Unit msemagickstream




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class tmagickexception  
Record gminfoty  

Functions and Procedures

procedure registerformats(const labels: array of string; const filternames: array of msestring; const filemasks: array of msestringarty);
function readgmgraphic(const source: tstream; const dest: tbitmap; const aindex: integer = -1; const awidth: integer = 0; const aheight: integer = 0; const arotation: real = 0; const abackgroundcolor: colorty = cl_transparent; const apixelpermm: real = 0; const aoptions: gmoptionsty = []; const afilter: filtertypes = undefinedfilter; const ablur: real = defaultblur): string;
procedure writegmgraphic(const dest: tstream; const source: tbitmap; const format: string; const aquality: integer = -1; const awidth: integer = 0; const aheight: integer = 0; const arotation: real = 0; const abackgroundcolor: colorty = cl_transparent; const apixelpermm: real = 0; const aoptions: gmoptionsty = []; const afilter: filtertypes = undefinedfilter; const ablur: real = defaultblur);
function pinggmgraphic(const source: tstream; out ainfo: gminfoty): boolean;


gmoptionty = (...);
gmoptionsty = set of gmoptionty;


defaultblur = 1.0;


Functions and Procedures

procedure registerformats(const labels: array of string; const filternames: array of msestring; const filemasks: array of msestringarty);
function readgmgraphic(const source: tstream; const dest: tbitmap; const aindex: integer = -1; const awidth: integer = 0; const aheight: integer = 0; const arotation: real = 0; const abackgroundcolor: colorty = cl_transparent; const apixelpermm: real = 0; const aoptions: gmoptionsty = []; const afilter: filtertypes = undefinedfilter; const ablur: real = defaultblur): string;
procedure writegmgraphic(const dest: tstream; const source: tbitmap; const format: string; const aquality: integer = -1; const awidth: integer = 0; const aheight: integer = 0; const arotation: real = 0; const abackgroundcolor: colorty = cl_transparent; const apixelpermm: real = 0; const aoptions: gmoptionsty = []; const afilter: filtertypes = undefinedfilter; const ablur: real = defaultblur);
function pinggmgraphic(const source: tstream; out ainfo: gminfoty): boolean;


gmoptionty = (...);
  • rgmo_rotmonomask
  • rgmo_rotbeforescale
  • rgmo_rotafterscale
  • rgmo_sample
  • rgmo_resize
gmoptionsty = set of gmoptionty;


defaultblur = 1.0;

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