Unit mseclasses




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class tvirtualpersistent  
Class townedpersistent  
Record linkinfoty  
Class tobjectlinker  
Class tlinkedobject  
Class tlinkedrecordlist  
Class tnullinterfacedpersistent  
Class toptionalpersistent  
Class tlinkedpersistent  
Class tlinkedoptionalpersistent  
Class teventpersistent  
Class townedeventpersistent  
Class teventobject  
Class tcomponentevent  
Record skininfoty  
Class tmsecomponent  
Class tlinkedqueue  
Class tlinkedobjectqueue  
Class tpersistentqueue  
Class tcomponentqueue  
Class tobjectlinkrecordlist  
Record objectdataty  
Class tpersistenttemplate  
Class ttemplatecontainer  
Class tnotifylist  
Class tmodulelist  
Class twritermse  
Class tobjectdatastream  
Record setsplitpairty  
Record setsplitinfoty  

Functions and Procedures

function ownscomponent(const owner: tcomponent; const child: tcomponent): boolean;
function ownernamepath(const acomponent: tcomponent): string;
function ownernamepath(const aroot: tcomponent; const acomponent: tcomponent): string;
function namepathowner(const acomponent: tcomponent): string;
function getnumberedname(const acomp: tcomponent; const namebase: string): string;
function ownercomponentpath(const acomponent: tcomponent): componentarty;
function componentpathowner(const acomponent: tcomponent): componentarty;
function rootcomponent(const acomponent: tcomponent): tcomponent;
procedure setcomponentorder(const owner: tcomponent; const anames: msestringarty);
function getcomponentchildren(const acomp: tcomponent; const aroot: tcomponent; const nestedowners: boolean = false; const nestedparents: boolean = false): componentarty;
function getpropinfoar(const obj: tobject): propinfopoarty; overload;
function getpropinfoar(const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo): propinfopoarty; overload;
procedure createobjectlinker(const owner: iobjectlink; onevent: objectlinkeventty; var instance: tobjectlinker);
procedure getoptionalobject(const componentstate: tcomponentstate; const instance: tobject; createproc: createprocty); overload;
procedure getoptionalobject(const aowner: tcomponent; const instance: tobject; createproc: createprocty); overload;
procedure getoptionalobject(const componentstate: tcomponentstate; var instance: tvirtualpersistent; const aclass: virtualpersistentclassty); overload;
procedure setoptionalobject(const componentstate: tcomponentstate; const value: tpersistent; var instance; createproc: createprocty); overload;
procedure setoptionalobject(const aowner: tcomponent; const value: tpersistent; var instance; createproc: createprocty); overload;
procedure setoptionalobject(const componentstate: tcomponentstate; const value: tvirtualpersistent; var instance; const aclass: virtualpersistentclassty); overload;
procedure setlinkedcomponent(const sender: iobjectlink; const source: tmsecomponent; var instance: tmsecomponent; ainterfacetype: pointer = nil);
function createmodule(aowner: tcomponent; instanceclass: msecomponentclassty; var reference): tmsecomponent;
procedure registerobjectdata(datapo: pobjectdataty; objectclass: tpersistentclass; name: string = ''); overload;
procedure registerobjectdata(datapo: pobjectdataty; const objectclassname: string; const name: string = ''); overload;
procedure unregisterobjectdata(const objectclassname: string; const name: string = '');
procedure resetchangedmodules;
procedure reloadchangedmodules;
procedure reloadmodules;
procedure msebegingloballoading;
procedure mseendgloballoading;
procedure reloadmsecomponent(Instance: tmsecomponent);
function initmsecomponent(instance: tmsecomponent; rootancestor: tclass; out needsloading: boolean): boolean;
function initmsecomponent1(instance: tcomponent; rootancestor: tclass): boolean;
function findancestorcomponent(const areader: treader; const componentname: string): tcomponent;
procedure loadmsemodule(const instance: tmsecomponent; const rootancestor: tclass);
function findmoduledata(const aclassname: string; out aparentclassname: string): pobjectdataty;
function getfproppath(const writer:twriter): string;
procedure setfproppath(const writer:twriter; const value: string);
procedure freecomponents(const acomponents: componentarty);
function copycomponent(const source: tcomponent; const aowner: tcomponent = nil; const onfindancestor: tfindancestorevent = nil; const onfindcomponentclass: tfindcomponentclassevent = nil; const oncreatecomponent: tcreatecomponentevent = nil; const onancestornotfound: tancestornotfoundevent = nil): tcomponent;
procedure refreshancestor(var deletedcomps: componentarty; const descendent,newancestor,oldancestor: tcomponent; const revert: boolean; const onfindancestor: tfindancestorevent = nil; const onfindcomponentclass: tfindcomponentclassevent = nil; const oncreatecomponent: tcreatecomponentevent = nil; const onsetmethodproperty: tsetmethodpropertyevent = nil; const onwritemethodproperty: twritemethodpropertyevent = nil; const newcomponent: pboolean = nil );
procedure initinline(const acomponent: tcomponent);
procedure checkinline(const acomponent: tcomponent);
procedure initrootdescendent(const acomponent: tcomponent);
function issubcomponent(const root,child: tcomponent): boolean;
function fixupsetchildorder(const sender: tcomponent; const child: tcomponent; const order: integer): boolean;
function findcomponentbynamepath(const namepath: string): tcomponent;
function findcomponentbynamepath(const namepath: string; const root: tcomponent): tcomponent;
function findsubcomponentbynamepath(const namepath: string; const root: tcomponent): tcomponent;
function getlinkedcomponents(const acomponent: tcomponent): componentarty;
procedure lockfindglobalcomponent;
procedure unlockfindglobalcomponent;
function findglobalcomponentlocked: boolean;
function getenumnames(const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo): msestringarty;
function getclasspropvalue(const instance: tobject; const apropname: string; const aclass: tclass): tobject;
function getclasspropvalue(const instance: tobject; const apropname: string; const aclass: tclass; out avalue: tobject): boolean;
procedure nosupportfor(const sender: tcomponent; const avalue: tcomponent; const ainterface: ptypeinfo);
function getcorbainterface(const aobject: tobject; const aintf: ptypeinfo; out obj) : boolean;
procedure checkcorbainterface(const sender: tcomponent; const avalue: tcomponent; const ainterface: ptypeinfo; out obj);
function isinterface(const actual: ptypeinfo; const wanted: ptypeinfo): boolean;
function isinterfaceornil(const actual: ptypeinfo; const wanted: ptypeinfo): boolean;
function checkcanevent(const acomponent: tcomponent; const event: tmethod): boolean; overload;
function checkcanevent(const event: tmethod): boolean; overload;
procedure readstringar(const reader: treader; out ar: stringarty); overload;
procedure readstringar(const reader: treader; out ar: msestringarty); overload;
procedure writestringar(const writer: twriter; const ar: stringarty); overload;
procedure writestringar(const writer: twriter; const ar: msestringarty); overload;
procedure readintar(const reader: treader; out ar: int32arty);
procedure readintar(const reader: treader; out ar: int16arty);
procedure writeintar(const writer: twriter; const ar: int32arty);
procedure writeintar(const writer: twriter; const ar: int16arty);
procedure readrecordar(const reader: treader; out ar; const typeinfo: pdynarraytypeinfo; const readproc: readrecordprocty);
procedure writerecordar(const writer: twriter; const ar; const typeinfo: pdynarraytypeinfo; const writeproc: writerecordprocty);
function valuescaletorange(const reader: treader): real;
function swapmethodtable(const instance: tobject; const newtable: pointer): pointer;
function checkenumvalue(typeinfo : ptypeinfo;const name : string) : integer;
function readenum(const reader: treader; const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo): integer;
procedure writeenum(const writer: twriter; const value: integer; const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo);
function readset(const reader: treader; const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo): tintegerset;
procedure writeset(const writer: twriter; const value: tintegerset; const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo);
function readsplitset(const reader: treader; const info: setsplitinfoty; out set1,set2: tintegerset): boolean;
function setloading(const acomponent: tcomponent; const avalue: boolean): boolean;
function alive(const acomponent: tcomponent): boolean;
procedure componentexception(const acomponent: tcomponent; const atext: msestring);
function getcomponentlist(const acomponent: tcomponent): tfplist;
procedure clearcomponentlist(const acomponent: tcomponent);
procedure clearpastedcomponents;
procedure addpastedcomponentname(const acomp: tcomponent);
function findpastedcomponent(const origname: string): tcomponent;
function findpastedcomponentname(const comp: tcomponent): string;
procedure copyvarrec(const source: tvarrec; const dest: pointer);
procedure matchparams(const aparam: array of const; const defaults: array of const; const dest: array of pointer);


posteventoptionty = (...);
posteventoptionsty = set of posteventoptionty;
notifyeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject) of object;
componenteventty = procedure (const acomponent: tcomponent) of object;
checkeventty = function (const sender: tobject): boolean of object;
accepteventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; var accept: boolean) of object;
eventeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const aevent: tobjectevent) of object;
componenteventeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const aevent: tcomponentevent) of object;
asynceventeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; var atag: integer) of object;
booleanchangedeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const avalue: boolean) of object;
stringchangedeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const avalue: msestring) of object;
integerchangedeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const avalue: integer) of object;
realchangedeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const avalue: realty) of object;
getintegereventty = function: integer of object;
getint64eventty = function: int64 of object;
getmsestringeventty = function: msestring of object;
getstringareventty = function: stringarty of object;
updatestringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: msestring) of object;
updateansistringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: ansistring) of object;
updateintegereventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: integer) of object;
updateint64eventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: int64) of object;
updatepointereventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: pointer) of object;
updatebooleaneventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: boolean) of object;
updaterealeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: real) of object;
updatedatetimeeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: tdatetime) of object;
setbooleaneventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: boolean; var accept: boolean) of object;
setstringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: msestring; var accept: boolean) of object;
setansistringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: ansistring; var accept: boolean) of object;
setintegereventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: integer; var accept: boolean) of object;
setint64eventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: int64; var accept: boolean) of object;
setrealeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: realty; var accept: boolean) of object;
setdatetimeeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: tdatetime; var accept: boolean) of object;
setbooleanindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: boolean; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setstringindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: msestring; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setansistringindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: ansistring; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setintegerindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: integer; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setint64indexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: int64; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setrealindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: realty; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setdatetimeindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: tdatetime; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
progresseventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; const avalue: real; var acancel: boolean) of object;
persistentarty = array of tpersistent;
persistentclassty = class of tpersistent;
componentarty = array of tcomponent;
componentaty = array[0..0] of tcomponent;
pcomponentaty = ˆcomponentaty;
componentclassty = class of tcomponent;
propinfopoarty = array of ppropinfo;
virtualpersistentclassty = class of tvirtualpersistent;
plinkinfoty = ˆlinkinfoty;
linkinfoaty = array[0..0] of linkinfoty;
plinkinfoaty = ˆlinkinfoaty;
plinkedobject = ˆtlinkedobject;
pmsecomponent = ˆtmsecomponent;
pobjectlinker = ˆtobjectlinker;
plinkedpersistent = ˆtlinkedpersistent;
objectlinkprocty = procedure(const info: linkinfoty) of object;
objectlinkintfprocty = procedure(const alink: pointer) of object;
objectlinkfirstprocty = procedure(const info: linkinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
objectlinkintffirstprocty = procedure(const alink: pointer; var handled: boolean) of object;
componenteventstatety = (...);
componenteventstatesty = set of componenteventstatety;
msecomponentstatety = (...);
msecomponentstatesty = set of msecomponentstatety;
createprocty = procedure of object;
skinoptionty = (...);
skinoptionsty = set of skinoptionty;
skinobjectkindty = (...);
msecomponenteventty = procedure(const sender: tmsecomponent) of object;
msecomponentclassty = class of tmsecomponent;
msecomponentarty = array of tmsecomponent;
pobjectdataty = ˆobjectdataty;
templateclassty = class of tpersistenttemplate;
getchildreneventty = procedure (const sender: tmsecomponent; const proc: tgetchildproc; const root: tcomponent) of object;
writerecordprocty = procedure(const writer: twriter; const data);
readrecordprocty = procedure(const reader: treader; var data);
skineventty = procedure(const ainfo: skininfoty) of object;


platformtext = 'i386-win32';
moduleclassnamename = 'moduleclassname';
compilerdefaults = '{$ifdef FPC}{$mode objfpc}{$h+}{$endif}';


oninitskinobject: skineventty;


Functions and Procedures

function ownscomponent(const owner: tcomponent; const child: tcomponent): boolean;
function ownernamepath(const acomponent: tcomponent): string;
function ownernamepath(const aroot: tcomponent; const acomponent: tcomponent): string;
function namepathowner(const acomponent: tcomponent): string;
function getnumberedname(const acomp: tcomponent; const namebase: string): string;
function ownercomponentpath(const acomponent: tcomponent): componentarty;
function componentpathowner(const acomponent: tcomponent): componentarty;
function rootcomponent(const acomponent: tcomponent): tcomponent;
procedure setcomponentorder(const owner: tcomponent; const anames: msestringarty);
function getcomponentchildren(const acomp: tcomponent; const aroot: tcomponent; const nestedowners: boolean = false; const nestedparents: boolean = false): componentarty;
function getpropinfoar(const obj: tobject): propinfopoarty; overload;
function getpropinfoar(const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo): propinfopoarty; overload;
procedure createobjectlinker(const owner: iobjectlink; onevent: objectlinkeventty; var instance: tobjectlinker);
procedure getoptionalobject(const componentstate: tcomponentstate; const instance: tobject; createproc: createprocty); overload;
procedure getoptionalobject(const aowner: tcomponent; const instance: tobject; createproc: createprocty); overload;
procedure getoptionalobject(const componentstate: tcomponentstate; var instance: tvirtualpersistent; const aclass: virtualpersistentclassty); overload;
procedure setoptionalobject(const componentstate: tcomponentstate; const value: tpersistent; var instance; createproc: createprocty); overload;
procedure setoptionalobject(const aowner: tcomponent; const value: tpersistent; var instance; createproc: createprocty); overload;
procedure setoptionalobject(const componentstate: tcomponentstate; const value: tvirtualpersistent; var instance; const aclass: virtualpersistentclassty); overload;
procedure setlinkedcomponent(const sender: iobjectlink; const source: tmsecomponent; var instance: tmsecomponent; ainterfacetype: pointer = nil);
function createmodule(aowner: tcomponent; instanceclass: msecomponentclassty; var reference): tmsecomponent;
procedure registerobjectdata(datapo: pobjectdataty; objectclass: tpersistentclass; name: string = ''); overload;
procedure registerobjectdata(datapo: pobjectdataty; const objectclassname: string; const name: string = ''); overload;
procedure unregisterobjectdata(const objectclassname: string; const name: string = '');
procedure resetchangedmodules;
procedure reloadchangedmodules;
procedure reloadmodules;
procedure msebegingloballoading;
procedure mseendgloballoading;
procedure reloadmsecomponent(Instance: tmsecomponent);
function initmsecomponent(instance: tmsecomponent; rootancestor: tclass; out needsloading: boolean): boolean;
function initmsecomponent1(instance: tcomponent; rootancestor: tclass): boolean;
function findancestorcomponent(const areader: treader; const componentname: string): tcomponent;
procedure loadmsemodule(const instance: tmsecomponent; const rootancestor: tclass);
function findmoduledata(const aclassname: string; out aparentclassname: string): pobjectdataty;
function getfproppath(const writer:twriter): string;
procedure setfproppath(const writer:twriter; const value: string);
procedure freecomponents(const acomponents: componentarty);
function copycomponent(const source: tcomponent; const aowner: tcomponent = nil; const onfindancestor: tfindancestorevent = nil; const onfindcomponentclass: tfindcomponentclassevent = nil; const oncreatecomponent: tcreatecomponentevent = nil; const onancestornotfound: tancestornotfoundevent = nil): tcomponent;
procedure refreshancestor(var deletedcomps: componentarty; const descendent,newancestor,oldancestor: tcomponent; const revert: boolean; const onfindancestor: tfindancestorevent = nil; const onfindcomponentclass: tfindcomponentclassevent = nil; const oncreatecomponent: tcreatecomponentevent = nil; const onsetmethodproperty: tsetmethodpropertyevent = nil; const onwritemethodproperty: twritemethodpropertyevent = nil; const newcomponent: pboolean = nil );
procedure initinline(const acomponent: tcomponent);
procedure checkinline(const acomponent: tcomponent);
procedure initrootdescendent(const acomponent: tcomponent);
function issubcomponent(const root,child: tcomponent): boolean;
function fixupsetchildorder(const sender: tcomponent; const child: tcomponent; const order: integer): boolean;
function findcomponentbynamepath(const namepath: string): tcomponent;
function findcomponentbynamepath(const namepath: string; const root: tcomponent): tcomponent;
function findsubcomponentbynamepath(const namepath: string; const root: tcomponent): tcomponent;
function getlinkedcomponents(const acomponent: tcomponent): componentarty;
procedure lockfindglobalcomponent;
procedure unlockfindglobalcomponent;
function findglobalcomponentlocked: boolean;
function getenumnames(const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo): msestringarty;
function getclasspropvalue(const instance: tobject; const apropname: string; const aclass: tclass): tobject;
function getclasspropvalue(const instance: tobject; const apropname: string; const aclass: tclass; out avalue: tobject): boolean;
procedure nosupportfor(const sender: tcomponent; const avalue: tcomponent; const ainterface: ptypeinfo);
function getcorbainterface(const aobject: tobject; const aintf: ptypeinfo; out obj) : boolean;
procedure checkcorbainterface(const sender: tcomponent; const avalue: tcomponent; const ainterface: ptypeinfo; out obj);
function isinterface(const actual: ptypeinfo; const wanted: ptypeinfo): boolean;
function isinterfaceornil(const actual: ptypeinfo; const wanted: ptypeinfo): boolean;
function checkcanevent(const acomponent: tcomponent; const event: tmethod): boolean; overload;
function checkcanevent(const event: tmethod): boolean; overload;
procedure readstringar(const reader: treader; out ar: stringarty); overload;
procedure readstringar(const reader: treader; out ar: msestringarty); overload;
procedure writestringar(const writer: twriter; const ar: stringarty); overload;
procedure writestringar(const writer: twriter; const ar: msestringarty); overload;
procedure readintar(const reader: treader; out ar: int32arty);
procedure readintar(const reader: treader; out ar: int16arty);
procedure writeintar(const writer: twriter; const ar: int32arty);
procedure writeintar(const writer: twriter; const ar: int16arty);
procedure readrecordar(const reader: treader; out ar; const typeinfo: pdynarraytypeinfo; const readproc: readrecordprocty);
procedure writerecordar(const writer: twriter; const ar; const typeinfo: pdynarraytypeinfo; const writeproc: writerecordprocty);
function valuescaletorange(const reader: treader): real;
function swapmethodtable(const instance: tobject; const newtable: pointer): pointer;
function checkenumvalue(typeinfo : ptypeinfo;const name : string) : integer;
function readenum(const reader: treader; const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo): integer;
procedure writeenum(const writer: twriter; const value: integer; const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo);
function readset(const reader: treader; const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo): tintegerset;
procedure writeset(const writer: twriter; const value: tintegerset; const atypeinfo: ptypeinfo);
function readsplitset(const reader: treader; const info: setsplitinfoty; out set1,set2: tintegerset): boolean;
function setloading(const acomponent: tcomponent; const avalue: boolean): boolean;
function alive(const acomponent: tcomponent): boolean;
procedure componentexception(const acomponent: tcomponent; const atext: msestring);
function getcomponentlist(const acomponent: tcomponent): tfplist;
procedure clearcomponentlist(const acomponent: tcomponent);
procedure clearpastedcomponents;
procedure addpastedcomponentname(const acomp: tcomponent);
function findpastedcomponent(const origname: string): tcomponent;
function findpastedcomponentname(const comp: tcomponent): string;
procedure copyvarrec(const source: tvarrec; const dest: pointer);
procedure matchparams(const aparam: array of const; const defaults: array of const; const dest: array of pointer);


posteventoptionty = (...);
  • peo_local
  • peo_first
  • peo_modaldefer
posteventoptionsty = set of posteventoptionty;
notifyeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject) of object;
componenteventty = procedure (const acomponent: tcomponent) of object;
checkeventty = function (const sender: tobject): boolean of object;
accepteventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; var accept: boolean) of object;
eventeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const aevent: tobjectevent) of object;
componenteventeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const aevent: tcomponentevent) of object;
asynceventeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; var atag: integer) of object;
booleanchangedeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const avalue: boolean) of object;
stringchangedeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const avalue: msestring) of object;
integerchangedeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const avalue: integer) of object;
realchangedeventty = procedure (const sender: tobject; const avalue: realty) of object;
getintegereventty = function: integer of object;
getint64eventty = function: int64 of object;
getmsestringeventty = function: msestring of object;
getstringareventty = function: stringarty of object;
updatestringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: msestring) of object;
updateansistringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: ansistring) of object;
updateintegereventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: integer) of object;
updateint64eventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: int64) of object;
updatepointereventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: pointer) of object;
updatebooleaneventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: boolean) of object;
updaterealeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: real) of object;
updatedatetimeeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: tdatetime) of object;
setbooleaneventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: boolean; var accept: boolean) of object;
setstringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: msestring; var accept: boolean) of object;
setansistringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: ansistring; var accept: boolean) of object;
setintegereventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: integer; var accept: boolean) of object;
setint64eventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: int64; var accept: boolean) of object;
setrealeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: realty; var accept: boolean) of object;
setdatetimeeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: tdatetime; var accept: boolean) of object;
setbooleanindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: boolean; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setstringindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: msestring; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setansistringindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: ansistring; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setintegerindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: integer; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setint64indexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: int64; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setrealindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: realty; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
setdatetimeindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: tdatetime; var accept: boolean; const aindex: integer) of object;
progresseventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; const avalue: real; var acancel: boolean) of object;
persistentarty = array of tpersistent;
persistentclassty = class of tpersistent;
componentarty = array of tcomponent;
componentaty = array[0..0] of tcomponent;
pcomponentaty = ˆcomponentaty;
componentclassty = class of tcomponent;
propinfopoarty = array of ppropinfo;
virtualpersistentclassty = class of tvirtualpersistent;
plinkinfoty = ˆlinkinfoty;
linkinfoaty = array[0..0] of linkinfoty;
plinkinfoaty = ˆlinkinfoaty;
plinkedobject = ˆtlinkedobject;
pmsecomponent = ˆtmsecomponent;
pobjectlinker = ˆtobjectlinker;
plinkedpersistent = ˆtlinkedpersistent;
objectlinkprocty = procedure(const info: linkinfoty) of object;
objectlinkintfprocty = procedure(const alink: pointer) of object;
objectlinkfirstprocty = procedure(const info: linkinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
objectlinkintffirstprocty = procedure(const alink: pointer; var handled: boolean) of object;
componenteventstatety = (...);
  • ces_processed
  • ces_callchildren
componenteventstatesty = set of componenteventstatety;
msecomponentstatety = (...);
  • cs_ismodule
  • cs_beginreadproc
  • cs_endreadproc
  • cs_loadedproc
  • cs_inheritedloading
  • cs_noload
  • cs_tmpmodule
  • cs_subcompref
  • cs_parentwidgetrect
msecomponentstatesty = set of msecomponentstatety;
createprocty = procedure of object;
skinoptionty = (...);
  • sko_container
skinoptionsty = set of skinoptionty;
skinobjectkindty = (...);
  • sok_component
  • sok_widget
  • sok_groupbox
  • sok_simplebutton
  • sok_databutton
  • sok_slider
  • sok_tabbar
  • sok_tabpage
  • sok_toolbar
  • sok_splitter
  • sok_dispwidget
  • sok_edit
  • sok_dataedit
  • sok_booleanedit
  • sok_grid
  • sok_mainmenu
  • sok_popupmenu
  • sok_mainmenuwidget
  • sok_user
msecomponenteventty = procedure(const sender: tmsecomponent) of object;
msecomponentclassty = class of tmsecomponent;
msecomponentarty = array of tmsecomponent;
pobjectdataty = ˆobjectdataty;
templateclassty = class of tpersistenttemplate;
getchildreneventty = procedure (const sender: tmsecomponent; const proc: tgetchildproc; const root: tcomponent) of object;
writerecordprocty = procedure(const writer: twriter; const data);
readrecordprocty = procedure(const reader: treader; var data);
skineventty = procedure(const ainfo: skininfoty) of object;


platformtext = 'i386-win32';
moduleclassnamename = 'moduleclassname';
compilerdefaults = '{$ifdef FPC}{$mode objfpc}{$h+}{$endif}';


oninitskinobject: skineventty;

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.