Unit msetypes
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Record complexty |
Record gridcoordty |
Record gridsizety |
Record gridrectty |
Functions and Procedures
function mergevarrec(a,b: array of const): varrecarty; |
function issamemethod(const method1,method2: tmethod): boolean; |
function isemptydatetime(const avalue: tdatetime): boolean; deprecated; |
function makecomplex(const are: real; aim: real): complexty; |
function mc(const are: real; aim: real): complexty; |
maxdatasize = $7fffffff; |
pathdelim = '/'; |
lineend = #$0a; |
c_dle = #$10; |
c_stx = #$02; |
c_etx = #$03; |
c_linefeed = #$0a; |
c_formfeed = #$0c; |
c_return = #$0d; |
c_tab = #$09; |
c_backspace = #$08; |
c_esc = #$1b; |
c_delete = #$7f; |
c_softhyphen = #$ad; |
emptyreal = -1/0; |
emptydatetime = emptyreal; |
maxint64 = $7fffffffffffffff; |
minint = low(integer); |
bigint = maxint div 2; |
nullmethod: tmethod = (code: nil; data: nil); |
pointeralignmask = ptruint($ffffffff) - $3; |
nullcomplex: complexty = (re: 0; im: 0); |
bigdatetime = 401768.99999; |
Functions and Procedures
function mergevarrec(a,b: array of const): varrecarty; |
function issamemethod(const method1,method2: tmethod): boolean; |
function isemptydatetime(const avalue: tdatetime): boolean; deprecated; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated. |
function makecomplex(const are: real; aim: real): complexty; |
function mc(const are: real; aim: real): complexty; |
byteset = byte; |
wordset = word; |
longwordset = longword; |
card8 = byte; |
pcard8 = ˆcard8; |
card8arty = array of card8; |
pcard8arty = ˆcard8arty; |
card8ararty = array of card8arty; |
pcard8ararty = ˆcard8ararty; |
card16 = word; |
pcard16 = ˆcard16; |
card16arty = array of card16; |
pcard16arty = ˆcard16arty; |
card16ararty = array of card16arty; |
pcard16ararty = ˆcard16ararty; |
card32 = longword; |
pcard32 = ˆcard32; |
card32arty = array of card32; |
pcard32arty = ˆcard32arty; |
card32ararty = array of card32arty; |
pcard32ararty = ˆcard32ararty; |
card64 = qword; |
pcard64 = ˆcard64; |
card64arty = array of card64; |
pcard64arty = ˆcard64arty; |
card64ararty = array of card64arty; |
pcard64ararty = ˆcard64ararty; |
int8 = shortint; |
pint8 = ˆint8; |
int8arty = array of int8; |
pint8arty = ˆint8arty; |
int8ararty = array of int8arty; |
pint8ararty = ˆint8ararty; |
int16 = smallint; |
pint16 = ˆint16; |
int16arty = array of int16; |
pint16arty = ˆint16arty; |
int16ararty = array of int16arty; |
pint16ararty = ˆint16ararty; |
int32 = integer; |
pint32 = ˆint32; |
int32arty = array of int32; |
pint32arty = ˆint32arty; |
int32ararty = array of int32arty; |
pint32ararty = ˆint32ararty; |
int64arty = array of int64; |
pint64arty = ˆint64arty; |
int64ararty = array of int64arty; |
pint64ararty = ˆint64ararty; |
flo32 = single; |
pflo32 = ˆflo32; |
flo32arty = array of flo32; |
pflo32arty = ˆflo32arty; |
flo32ararty = array of flo32arty; |
pflo32ararty = ˆflo32ararty; |
flo64 = double; |
pflo64 = ˆflo64; |
flo64arty = array of flo64; |
pflo64arty = ˆflo64arty; |
flo64ararty = array of flo64arty; |
pflo64ararty = ˆflo64ararty; |
float32 = single; |
pfloat32 = ˆfloat32; |
float32arty = array of float32; |
pfloat32arty = ˆfloat32arty; |
float64 = double; |
pfloat64 = ˆfloat64; |
float64arty = array of float64; |
pfloat64arty = ˆfloat64arty; |
float = float64; |
pfloat = ˆfloat; |
floatarty = array of float; |
pfloatarty = ˆfloatarty; |
uint8 = byte; |
puint8 = ˆuint8; |
uint16 = word; |
puint16 = ˆuint16; |
uint32 = longword; |
puint32 = ˆuint32; |
uint64 = qword; |
puint64 = ˆuint64; |
sint8 = shortint; |
psint8 = ˆsint8; |
sint16 = smallint; |
psint16 = ˆsint16; |
sint32 = integer; |
psint32 = ˆsint32; |
sint64 = int64; |
psint64 = ˆsint64; |
char8 = char; |
pchar8 = ˆchar8; |
char16 = unicodechar; |
pchar16 = ˆchar16; |
char32 = ucs4char; |
pchar32 = ˆchar32; |
uint64 = type int64; |
DWord = Longword; |
pdword = ˆdword; |
SizeInt = Longint; |
psizeint = ˆsizeint; |
SizeUInt = DWord; |
psizeuint = ˆsizeuint; |
plongbool = ˆlongbool; |
ppdouble = ˆpdouble; |
PtrInt = Longint; |
PPtrInt = ˆPtrInt; |
PtrUInt = DWord; |
PPtrUInt = ˆPtrUInt; |
ValSInt = Longint; |
ValUInt = Cardinal; |
qword = uint64; |
pqword = ˆqword; |
size_t = dword; |
unicodestring = widestring; |
unicodechar = widechar; |
WINBOOL = longbool; |
ppsizeint = ˆpsizeint; |
ppppointer = ˆpppointer; |
preal = ˆreal; |
realty = type double; |
prealty = ˆrealty; |
datetimekindty = (...); |
dayofweekty = (...); |
msestring = widestring; |
msechar = widechar; |
pmsechar = pwidechar; |
pmsestring = ˆmsestring; |
msestringarty = array of msestring; |
pmsestringarty = ˆmsestringarty; |
msestringaty = array[0..0] of msestring; |
pmsestringaty = ˆmsestringaty; |
msestringararty = array of msestringarty; |
widestringarty = array of widestring; |
msecharaty = array[0..maxdatasize div sizeof(msechar)-1] of msechar; |
pmsecharaty = ˆmsecharaty; |
captionty = msestring; |
filenamety = msestring; |
pfilenamety = ˆfilenamety; |
filenamearty = msestringarty; |
filenamechar = msechar; |
pfilenamechar = ˆfilenamechar; |
halfinteger = -bigint..bigint; |
posinteger = 0..maxint; |
pobject = ˆtobject; |
pmethod = ˆtmethod; |
booleanarty = array of boolean; |
pbooleanarty = ˆbooleanarty; |
longboolarty = array of longbool; |
bytearty = array of byte; |
pbytearty = ˆbytearty; |
wordarty = array of word; |
pwordarty = ˆwordarty; |
smallintarty = array of smallint; |
psmallintarty = ˆsmallintarty; |
longwordarty = array of longword; |
plongwordarty = ˆlongwordarty; |
integerarty = array of integer; |
pintegerarty = ˆintegerarty; |
cardinalarty = array of cardinal; |
pcardinalarty = ˆcardinalarty; |
pointerarty = array of pointer; |
ppointerarty = ˆpointerarty; |
pointerararty = array of pointerarty; |
objectarty = array of tobject; |
pobjectarty = ˆobjectarty; |
classarty = array of tclass; |
pclassarty = ˆclassarty; |
realarty = array of realty; |
prealarty = ˆrealarty; |
realararty = array of realarty; |
singlearty = array of single; |
singlepoarty = array of psingle; |
psinglearty = ˆsinglearty; |
singleararty = array of singlearty; |
doublearty = array of double; |
doublepoarty = array of pdouble; |
pdoublearty = ˆdoublearty; |
doubleararty = array of doublearty; |
currencyarty = array of currency; |
pcurrencyarty = ˆcurrencyarty; |
datetimearty = array of tdatetime; |
pdatetimearty = ˆdatetimearty; |
datetimeaty = array[0..0] of tdatetime; |
pdatetimeaty = ˆdatetimeaty; |
ptrintarty = array of ptrint; |
pptrintarty = ˆptrintarty; |
ptruintarty = array of ptruint; |
pptruintarty = ˆptruintarty; |
qwordarty = array of qword; |
pqwordarty = ˆqwordarty; |
pdatetime = ˆtdatetime; |
ppvariant = ˆpvariant; |
pcomplexty = ˆcomplexty; |
complexarty = array of complexty; |
pcomplexarty = ˆcomplexarty; |
complexararty = array of complexarty; |
stringarty = array of string; |
pstringarty = ˆstringarty; |
stringararty = array of stringarty; |
pstringararty = ˆstringararty; |
ansistringarty = array of ansistring; |
pansistringarty = ˆansistringarty; |
ansistringararty = array of ansistringarty; |
pansistringararty = ˆansistringararty; |
pointeraty = array[0..0] of pointer; |
ppointeraty = ˆpointeraty; |
charpoaty = array[0..0] of pchar; |
pcharpoaty = ˆcharpoaty; |
byteaty = array[0..0] of byte; |
pbyteaty = ˆbyteaty; |
wordaty = array[0..0] of word; |
pwordaty = ˆwordaty; |
integeraty = array[0..0] of integer; |
pintegeraty = ˆintegeraty; |
longwordaty = array[0..0] of longword; |
plongwordaty = ˆlongwordaty; |
cardinalaty = array[0..0] of cardinal; |
pcardinalaty = ˆcardinalaty; |
longboolaty = array[0..0] of longbool; |
qwordaty = array[0..0] of qword; |
pqwordaty = ˆqwordaty; |
plongboolaty = ˆlongboolaty; |
ptrintaty = array[0..0] of ptrint; |
pptrintaty = ˆptrintaty; |
ptruintaty = array[0..0] of ptruint; |
pptruintaty = ˆptruintaty; |
complexaty = array[0..0] of complexty; |
pcomplexaty = ˆcomplexaty; |
methodaty = array[0..0] of tmethod; |
pmethodaty = ˆmethodaty; |
stringaty = array[0..0] of string; |
pstringaty = ˆstringaty; |
widestringaty = array[0..0] of widestring; |
pwidestringaty = ˆwidestringaty; |
ansistringaty = array[0..0] of ansistring; |
pansistringaty = ˆansistringaty; |
charaty = array[0..0] of char; |
pcharaty = ˆcharaty; |
widecharaty = array[0..0] of widechar; |
pwidecharaty = ˆwidecharaty; |
objectaty = array[0..0] of tobject; |
pobjectaty = ˆobjectaty; |
procty = procedure; |
proceventty = procedure of object; |
proceventarty = array of proceventty; |
tageventtyty = procedure (const tag: integer) of object; |
integerararty = array of integerarty; |
varrecarty = array of tvarrec; |
gridcoordarty = array of gridcoordty; |
winidty = type ptruint; |
winidarty = array of winidty; |
winidaty = array[0..0] of winidty; |
pwinidaty = ˆwinidaty; |
winidararty = array of winidarty; |
filehandlety = longint; |
procedurety = procedure; |
maxdatasize = $7fffffff; |
pathdelim = '/'; |
lineend = #$0a; |
c_dle = #$10; |
c_stx = #$02; |
c_etx = #$03; |
c_linefeed = #$0a; |
c_formfeed = #$0c; |
c_return = #$0d; |
c_tab = #$09; |
c_backspace = #$08; |
c_esc = #$1b; |
c_delete = #$7f; |
c_softhyphen = #$ad; |
emptyreal = -1/0; |
emptydatetime = emptyreal; |
maxint64 = $7fffffffffffffff; |
minint = low(integer); |
bigint = maxint div 2; |
nullmethod: tmethod = (code: nil; data: nil); |
pointeralignmask = ptruint($ffffffff) - $3; |
nullcomplex: complexty = (re: 0; im: 0); |
bigdatetime = 401768.99999; |
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