Unit msegraphicsmagick




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record PixelPacket8  
Record PixelPacket16  
Record PixelPacket32  
Record _FILE  
Record ExceptionInfo  
Record PrimaryInfo  
Record ChromaticityInfo  
Record RectangleInfo  
Record ErrorInfo  
Record Timer  
Record TimerInfo  
Record Imagea  
Record Imageb8  
Record Imageb16  
Record Imageb32  
Record Imagec  
Record Image8  
Record Image16  
Record Image32  
Record ImageInfoa  
Record ImageInfob8  
Record ImageInfob16  
Record ImageInfob32  
Record ImageInfoc  
Record ImageInfo8  
Record ImageInfo16  
Record ImageInfo32  
Record ExportPixelAreaOptions  
Record ImportPixelAreaOptions  
Record ExportPixelAreaInfo  
Record ImportPixelAreaInfo  
Record MagickWand  

Functions and Procedures

procedure initializegraphicsmagick(const sonames, sonameswand: array of filenamety);
procedure releasegraphicsmagick;
function quantumdepth: quantumdepthty;
procedure reggminit(const initproc: dynlibprocty);
procedure reggmdeinit(const deinitproc: dynlibprocty);
procedure reggmwandinit(const initproc: dynlibprocty);
procedure reggmwanddeinit(const deinitproc: dynlibprocty);


quantumdepthty = (...);
MagickBool = cuint;
MagickPassFail = cuint;
EndianType = (...);
StorageType = (...);
QuantumType = (...);
QuantumSampleType = (...);
CompressionType = (...);
InterlaceType = (...);
ResolutionType = (...);
ColorspaceType = (...);
ImageType = (...);
PreviewType = (...);
ClassType = (...);
OrientationType = (...);
RenderingIntent = (...);
FilterTypes = (...);
GravityType = (...);
CompositeOperator = (...);
DisposeType = (...);
TimerState = (...);
Quantum8 = cuchar;
Quantum16 = cushort;
Quantum32 = cuint;
pPixelPacket8 = ˆPixelPacket8;
pPixelPacket16 = ˆPixelPacket16;
pPixelPacket32 = ˆPixelPacket32;
_CacheInfoPtr_ = pointer;
_BlobInfoPtr_ = pointer;
MaxTextExtent = 0..2052;
pExceptionInfo = ˆExceptionInfo;
_ThreadViewSetPtr_ = pointer;
_ImageAttributePtr_ = pointer;
_Ascii85InfoPtr_ = pointer;
_SemaphoreInfoPtr_ = pointer;
pImage8 = ˆImage8;
pImage16 = ˆImage16;
pImage32 = ˆImage32;
pImageInfo8 = ˆImageInfo8;
pImageInfo16 = ˆImageInfo16;
pImageInfo32 = ˆImageInfo32;
pExportPixelAreaOptions = ˆExportPixelAreaOptions;
pImportPixelAreaOptions = ˆImportPixelAreaOptions;
pExportPixelAreaInfo = ˆExportPixelAreaInfo;
pImportPixelAreaInfo = ˆImportPixelAreaInfo;
pMagickWand = ˆMagickWand;


graphicsmagicwandlib: array[0..1] of filenamety = ('libGraphicsMagickWand.so.2','libGraphicsMagickWand.so');
graphicsmagiclib: array[0..1] of filenamety = ('libGraphicsMagick.so.3','libGraphicsMagick.so');
MagickTrue = 1;
MagickFalse = 0;
MagickPass = 1;
MagickFail = 0;
UndefinedExceptionBase = 0;
ExceptionBase = 1;
ResourceBase = 2;
ResourceLimitBase = 2;
TypeBase = 5;
AnnotateBase = 5;
OptionBase = 10;
DelegateBase = 15;
MissingDelegateBase = 20;
CorruptImageBase = 25;
FileOpenBase = 30;
BlobBase = 35;
StreamBase = 40;
CacheBase = 45;
CoderBase = 50;
ModuleBase = 55;
DrawBase = 60;
RenderBase = 60;
ImageBase = 65;
WandBase = 67;
TemporaryFileBase = 70;
TransformBase = 75;
XServerBase = 80;
X11Base = 81;
UserBase = 82;
MonitorBase = 85;
LocaleBase = 86;
DeprecateBase = 87;
RegistryBase = 90;
ConfigureBase = 95;
UndefinedException = 0;
EventException = 100;
ExceptionEvent = EventException + ExceptionBase;
ResourceEvent = EventException + ResourceBase;
ResourceLimitEvent = EventException + ResourceLimitBase;
TypeEvent = EventException + TypeBase;
AnnotateEvent = EventException + AnnotateBase;
OptionEvent = EventException + OptionBase;
DelegateEvent = EventException + DelegateBase;
MissingDelegateEvent = EventException + MissingDelegateBase;
CorruptImageEvent = EventException + CorruptImageBase;
FileOpenEvent = EventException + FileOpenBase;
BlobEvent = EventException + BlobBase;
StreamEvent = EventException + StreamBase;
CacheEvent = EventException + CacheBase;
CoderEvent = EventException + CoderBase;
ModuleEvent = EventException + ModuleBase;
DrawEvent = EventException + DrawBase;
RenderEvent = EventException + RenderBase;
ImageEvent = EventException + ImageBase;
WandEvent = EventException + WandBase;
TemporaryFileEvent = EventException + TemporaryFileBase;
TransformEvent = EventException + TransformBase;
XServerEvent = EventException + XServerBase;
X11Event = EventException + X11Base;
UserEvent = EventException + UserBase;
MonitorEvent = EventException + MonitorBase;
LocaleEvent = EventException + LocaleBase;
DeprecateEvent = EventException + DeprecateBase;
RegistryEvent = EventException + RegistryBase;
ConfigureEvent = EventException + ConfigureBase;
WarningException = 300;
ExceptionWarning = WarningException + ExceptionBase;
ResourceWarning = WarningException + ResourceBase;
ResourceLimitWarning = WarningException + ResourceLimitBase;
TypeWarning = WarningException + TypeBase;
AnnotateWarning = WarningException + AnnotateBase;
OptionWarning = WarningException + OptionBase;
DelegateWarning = WarningException + DelegateBase;
MissingDelegateWarning = WarningException + MissingDelegateBase;
CorruptImageWarning = WarningException + CorruptImageBase;
FileOpenWarning = WarningException + FileOpenBase;
BlobWarning = WarningException + BlobBase;
StreamWarning = WarningException + StreamBase;
CacheWarning = WarningException + CacheBase;
CoderWarning = WarningException + CoderBase;
ModuleWarning = WarningException + ModuleBase;
DrawWarning = WarningException + DrawBase;
RenderWarning = WarningException + RenderBase;
ImageWarning = WarningException + ImageBase;
WandWarning = WarningException + WandBase;
TemporaryFileWarning = WarningException + TemporaryFileBase;
TransformWarning = WarningException + TransformBase;
XServerWarning = WarningException + XServerBase;
X11Warning = WarningException + X11Base;
UserWarning = WarningException + UserBase;
MonitorWarning = WarningException + MonitorBase;
LocaleWarning = WarningException + LocaleBase;
DeprecateWarning = WarningException + DeprecateBase;
RegistryWarning = WarningException + RegistryBase;
ConfigureWarning = WarningException + ConfigureBase;
ErrorException = 400;
ExceptionError = ErrorException + ExceptionBase;
ResourceError = ErrorException + ResourceBase;
ResourceLimitError = ErrorException + ResourceLimitBase;
TypeError = ErrorException + TypeBase;
AnnotateError = ErrorException + AnnotateBase;
OptionError = ErrorException + OptionBase;
DelegateError = ErrorException + DelegateBase;
MissingDelegateError = ErrorException + MissingDelegateBase;
CorruptImageError = ErrorException + CorruptImageBase;
FileOpenError = ErrorException + FileOpenBase;
BlobError = ErrorException + BlobBase;
StreamError = ErrorException + StreamBase;
CacheError = ErrorException + CacheBase;
CoderError = ErrorException + CoderBase;
ModuleError = ErrorException + ModuleBase;
DrawError = ErrorException + DrawBase;
RenderError = ErrorException + RenderBase;
ImageError = ErrorException + ImageBase;
WandError = ErrorException + WandBase;
TemporaryFileError = ErrorException + TemporaryFileBase;
TransformError = ErrorException + TransformBase;
XServerError = ErrorException + XServerBase;
X11Error = ErrorException + X11Base;
UserError = ErrorException + UserBase;
MonitorError = ErrorException + MonitorBase;
LocaleError = ErrorException + LocaleBase;
DeprecateError = ErrorException + DeprecateBase;
RegistryError = ErrorException + RegistryBase;
ConfigureError = ErrorException + ConfigureBase;
FatalErrorException = 700;
ExceptionFatalError = FatalErrorException + ExceptionBase;
ResourceFatalError = FatalErrorException + ResourceBase;
ResourceLimitFatalError = FatalErrorException + ResourceLimitBase;
TypeFatalError = FatalErrorException + TypeBase;
AnnotateFatalError = FatalErrorException + AnnotateBase;
OptionFatalError = FatalErrorException + OptionBase;
DelegateFatalError = FatalErrorException + DelegateBase;
MissingDelegateFatalError = FatalErrorException + MissingDelegateBase;
CorruptImageFatalError = FatalErrorException + CorruptImageBase;
FileOpenFatalError = FatalErrorException + FileOpenBase;
BlobFatalError = FatalErrorException + BlobBase;
StreamFatalError = FatalErrorException + StreamBase;
CacheFatalError = FatalErrorException + CacheBase;
CoderFatalError = FatalErrorException + CoderBase;
ModuleFatalError = FatalErrorException + ModuleBase;
DrawFatalError = FatalErrorException + DrawBase;
RenderFatalError = FatalErrorException + RenderBase;
ImageFatalError = FatalErrorException + ImageBase;
WandFatalError = FatalErrorException + WandBase;
TemporaryFileFatalError = FatalErrorException + TemporaryFileBase;
TransformFatalError = FatalErrorException + TransformBase;
XServerFatalError = FatalErrorException + XServerBase;
X11FatalError = FatalErrorException + X11Base;
UserFatalError = FatalErrorException + UserBase;
MonitorFatalError = FatalErrorException + MonitorBase;
LocaleFatalError = FatalErrorException + LocaleBase;
DeprecateFatalError = FatalErrorException + DeprecateBase;
RegistryFatalError = FatalErrorException + RegistryBase;
ConfigureFatalError = FatalErrorException + ConfigureBase;


InitializeMagick: procedure(path: pcchar); cdecl;
DestroyMagick: procedure(); cdecl;
MagickMalloc: function(size: size_t): pointer; cdecl;
MagickFree: procedure(memory: pointer); cdecl;
MagickGetVersion: function(version: pculong): pcchar; cdecl;
MagickGetQuantumDepth: function(depth: pculong): pchar; cdecl;
MagickQueryFormats: function(pattern: pcchar; number_formats: pculong): ppcchar; cdecl;
GetExceptionInfo: procedure(exception: pExceptionInfo); cdecl;
DestroyExceptionInfo: procedure(exception: pExceptionInfo); cdecl;
CloneImageInfo: function(image_info: pointer): pointer; cdecl;
DestroyImageInfo: procedure(image_info: pointer); cdecl;
AllocateImage: function(image_info: pointer): pointer; cdecl;
PingImage: function(image_info: pointer; exception: pExceptionInfo):pointer; cdecl;
ReadImage: function(image_info: pointer; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
PingBlob: function(imageinfo: pointer; blob: pointer; length: size_t; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
BlobToImage: function(image_info: pointer; blob: pointer; length: size_t; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
WriteImage: function(image_info: pointer; image: pointer): cuint; cdecl;
ImageToBlob: function(image_info: pointer; image: pointer; length: psize_t; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
DestroyImage: procedure(image: pointer); cdecl;
DispatchImage: function(image: pointer; x_offset: clong; y_offset: clong; columns: culong; rows: culong; map: pcchar; _type: StorageType; pixels: pointer; exception: pExceptionInfo): MagickPassFail; cdecl;
ConstituteImage: function(width: cuint; height: cuint; map: pcchar; _type: StorageType; pixels: pointer; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
ExportImagePixelArea: function(image: pointer; quantum_type: QuantumType; quantum_size: cuint; destination: pcuchar; options: pExportPixelAreaOptions; export_info: pExportPixelAreaInfo): MagickPassFail; cdecl;
ImportImagePixelArea: function(image: pointer; quantum_type: QuantumType; quantum_size: cuint; source: pcuchar; options: pImportPixelAreaOptions; import_info: pImportPixelAreaInfo): MagickPassFail; cdecl;
ImportPixelAreaOptionsInit: procedure(options: pImportPixelAreaOptions); cdecl;
ExportPixelAreaOptionsInit: procedure(options: pExportPixelAreaOptions); cdecl;
GetImagePixels: function(image: pointer; x: clong; y: clong; columns: culong; rows: culong): pointer; cdecl;
SetImagePixels: function(image: pointer; x: clong; const y: clong; columns: culong; rows: culong): pointer; cdecl;
SyncImagePixels: function(image: pointer): MagickPassFail; cdecl;
AllocateImageColormap: function(image: pointer; colors: culong): cuint; cdecl;
SampleImage: function(image: pointer; columns: culong; rows: culong; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
ScaleImage: function(image: pointer; columns: culong; rows: culong; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
ResizeImage: function(image: pointer; columns: culong; rows: culong; filter: FilterTypes; blur: cdouble; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
RotateImage: function(image: pointer; degrees: cdouble; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
NewMagickWand: function(): pMagickWand; cdecl;
DestroyMagickWand: procedure(wand: pMagickWand); cdecl;
MagickReadImage: function(wand: pMagickWand; filename: pcchar): cuint; cdecl;
MagickReadImageBlob: function(wand: pMagickWand; blob: pcuchar; length: size_t): cuint; cdecl;
MagickReadImageFile: function(wand: pMagickWand; _file: pFILE): cuint; cdecl;
MagickWriteImage: function(wand: pMagickWand; filename: pcchar): cuint; cdecl;
MagickWriteImageFile: function(wand: pMagickWand; _file: pFILE): cuint; cdecl;
MagickWriteImageBlob: function(wand: pMagickWand; length: psize_t): cuchar; cdecl;
MagickSetFormat: function(wand: pMagickWand; format: pcchar): cuint; cdecl;


Functions and Procedures

procedure initializegraphicsmagick(const sonames, sonameswand: array of filenamety);
procedure releasegraphicsmagick;
function quantumdepth: quantumdepthty;
procedure reggminit(const initproc: dynlibprocty);
procedure reggmdeinit(const deinitproc: dynlibprocty);
procedure reggmwandinit(const initproc: dynlibprocty);
procedure reggmwanddeinit(const deinitproc: dynlibprocty);


quantumdepthty = (...);
  • qd_8
  • qd_16
  • qd_32
MagickBool = cuint;
MagickPassFail = cuint;
EndianType = (...);
  • UndefinedEndian
  • LSBEndian
  • MSBEndian
  • NativeEndian
StorageType = (...);
  • CharPixel
  • ShortPixel
  • IntegerPixel
  • LongPixel
  • FloatPixel
  • DoublePixel
QuantumType = (...);
  • UndefinedQuantum
  • IndexQuantum
  • GrayQuantum
  • IndexAlphaQuantum
  • GrayAlphaQuantum
  • RedQuantum
  • CyanQuantum
  • GreenQuantum
  • YellowQuantum
  • BlueQuantum
  • MagentaQuantum
  • AlphaQuantum
  • BlackQuantum
  • RGBQuantum
  • RGBAQuantum
  • CMYKQuantum
  • CMYKAQuantum
  • CIEYQuantum
  • CIEXYZQuantum
QuantumSampleType = (...);
  • UndefinedQuantumSampleType
  • UnsignedQuantumSampleType
  • FloatQuantumSampleType
CompressionType = (...);
  • UndefinedCompression
  • NoCompression
  • BZipCompression
  • FaxCompression
  • Group4Compression
  • JPEGCompression
  • LosslessJPEGCompression
  • LZWCompression
  • RLECompression
  • ZipCompression
  • LZMACompression
  • JPEG2000Compression
  • JBIG1Compression
  • JBIG2Compression
InterlaceType = (...);
  • UndefinedInterlace
  • NoInterlace
  • LineInterlace
  • PlaneInterlace
  • PartitionInterlace
ResolutionType = (...);
  • UndefinedResolution
  • PixelsPerInchResolution
  • PixelsPerCentimeterResolution
ColorspaceType = (...);
  • UndefinedColorspace
  • RGBColorspace
  • GRAYColorspace
  • TransparentColorspace
  • OHTAColorspace
  • XYZColorspace
  • YCCColorspace
  • YIQColorspace
  • YPbPrColorspace
  • YUVColorspace
  • CMYKColorspace
  • sRGBColorspace
  • HSLColorspace
  • HWBColorspace
  • LABColorspace
  • CineonLogRGBColorspace
  • Rec601LumaColorspace
  • Rec601YCbCrColorspace
  • Rec709LumaColorspace
  • Rec709YCbCrColorspace
ImageType = (...);
  • UndefinedType
  • BilevelType
  • GrayscaleType
  • GrayscaleMatteType
  • PaletteType
  • PaletteMatteType
  • TrueColorType
  • TrueColorMatteType
  • ColorSeparationType
  • ColorSeparationMatteType
  • OptimizeType
PreviewType = (...);
  • UndefinedPreview = 0
  • RotatePreview
  • ShearPreview
  • RollPreview
  • HuePreview
  • SaturationPreview
  • BrightnessPreview
  • GammaPreview
  • SpiffPreview
  • DullPreview
  • GrayscalePreview
  • QuantizePreview
  • DespecklePreview
  • ReduceNoisePreview
  • AddNoisePreview
  • SharpenPreview
  • BlurPreview
  • ThresholdPreview
  • EdgeDetectPreview
  • SpreadPreview
  • SolarizePreview
  • ShadePreview
  • RaisePreview
  • SegmentPreview
  • SwirlPreview
  • ImplodePreview
  • WavePreview
  • OilPaintPreview
  • CharcoalDrawingPreview
  • JPEGPreview
ClassType = (...);
  • UndefinedClass
  • DirectClass
  • PseudoClass
OrientationType = (...);
  • UndefinedOrientation
  • TopLeftOrientation
  • TopRightOrientation
  • BottomRightOrientation
  • BottomLeftOrientation
  • LeftTopOrientation
  • RightTopOrientation
  • RightBottomOrientation
  • LeftBottomOrientation
RenderingIntent = (...);
  • UndefinedIntent
  • SaturationIntent
  • PerceptualIntent
  • AbsoluteIntent
  • RelativeIntent
FilterTypes = (...);
  • UndefinedFilter
  • PointFilter
  • BoxFilter
  • TriangleFilter
  • HermiteFilter
  • HanningFilter
  • HammingFilter
  • BlackmanFilter
  • GaussianFilter
  • QuadraticFilter
  • CubicFilter
  • CatromFilter
  • MitchellFilter
  • LanczosFilter
  • BesselFilter
  • SincFilter
GravityType = (...);
  • ForgetGravity
  • NorthWestGravity
  • NorthGravity
  • NorthEastGravity
  • WestGravity
  • CenterGravity
  • EastGravity
  • SouthWestGravity
  • SouthGravity
  • SouthEastGravity
  • StaticGravity
CompositeOperator = (...);
  • UndefinedCompositeOp = 0
  • OverCompositeOp
  • InCompositeOp
  • OutCompositeOp
  • AtopCompositeOp
  • XorCompositeOp
  • PlusCompositeOp
  • MinusCompositeOp
  • AddCompositeOp
  • SubtractCompositeOp
  • DifferenceCompositeOp
  • MultiplyCompositeOp
  • BumpmapCompositeOp
  • CopyCompositeOp
  • CopyRedCompositeOp
  • CopyGreenCompositeOp
  • CopyBlueCompositeOp
  • CopyOpacityCompositeOp
  • ClearCompositeOp
  • DissolveCompositeOp
  • DisplaceCompositeOp
  • ModulateCompositeOp
  • ThresholdCompositeOp
  • NoCompositeOp
  • DarkenCompositeOp
  • LightenCompositeOp
  • HueCompositeOp
  • SaturateCompositeOp
  • ColorizeCompositeOp
  • LuminizeCompositeOp
  • ScreenCompositeOp
  • OverlayCompositeOp
  • CopyCyanCompositeOp
  • CopyMagentaCompositeOp
  • CopyYellowCompositeOp
  • CopyBlackCompositeOp
  • DivideCompositeOp
DisposeType = (...);
  • UndefinedDispose
  • NoneDispose
  • BackgroundDispose
  • PreviousDispose
TimerState = (...);
  • UndefinedTimerState
  • StoppedTimerState
  • RunningTimerState
Quantum8 = cuchar;
Quantum16 = cushort;
Quantum32 = cuint;
pPixelPacket8 = ˆPixelPacket8;
pPixelPacket16 = ˆPixelPacket16;
pPixelPacket32 = ˆPixelPacket32;
_CacheInfoPtr_ = pointer;
_BlobInfoPtr_ = pointer;
MaxTextExtent = 0..2052;
pExceptionInfo = ˆExceptionInfo;
_ThreadViewSetPtr_ = pointer;
_ImageAttributePtr_ = pointer;
_Ascii85InfoPtr_ = pointer;
_SemaphoreInfoPtr_ = pointer;
pImage8 = ˆImage8;
pImage16 = ˆImage16;
pImage32 = ˆImage32;
pImageInfo8 = ˆImageInfo8;
pImageInfo16 = ˆImageInfo16;
pImageInfo32 = ˆImageInfo32;
pExportPixelAreaOptions = ˆExportPixelAreaOptions;
pImportPixelAreaOptions = ˆImportPixelAreaOptions;
pExportPixelAreaInfo = ˆExportPixelAreaInfo;
pImportPixelAreaInfo = ˆImportPixelAreaInfo;
pMagickWand = ˆMagickWand;


graphicsmagicwandlib: array[0..1] of filenamety = ('libGraphicsMagickWand.so.2','libGraphicsMagickWand.so');
graphicsmagiclib: array[0..1] of filenamety = ('libGraphicsMagick.so.3','libGraphicsMagick.so');
MagickTrue = 1;
MagickFalse = 0;
MagickPass = 1;
MagickFail = 0;
UndefinedExceptionBase = 0;
ExceptionBase = 1;
ResourceBase = 2;
ResourceLimitBase = 2;
TypeBase = 5;
AnnotateBase = 5;
OptionBase = 10;
DelegateBase = 15;
MissingDelegateBase = 20;
CorruptImageBase = 25;
FileOpenBase = 30;
BlobBase = 35;
StreamBase = 40;
CacheBase = 45;
CoderBase = 50;
ModuleBase = 55;
DrawBase = 60;
RenderBase = 60;
ImageBase = 65;
WandBase = 67;
TemporaryFileBase = 70;
TransformBase = 75;
XServerBase = 80;
X11Base = 81;
UserBase = 82;
MonitorBase = 85;
LocaleBase = 86;
DeprecateBase = 87;
RegistryBase = 90;
ConfigureBase = 95;
UndefinedException = 0;
EventException = 100;
ExceptionEvent = EventException + ExceptionBase;
ResourceEvent = EventException + ResourceBase;
ResourceLimitEvent = EventException + ResourceLimitBase;
TypeEvent = EventException + TypeBase;
AnnotateEvent = EventException + AnnotateBase;
OptionEvent = EventException + OptionBase;
DelegateEvent = EventException + DelegateBase;
MissingDelegateEvent = EventException + MissingDelegateBase;
CorruptImageEvent = EventException + CorruptImageBase;
FileOpenEvent = EventException + FileOpenBase;
BlobEvent = EventException + BlobBase;
StreamEvent = EventException + StreamBase;
CacheEvent = EventException + CacheBase;
CoderEvent = EventException + CoderBase;
ModuleEvent = EventException + ModuleBase;
DrawEvent = EventException + DrawBase;
RenderEvent = EventException + RenderBase;
ImageEvent = EventException + ImageBase;
WandEvent = EventException + WandBase;
TemporaryFileEvent = EventException + TemporaryFileBase;
TransformEvent = EventException + TransformBase;
XServerEvent = EventException + XServerBase;
X11Event = EventException + X11Base;
UserEvent = EventException + UserBase;
MonitorEvent = EventException + MonitorBase;
LocaleEvent = EventException + LocaleBase;
DeprecateEvent = EventException + DeprecateBase;
RegistryEvent = EventException + RegistryBase;
ConfigureEvent = EventException + ConfigureBase;
WarningException = 300;
ExceptionWarning = WarningException + ExceptionBase;
ResourceWarning = WarningException + ResourceBase;
ResourceLimitWarning = WarningException + ResourceLimitBase;
TypeWarning = WarningException + TypeBase;
AnnotateWarning = WarningException + AnnotateBase;
OptionWarning = WarningException + OptionBase;
DelegateWarning = WarningException + DelegateBase;
MissingDelegateWarning = WarningException + MissingDelegateBase;
CorruptImageWarning = WarningException + CorruptImageBase;
FileOpenWarning = WarningException + FileOpenBase;
BlobWarning = WarningException + BlobBase;
StreamWarning = WarningException + StreamBase;
CacheWarning = WarningException + CacheBase;
CoderWarning = WarningException + CoderBase;
ModuleWarning = WarningException + ModuleBase;
DrawWarning = WarningException + DrawBase;
RenderWarning = WarningException + RenderBase;
ImageWarning = WarningException + ImageBase;
WandWarning = WarningException + WandBase;
TemporaryFileWarning = WarningException + TemporaryFileBase;
TransformWarning = WarningException + TransformBase;
XServerWarning = WarningException + XServerBase;
X11Warning = WarningException + X11Base;
UserWarning = WarningException + UserBase;
MonitorWarning = WarningException + MonitorBase;
LocaleWarning = WarningException + LocaleBase;
DeprecateWarning = WarningException + DeprecateBase;
RegistryWarning = WarningException + RegistryBase;
ConfigureWarning = WarningException + ConfigureBase;
ErrorException = 400;
ExceptionError = ErrorException + ExceptionBase;
ResourceError = ErrorException + ResourceBase;
ResourceLimitError = ErrorException + ResourceLimitBase;
TypeError = ErrorException + TypeBase;
AnnotateError = ErrorException + AnnotateBase;
OptionError = ErrorException + OptionBase;
DelegateError = ErrorException + DelegateBase;
MissingDelegateError = ErrorException + MissingDelegateBase;
CorruptImageError = ErrorException + CorruptImageBase;
FileOpenError = ErrorException + FileOpenBase;
BlobError = ErrorException + BlobBase;
StreamError = ErrorException + StreamBase;
CacheError = ErrorException + CacheBase;
CoderError = ErrorException + CoderBase;
ModuleError = ErrorException + ModuleBase;
DrawError = ErrorException + DrawBase;
RenderError = ErrorException + RenderBase;
ImageError = ErrorException + ImageBase;
WandError = ErrorException + WandBase;
TemporaryFileError = ErrorException + TemporaryFileBase;
TransformError = ErrorException + TransformBase;
XServerError = ErrorException + XServerBase;
X11Error = ErrorException + X11Base;
UserError = ErrorException + UserBase;
MonitorError = ErrorException + MonitorBase;
LocaleError = ErrorException + LocaleBase;
DeprecateError = ErrorException + DeprecateBase;
RegistryError = ErrorException + RegistryBase;
ConfigureError = ErrorException + ConfigureBase;
FatalErrorException = 700;
ExceptionFatalError = FatalErrorException + ExceptionBase;
ResourceFatalError = FatalErrorException + ResourceBase;
ResourceLimitFatalError = FatalErrorException + ResourceLimitBase;
TypeFatalError = FatalErrorException + TypeBase;
AnnotateFatalError = FatalErrorException + AnnotateBase;
OptionFatalError = FatalErrorException + OptionBase;
DelegateFatalError = FatalErrorException + DelegateBase;
MissingDelegateFatalError = FatalErrorException + MissingDelegateBase;
CorruptImageFatalError = FatalErrorException + CorruptImageBase;
FileOpenFatalError = FatalErrorException + FileOpenBase;
BlobFatalError = FatalErrorException + BlobBase;
StreamFatalError = FatalErrorException + StreamBase;
CacheFatalError = FatalErrorException + CacheBase;
CoderFatalError = FatalErrorException + CoderBase;
ModuleFatalError = FatalErrorException + ModuleBase;
DrawFatalError = FatalErrorException + DrawBase;
RenderFatalError = FatalErrorException + RenderBase;
ImageFatalError = FatalErrorException + ImageBase;
WandFatalError = FatalErrorException + WandBase;
TemporaryFileFatalError = FatalErrorException + TemporaryFileBase;
TransformFatalError = FatalErrorException + TransformBase;
XServerFatalError = FatalErrorException + XServerBase;
X11FatalError = FatalErrorException + X11Base;
UserFatalError = FatalErrorException + UserBase;
MonitorFatalError = FatalErrorException + MonitorBase;
LocaleFatalError = FatalErrorException + LocaleBase;
DeprecateFatalError = FatalErrorException + DeprecateBase;
RegistryFatalError = FatalErrorException + RegistryBase;
ConfigureFatalError = FatalErrorException + ConfigureBase;


InitializeMagick: procedure(path: pcchar); cdecl;
DestroyMagick: procedure(); cdecl;
MagickMalloc: function(size: size_t): pointer; cdecl;
MagickFree: procedure(memory: pointer); cdecl;
MagickGetVersion: function(version: pculong): pcchar; cdecl;
MagickGetQuantumDepth: function(depth: pculong): pchar; cdecl;
MagickQueryFormats: function(pattern: pcchar; number_formats: pculong): ppcchar; cdecl;
GetExceptionInfo: procedure(exception: pExceptionInfo); cdecl;
DestroyExceptionInfo: procedure(exception: pExceptionInfo); cdecl;
CloneImageInfo: function(image_info: pointer): pointer; cdecl;
DestroyImageInfo: procedure(image_info: pointer); cdecl;
AllocateImage: function(image_info: pointer): pointer; cdecl;
PingImage: function(image_info: pointer; exception: pExceptionInfo):pointer; cdecl;
ReadImage: function(image_info: pointer; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
PingBlob: function(imageinfo: pointer; blob: pointer; length: size_t; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
BlobToImage: function(image_info: pointer; blob: pointer; length: size_t; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
WriteImage: function(image_info: pointer; image: pointer): cuint; cdecl;
ImageToBlob: function(image_info: pointer; image: pointer; length: psize_t; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
DestroyImage: procedure(image: pointer); cdecl;
DispatchImage: function(image: pointer; x_offset: clong; y_offset: clong; columns: culong; rows: culong; map: pcchar; _type: StorageType; pixels: pointer; exception: pExceptionInfo): MagickPassFail; cdecl;
ConstituteImage: function(width: cuint; height: cuint; map: pcchar; _type: StorageType; pixels: pointer; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
ExportImagePixelArea: function(image: pointer; quantum_type: QuantumType; quantum_size: cuint; destination: pcuchar; options: pExportPixelAreaOptions; export_info: pExportPixelAreaInfo): MagickPassFail; cdecl;
ImportImagePixelArea: function(image: pointer; quantum_type: QuantumType; quantum_size: cuint; source: pcuchar; options: pImportPixelAreaOptions; import_info: pImportPixelAreaInfo): MagickPassFail; cdecl;
ImportPixelAreaOptionsInit: procedure(options: pImportPixelAreaOptions); cdecl;
ExportPixelAreaOptionsInit: procedure(options: pExportPixelAreaOptions); cdecl;
GetImagePixels: function(image: pointer; x: clong; y: clong; columns: culong; rows: culong): pointer; cdecl;
SetImagePixels: function(image: pointer; x: clong; const y: clong; columns: culong; rows: culong): pointer; cdecl;
SyncImagePixels: function(image: pointer): MagickPassFail; cdecl;
AllocateImageColormap: function(image: pointer; colors: culong): cuint; cdecl;
SampleImage: function(image: pointer; columns: culong; rows: culong; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
ScaleImage: function(image: pointer; columns: culong; rows: culong; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
ResizeImage: function(image: pointer; columns: culong; rows: culong; filter: FilterTypes; blur: cdouble; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
RotateImage: function(image: pointer; degrees: cdouble; exception: pExceptionInfo): pointer; cdecl;
NewMagickWand: function(): pMagickWand; cdecl;
DestroyMagickWand: procedure(wand: pMagickWand); cdecl;
MagickReadImage: function(wand: pMagickWand; filename: pcchar): cuint; cdecl;
MagickReadImageBlob: function(wand: pMagickWand; blob: pcuchar; length: size_t): cuint; cdecl;
MagickReadImageFile: function(wand: pMagickWand; _file: pFILE): cuint; cdecl;
MagickWriteImage: function(wand: pMagickWand; filename: pcchar): cuint; cdecl;
MagickWriteImageFile: function(wand: pMagickWand; _file: pFILE): cuint; cdecl;
MagickWriteImageBlob: function(wand: pMagickWand; length: psize_t): cuchar; cdecl;
MagickSetFormat: function(wand: pMagickWand; format: pcchar): cuint; cdecl;

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