Unit BGRAOpenGLType


Basic types used with OpenGL



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Interface IBGLFont Interface for a font drawn on OpenGL canvas
Interface IBGLTexture Interface for a texture in OpenGL (stored in VRAM)
Class TBGLCustomBitmap Abstract RGBA bitmap that can be used with OpenGL by converting it into a texture
Class TBGLCustomFont Abstract class for a font drawn on OpenGL canvas
Class TBGLCustomFrameBuffer Abstract class for a frame buffer in OpenGL
Class TBGLCustomTexture Abstract class for a texture in OpenGL (stored in VRAM)

Functions and Procedures

function GetPowerOfTwo( Value : Integer ) : Integer;
function OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(AMinX,AMinY,AMaxX,AMaxY: Single): TMatrix4D;


TBGLBitmapAny = class of TBGLCustomBitmap;
TBGLTextureAny = class of TBGLCustomTexture;
TBGLTextureHandle = type Pointer;
TFaceCulling = BGRABitmapTypes.TFaceCulling;
TOpenGLBlendMode = (...);
TOpenGLPrimitive = (...);
TOpenGLResampleFilter = (...);
TWaitForGPUOption = (...);


fcKeepCCW = BGRABitmapTypes.fcKeepCCW;
fcKeepCW = BGRABitmapTypes.fcKeepCW;
fcNone = BGRABitmapTypes.fcNone;


BGLBitmapFactory: TBGLBitmapAny;
BGLTextureFactory: TBGLTextureAny;


Functions and Procedures

function GetPowerOfTwo( Value : Integer ) : Integer;

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function OrthoProjectionToOpenGL(AMinX,AMinY,AMaxX,AMaxY: Single): TMatrix4D;

This item has no description.


TBGLBitmapAny = class of TBGLCustomBitmap;

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TBGLTextureAny = class of TBGLCustomTexture;

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TBGLTextureHandle = type Pointer;

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TFaceCulling = BGRABitmapTypes.TFaceCulling;

Enumerates the modes of face culling in rendering. Face culling is a technique used to determine which faces of a polygon are visible and should be rendered

TOpenGLBlendMode = (...);

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  • obmNormal
  • obmAdd
  • obmMultiply
TOpenGLPrimitive = (...);

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  • opPoints
  • opLineStrip
  • opLineLoop
  • opLines
  • opTriangleStrip
  • opTriangleFan
  • opTriangles
TOpenGLResampleFilter = (...);

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  • orfBox
  • orfLinear
TWaitForGPUOption = (...);

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  • wfgQueueAllCommands
  • wfgFinishAllCommands


fcKeepCCW = BGRABitmapTypes.fcKeepCCW;

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fcKeepCW = BGRABitmapTypes.fcKeepCW;

This item has no description.

fcNone = BGRABitmapTypes.fcNone;

This item has no description.


BGLBitmapFactory: TBGLBitmapAny;

This item has no description.

BGLTextureFactory: TBGLTextureAny;

This item has no description.