Class TBGRABitmap



type TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRAMSEguiBitmap)


Import version for MSEgui




Public function CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: integer = 8; AHeight: integer = 8; APenWidth: single = 1): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean = False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask: Boolean) : TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean = false; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect; mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterCylinder(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterGrayscale(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean = True; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterPlane(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single; correctBlur: boolean = false; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single = 1; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterSmooth(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterSphere(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function GetPart(const ARect: TRect; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function GetUnique: TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function NewBitmap: TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;
Public function NewReference: TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer; mode: TResampleMode = rmFineResample; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function RotateCCW(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function RotateCW(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;
Public function RotateUD(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;



Public function CreateBrushTexture(ABrushStyle: TBrushStyle; APatternColor, ABackgroundColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: integer = 8; AHeight: integer = 8; APenWidth: single = 1): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties: Boolean = False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function Duplicate(DuplicateProperties, DuplicateXorMask: Boolean) : TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean = false; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterBlurMotion(distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterBlurMotion(const ABounds: TRect; distance: single; angle: single; oriented: boolean; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterBlurRadial(radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TCustomUniversalBitmap.FilterBlurRadial.


Public function FilterBlurRadial(const ABounds: TRect; radius: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterBlurRadial(radiusX, radiusY: single; blurType: TRadialBlurType; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterCustomBlur(const ABounds: TRect; mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterCustomBlur(mask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterCylinder(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterGrayscale(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean = True; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterPlane(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single; correctBlur: boolean = false; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single = 1; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSmartZoom3.


Public function FilterSmooth(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterSphere(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function GetPart(const ARect: TRect; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TCustomUniversalBitmap.GetPart.

Get a part of the image with repetition in both directions. It means that if the bounds are within the image, the result is just that part of the image, but if the bounds are bigger than the image, the image is tiled.

Public function GetUnique: TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRACustomBitmap.GetUnique.

Returns an object with a reference count equal to 1. Duplicate this bitmap if necessary

Public function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap.

Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''. Creates a new instance with dimensions ''AWidth'' and ''AHeight'', and fills it with Color

Public function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap.

Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''. Creates a new instance with dimensions ''AWidth'' and ''AHeight'', containing transparent pixels.

Public function NewBitmap: TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap.

Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''. Creates a new instance with dimensions 0 x 0.

Public function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public function NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap.

Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''. Creates an image by copying the content of a ''TFPCustomImage''

Public function NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap.

Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''. Creates a new instance with by loading its content from the file ''Filename''. The encoding of the string is the default one for the operating system

Public function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRABitmap; overload; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap.

Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''. Creates a new instance with by loading its content from the file ''Filename''

Public function NewReference: TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRACustomBitmap.NewReference.

Adds a reference (this reference count is not the same as the reference count of an interface, it changes only by explicit calls)

Public function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer; mode: TResampleMode = rmFineResample; ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description.

Public function RotateCCW(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TCustomUniversalBitmap.RotateCCW.

Return a new bitmap rotated in a counter clock wise direction.

Public function RotateCW(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TBGRACustomBitmap.RotateCW.


Public function RotateUD(ACopyProperties: Boolean=False): TBGRABitmap; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TCustomUniversalBitmap.RotateUD.

Return a new bitmap rotated 180° (upside down).