteditoptionty = (...);
charteditoptionsty = set of charteditoptionty;
charteditmovestatety = (...);
charteditmovestatesty = set of charteditmovestatety;
tracehinteventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomchartedit; const atrace,aindex: integer; var ahint: hintinfoty) of object;
markerhinteventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomchartedit; const isy: boolean; const adial,aindex: integer; var ahint: hintinfoty) of object;
markerseteventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomchartedit; const isy: boolean; const adial,aindex: integer; var avalue: realty) of object;


defaultsnapdist = 4;
markersnapdist = 2;
defaultchartoptionsedit1 = [oe1_checkvalueafterstatread,oe1_savevalue, oe1_savestate];
defaultcharteditoptionswidget = defaultchartoptionswidget + [ow_mousefocus];



setcomplexareventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: complexarty; var accept: boolean) of object;
setrealareventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: realarty; var accept: boolean) of object;
charteditoptionty = (...);
  • ceo_thumbtrack
  • ceo_markerthumbtrack
  • ceo_noinsert
  • ceo_nodelete
  • ceo_tracehint
  • ceo_markerhint
charteditoptionsty = set of charteditoptionty;
charteditmovestatety = (...);
  • cems_markermoving
  • cems_canbottomlimit
  • cems_cantoplimit
  • cems_xbottomlimit
  • cems_ybottomlimit
  • cems_xtoplimit
  • cems_ytoplimit
charteditmovestatesty = set of charteditmovestatety;
tracehinteventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomchartedit; const atrace,aindex: integer; var ahint: hintinfoty) of object;
markerhinteventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomchartedit; const isy: boolean; const adial,aindex: integer; var ahint: hintinfoty) of object;
markerseteventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomchartedit; const isy: boolean; const adial,aindex: integer; var avalue: realty) of object;


defaultsnapdist = 4;
markersnapdist = 2;
defaultchartoptionsedit1 = [oe1_checkvalueafterstatread,oe1_savevalue, oe1_savestate];
defaultcharteditoptionswidget = defaultchartoptionswidget + [ow_mousefocus];

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