Unit msegdiplus
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class egdiplus |
Record GdiplusStartupInput |
Record GdiplusStartupOutput |
Record GpGraphics |
Record GpPoint |
Record ColorPalette |
Record GpImage |
Record GpBitmap |
Record GpTexture |
Record GpBrush |
Record GpSolidFill |
Record GpPen |
Record GpPath |
Record GpRegion |
Functions and Procedures
function initializegdiplus(const sonames: array of filenamety; const noexception: boolean = false): boolean; |
procedure releasegdiplus; |
function gdipcheckerror(const aerror: gpstatus): boolean; |
gdipluslib: array[0..0] of filenamety = ('gdiplus.dll'); |
gdipluserrormessages: array[GpStatus] of string = (
); |
PaletteFlagsHasAlpha = $0001; |
PaletteFlagsGrayScale = $0002; |
PaletteFlagsHalftone = $0004; |
GdiplusStartup: function(token: ppointer; input: pGdiplusStartupInput; output: pGdiplusStartupOutput): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdiplusShutdown: function(token: pointer): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFree: function(ptr: pointer): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateFromHDC: function(hdc_: HDC; graphics: PPGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateFromHDC2: function(hdc_: HDC; hDevice: HANDLE; graphics: ppGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateFromHWND: function(hwnd_: HWND; graphics: ppGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeleteGraphics: function(graphics: PGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFlush: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; intention: GpFlushIntention): Gpstatus; stdcall; |
GdipTranslateWorldTransform: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; dx: REAL; dy: REAL; order: GpMatrixOrder): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetSmoothingMode: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; smoothingMode_: SmoothingMode): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipGetSmoothingMode: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; smoothingMode: pSmoothingMode): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPixelOffsetMode: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pixelOffsetMode: GpPixelOffsetMode): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetClipRegion: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; region: pGpRegion; combineMode_: GpCombineMode): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipResetClip: function(graphics: pGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeleteBrush: function(brush: pGpBrush): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateSolidFill: function(color: ARGB; brush: ppGpSolidFill): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetSolidFillColor: function(brush: pGpSolidFill; color: ARGB): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipGetSolidFillColor: function(brush: pGpSolidFill; color: pARGB): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillRectangleI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; height: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillPolygon2I: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; points: pGpPoint; count: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreatePen1: function(color: ARGB; width: REAL; unit_: GpUnit; pen: ppGpPen): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeletePen: function(pen: pGpPen): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenMode: function(pen: pGpPen; penMode: GpPenAlignment): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenWidth: function(pen: pGpPen; width: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipGetPenWidth: function(pen: pGpPen; width: pREAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenColor: function(pen: pGpPen; argb_: ARGB): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipGetPenColor: function(pen: pGpPen; argb_: pARGB): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenBrushFill: function(pen: pGpPen; brush: pGpBrush): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenLineCap197819: function(pen: pGpPen; startCap: GpLineCap; endCap: GpLineCap; dashCap: GpDashCap): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenLineJoin: function(pen: pGpPen; lineJoin: GpLineJoin): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenDashArray: function(pen: pGpPen; dash: pREAL; count: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenDashOffset: function(pen: pGpPen; offset: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenDashStyle: function(pen: pGpPen; dashstyle: GpDashStyle): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDrawLinesI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pen: pGpPen; points: pGpPoint; count: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDrawPolygonI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pen: pGpPen; points: pGpPoint; count: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDrawEllipseI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pen: pGpPen; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; height: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillEllipseI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; height: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDrawArcI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pen: pGpPen; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; heigh: INT; startAngle: REAL; sweepAngle: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillPieI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; height: INT; startAngle: REAL; sweepAngle: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreatePath: function(brushMode: GpFillMode; path: ppGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeletePath: function(path: pGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipStartPathFigure: function(path: pGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipClosePathFigure: function(path: pGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipAddPathArc: function(path: pGpPath; x: REAL; y: REAL; width: REAL; height: REAL; startangle: REAL; sweepangle: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillPath: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; path: pGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateRegionHrgn: function(hRgn_: HRGN; region: ppGpRegion): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeleteRegion: function(region: pGpRegion): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipResetWorldTransform: function(graphics: pGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDisposeImage: function(image: pGpImage): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP: function(hbm: HBITMAP; hpal: HPALETTE; bitmap: ppGpBitmap): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetImagePalette: function(image: pGpImage; palette: pColorPalette): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateTexture: function(image: pGpImage; wrapmode: WrapMode; texture: ppGpTexture): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipResetTextureTransform: function(brush: pGpTexture): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipTranslateTextureTransform: function(brush: pGpTexture; dx: REAL; dy: REAL; order: GpMatrixOrder): GpStatus; stdcall; |
Functions and Procedures
function initializegdiplus(const sonames: array of filenamety; const noexception: boolean = false): boolean; |
procedure releasegdiplus; |
function gdipcheckerror(const aerror: gpstatus): boolean; |
GpStatus = (...); |
DebugEventLevel = (...); |
DebugEventProc = procedure(level: DebugEventLevel; message: pchar); stdcall; |
pGdiplusStartupinput = ˆGdiplusStartupinput; |
NotificationHookProc = function(token: ppointer): GpStatus; stdcall; |
NotificationUnhookProc = procedure(token: pointer); stdcall; |
pGdiplusStartupoutput = ˆGdiplusStartupoutput; |
PGpGraphics = ˆGpGraphics; |
PPGpGraphics = ˆPGpGraphics; |
INT = cint; |
REAL = single; |
pReal = ˆREAL; |
ARGB = uint32; |
pARGB = ˆARGB; |
pGpPoint = ˆGpPoint; |
pColorPalette = ˆColorPalette; |
pGpImage = ˆGpImage; |
pGpBitmap = ˆGpBitmap; |
ppGpBitmap = ˆpGpBitmap; |
pGpTexture = ˆGpTexture; |
ppGpTexture = ˆpGpTexture; |
pGpBrush = ˆGpBrush; |
pGpSolidFill = ˆGpSolidFill; |
ppGpSolidFill = ˆpGpSolidFill; |
pGpPen = ˆGpPen; |
ppGpPen = ˆpGpPen; |
pGpPath = ˆGpPath; |
ppGpPath = ˆpGpPath; |
pGpRegion = ˆGpRegion; |
ppGpRegion = ˆpGpRegion; |
QualityMode = (...); |
pQualityMode = ˆQualityMode; |
SmoothingMode = (...); |
pSmoothingMode = ˆSmoothingMode; |
WrapMode = (...); |
GpUnit = (...); |
GpMatrixOrder = (...); |
GpFillMode = (...); |
GpPenAlignment = (...); |
GpLineCap = (...); |
GpDashCap = (...); |
GpDashStyle = (...); |
GpLineJoin = (...); |
GpCombineMode = (...); |
GpFlushIntention = (...); |
GpPixelOffsetMode = (...); |
gdipluslib: array[0..0] of filenamety = ('gdiplus.dll'); |
gdipluserrormessages: array[GpStatus] of string = (
); |
PaletteFlagsHasAlpha = $0001; |
PaletteFlagsGrayScale = $0002; |
PaletteFlagsHalftone = $0004; |
GdiplusStartup: function(token: ppointer; input: pGdiplusStartupInput; output: pGdiplusStartupOutput): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdiplusShutdown: function(token: pointer): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFree: function(ptr: pointer): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateFromHDC: function(hdc_: HDC; graphics: PPGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateFromHDC2: function(hdc_: HDC; hDevice: HANDLE; graphics: ppGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateFromHWND: function(hwnd_: HWND; graphics: ppGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeleteGraphics: function(graphics: PGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFlush: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; intention: GpFlushIntention): Gpstatus; stdcall; |
GdipTranslateWorldTransform: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; dx: REAL; dy: REAL; order: GpMatrixOrder): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetSmoothingMode: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; smoothingMode_: SmoothingMode): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipGetSmoothingMode: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; smoothingMode: pSmoothingMode): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPixelOffsetMode: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pixelOffsetMode: GpPixelOffsetMode): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetClipRegion: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; region: pGpRegion; combineMode_: GpCombineMode): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipResetClip: function(graphics: pGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeleteBrush: function(brush: pGpBrush): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateSolidFill: function(color: ARGB; brush: ppGpSolidFill): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetSolidFillColor: function(brush: pGpSolidFill; color: ARGB): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipGetSolidFillColor: function(brush: pGpSolidFill; color: pARGB): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillRectangleI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; height: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillPolygon2I: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; points: pGpPoint; count: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreatePen1: function(color: ARGB; width: REAL; unit_: GpUnit; pen: ppGpPen): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeletePen: function(pen: pGpPen): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenMode: function(pen: pGpPen; penMode: GpPenAlignment): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenWidth: function(pen: pGpPen; width: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipGetPenWidth: function(pen: pGpPen; width: pREAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenColor: function(pen: pGpPen; argb_: ARGB): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipGetPenColor: function(pen: pGpPen; argb_: pARGB): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenBrushFill: function(pen: pGpPen; brush: pGpBrush): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenLineCap197819: function(pen: pGpPen; startCap: GpLineCap; endCap: GpLineCap; dashCap: GpDashCap): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenLineJoin: function(pen: pGpPen; lineJoin: GpLineJoin): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenDashArray: function(pen: pGpPen; dash: pREAL; count: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenDashOffset: function(pen: pGpPen; offset: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetPenDashStyle: function(pen: pGpPen; dashstyle: GpDashStyle): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDrawLinesI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pen: pGpPen; points: pGpPoint; count: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDrawPolygonI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pen: pGpPen; points: pGpPoint; count: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDrawEllipseI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pen: pGpPen; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; height: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillEllipseI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; height: INT): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDrawArcI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; pen: pGpPen; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; heigh: INT; startAngle: REAL; sweepAngle: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillPieI: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; x: INT; y: INT; width: INT; height: INT; startAngle: REAL; sweepAngle: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreatePath: function(brushMode: GpFillMode; path: ppGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeletePath: function(path: pGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipStartPathFigure: function(path: pGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipClosePathFigure: function(path: pGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipAddPathArc: function(path: pGpPath; x: REAL; y: REAL; width: REAL; height: REAL; startangle: REAL; sweepangle: REAL): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipFillPath: function(graphics: pGpGraphics; brush: pGpBrush; path: pGpPath): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateRegionHrgn: function(hRgn_: HRGN; region: ppGpRegion): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDeleteRegion: function(region: pGpRegion): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipResetWorldTransform: function(graphics: pGpGraphics): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipDisposeImage: function(image: pGpImage): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP: function(hbm: HBITMAP; hpal: HPALETTE; bitmap: ppGpBitmap): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipSetImagePalette: function(image: pGpImage; palette: pColorPalette): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipCreateTexture: function(image: pGpImage; wrapmode: WrapMode; texture: ppGpTexture): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipResetTextureTransform: function(brush: pGpTexture): GpStatus; stdcall; |
GdipTranslateTextureTransform: function(brush: pGpTexture; dx: REAL; dy: REAL; order: GpMatrixOrder): GpStatus; stdcall; |
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