Class ttextstream
type ttextstream = class(tcustombufstream)
No description available, ancestor tcustombufstream description follows
No description available, ancestor tmsefilestream description follows
- TObject
- TStream
- thandlestream
- tmsefilestream
- tcustombufstream
- ttextstream
fencoding: charencodingty; |
feolflags: eolflagsty; |
feol: string; |
feolm: msestring; |
function encode(const value: msestring): string; |
function decode(const value: string): msestring; |
constructor create(ahandle: integer); override; |
class function trycreate(out ainstance: ttextstream; const afilename: filenamety; const aopenmode: fileopenmodety = fm_read; const accessmode: fileaccessmodesty = []; const rights: filerightsty = defaultfilerights): syserrorty; |
procedure return; |
procedure writestr(const value: string); |
procedure writestrln(const value: string); |
function readstrln(var value: string): boolean; overload; virtual; |
procedure writetotext(var dest: text); |
procedure write(const value: string); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const value: msestring); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const value: real); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const value: integer); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const value: boolean); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const values: array of const); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure writeln; overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: string); overload; virtual; |
procedure writeln(const value: msestring); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: real); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: integer); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: boolean); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: msestringarty); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: stringarty); overload; |
procedure writeln(const values: array of const); overload; |
function readln: boolean; overload; |
function readln(var value: string): boolean; overload; |
function readln(var value: msestring): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: integer): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: boolean): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: real): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: msestringarty): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: stringarty): boolean; overload; |
procedure writestrings(const value: stringarty); |
procedure writemsestrings(const value: msestringarty); |
function readstrings: stringarty; |
function readmsestrings: msestringarty; |
function readmsedatastring: msestring; |
function readstring(const default: string): string; |
function readinteger(default: integer; min: integer = minint; max: integer = maxint): integer; |
function readboolean(default: boolean): boolean; |
function readreal(default: real; min: real = -bigreal; max: real = bigreal): real; |
function findnext(const substring: string): boolean; |
function linecount: integer; |
procedure resetsearch; |
function searchnext: boolean; |
function foundeolstyle: eolstylety; |
property nativesearchtext: string read fsearchtext write setsearchtext; |
property msesearchtext: msestring read getmsesearchtext
write setmsesearchtext; |
property searchoptions: searchoptionsty read fsearchoptions
write setsearchoptions; |
property searchpos: longword read fsearchpos write fsearchpos; |
property searchfoundpos: longword read fsearchfoundpos; |
property searchlinestartpos: longword read fsearchlinestartpos
write fsearchlinestartpos; |
property searchlinenumber: longword read fsearchlinenumber
write fsearchlinenumber; |
property searchabortpo: pboolean read fsearchabortpo write fsearchabortpo; |
property notopen: boolean read getnotopen; |
property encoding: charencodingty read fencoding write fencoding
default ce_locale; |
property eolstyle: eolstylety read feolstyle
write seteolstyle default eol_default; |
fencoding: charencodingty; |
feolflags: eolflagsty; |
feol: string; |
feolm: msestring; |
function encode(const value: msestring): string; |
function decode(const value: string): msestring; |
constructor create(ahandle: integer); override; |
class function trycreate(out ainstance: ttextstream; const afilename: filenamety; const aopenmode: fileopenmodety = fm_read; const accessmode: fileaccessmodesty = []; const rights: filerightsty = defaultfilerights): syserrorty; |
procedure return; |
procedure writestr(const value: string); |
procedure writestrln(const value: string); |
function readstrln(var value: string): boolean; overload; virtual; |
procedure writetotext(var dest: text); |
procedure write(const value: string); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const value: msestring); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const value: real); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const value: integer); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const value: boolean); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure write(const values: array of const); reintroduce; overload; |
procedure writeln; overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: string); overload; virtual; |
procedure writeln(const value: msestring); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: real); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: integer); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: boolean); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: msestringarty); overload; |
procedure writeln(const value: stringarty); overload; |
procedure writeln(const values: array of const); overload; |
function readln: boolean; overload; |
function readln(var value: string): boolean; overload; |
function readln(var value: msestring): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: integer): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: boolean): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: real): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: msestringarty): boolean; overload; |
function readln(out value: stringarty): boolean; overload; |
procedure writestrings(const value: stringarty); |
procedure writemsestrings(const value: msestringarty); |
function readstrings: stringarty; |
function readmsestrings: msestringarty; |
function readmsedatastring: msestring; |
function readstring(const default: string): string; |
function readinteger(default: integer; min: integer = minint; max: integer = maxint): integer; |
function readboolean(default: boolean): boolean; |
function readreal(default: real; min: real = -bigreal; max: real = bigreal): real; |
function findnext(const substring: string): boolean; |
function linecount: integer; |
procedure resetsearch; |
function searchnext: boolean; |
function foundeolstyle: eolstylety; |
property nativesearchtext: string read fsearchtext write setsearchtext; |
property msesearchtext: msestring read getmsesearchtext
write setmsesearchtext; |
property searchoptions: searchoptionsty read fsearchoptions
write setsearchoptions; |
property searchpos: longword read fsearchpos write fsearchpos; |
property searchfoundpos: longword read fsearchfoundpos; |
property searchlinestartpos: longword read fsearchlinestartpos
write fsearchlinestartpos; |
property searchlinenumber: longword read fsearchlinenumber
write fsearchlinenumber; |
property searchabortpo: pboolean read fsearchabortpo write fsearchabortpo; |
property notopen: boolean read getnotopen; |
property encoding: charencodingty read fencoding write fencoding
default ce_locale; |
property eolstyle: eolstylety read feolstyle
write seteolstyle default eol_default; |
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