Unit msessl
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class essl |
Record ssldataty |
Record sslinfoty |
Class tssl |
Record digesthandlerdatadty |
Record digesthandlerdataty |
Class tdigesthandler |
Record sslhandlerdatadty |
Record sslhandlerdataty |
Class tcustomopensslcryptohandler |
Class tsymciphercryptohandler |
Class tasymciphercryptohandler |
Functions and Procedures
function waitforio(const aerror: integer; var ainfo: cryptoioinfoty; const atimeoutms: integer; const resultpo: pinteger = nil): boolean; |
function filebio(const aname: filenamety; const aopenmode: fileopenmodety): pbio; |
procedure closebio(const abio: pbio); |
function readpubkey(const aname: filenamety): pevp_pkey; |
function readprivkey(const aname: filenamety; const getkey: getkeydataeventty): pevp_pkey; |
procedure freekey(const akey: pevp_pkey); |
function messagedigest(const adata: string; const digestname: string): string; |
sslprotocolty = (...); |
sslprotocolsty = set of sslprotocolty; |
digeststatety = (...); |
digeststatesty = set of digeststatety; |
pdigesthandlerdatadty = ˆdigesthandlerdatadty; |
cipherkindty = (...); |
keybufty = array[0..evp_max_key_length-1] of byte; |
ivbufty = array[0..evp_max_iv_length-1] of byte; |
psslhandlerdatadty = ˆsslhandlerdatadty; |
getkeyeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var akey,asalt: string) of object; |
opensslcryptooptionty = (...); |
opensslcryptooptionsty = set of opensslcryptooptionty; |
getkeydataeventty = procedure(out akey: string; out asalt: string) of object; |
defaultsslprotocols = [ssp_sslv2,ssp_sslv3,ssp_tlsv1]; |
defaultcipherlist = 'DEFAULT'; |
defaultkeygeniterationcount = 1; |
defaultopensslcryptooptions = [sslco_salt]; |
Functions and Procedures
function waitforio(const aerror: integer; var ainfo: cryptoioinfoty; const atimeoutms: integer; const resultpo: pinteger = nil): boolean; |
function filebio(const aname: filenamety; const aopenmode: fileopenmodety): pbio; |
procedure closebio(const abio: pbio); |
function readpubkey(const aname: filenamety): pevp_pkey; |
function readprivkey(const aname: filenamety; const getkey: getkeydataeventty): pevp_pkey; |
procedure freekey(const akey: pevp_pkey); |
function messagedigest(const adata: string; const digestname: string): string; |
sslprotocolty = (...); |
sslprotocolsty = set of sslprotocolty; |
digeststatety = (...); |
digeststatesty = set of digeststatety; |
pdigesthandlerdatadty = ˆdigesthandlerdatadty; |
cipherkindty = (...); |
keybufty = array[0..evp_max_key_length-1] of byte; |
ivbufty = array[0..evp_max_iv_length-1] of byte; |
psslhandlerdatadty = ˆsslhandlerdatadty; |
getkeyeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var akey,asalt: string) of object; |
opensslcryptooptionty = (...); |
opensslcryptooptionsty = set of opensslcryptooptionty; |
getkeydataeventty = procedure(out akey: string; out asalt: string) of object; |
defaultsslprotocols = [ssp_sslv2,ssp_sslv3,ssp_tlsv1]; |
defaultcipherlist = 'DEFAULT'; |
defaultkeygeniterationcount = 1; |
defaultopensslcryptooptions = [sslco_salt]; |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.