Unit mserichstring




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record charstylety  
Record formatinfoty  
Record richstringty  
Interface irichstringprop  
Class trichstringdatalist  
Class tcharstyledatalist  

Functions and Procedures

function charstyletocolor(const color: colorty): colorty;
function colortocharstyle(const color: colorty): colorty;
function setfontcolor1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; color: colorty): boolean;
function setfontcolor(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; color: colorty): formatinfoarty;
function setcolorbackground1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; color: colorty): boolean;
function setcolorbackground(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; color: colorty): formatinfoarty;
function updatefontstyle1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; astyle: fontstylety; aset: boolean): boolean;
function updatefontstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; astyle: fontstylety; aset: boolean): formatinfoarty;
function updatefontstyle1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; astyles: fontstylesty; aset: boolean): boolean;
function updatefontstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; astyles: fontstylesty; aset: boolean): formatinfoarty;
function setcharstyle1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex,len: halfinteger; const style: charstylety): boolean;
function setcharstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex,len: halfinteger; const style: charstylety): formatinfoarty;
function getcharstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; const aindex: integer): charstylety;
function getfontstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; const aindex: integer): fontstylesty;
procedure setselected1(var text: richstringty; start,len: halfinteger);
function setselected(const text: richstringty; start,len: halfinteger): richstringty;
function isequalrichstring(const a,b: richstringty): boolean;
function isemptyrichstring(const value: richstringty): boolean;
function isequalformat(const a,b: formatinfoarty): boolean;
function isequalformatinfo(const a,b: formatinfoty): boolean;
procedure richdelete(var value: richstringty; aindex,count: integer);
procedure richinsert(const source: msestring; var value: richstringty; aindex: integer);
function richcopy(const source: richstringty; index, count: halfinteger): richstringty;
function richconcat(const a,b: richstringty): richstringty; overload;
function richconcat(const a: richstringty; const b: msestring; const fontstyle: fontstylesty = []; const fontcolor: colorty = cl_none; const colorbackground: colorty = cl_none): richstringty; overload;
function richconcat(const a: msestring; const b: richstringty; const fontstyle: fontstylesty = []; const fontcolor: colorty = cl_none; const colorbackground: colorty = cl_none): richstringty; overload;
procedure richconcat1(var dest: richstringty; const b: richstringty); overload;
procedure richconcat1(var dest: richstringty; const b: msestring; const fontstyle: fontstylesty = []; const fontcolor: colorty = cl_none; const colorbackground: colorty = cl_none); overload;
procedure additem(const value: richstringty; var dest: richstringarty; var count: integer; step: integer = 32); overload;
function splitrichstring(const avalue: richstringty; const separator: msechar): richstringarty;
function breakrichlines(const source: richstringty): richstringarty;
procedure captiontorichstring(const caption: captionty; var dest: richstringty);
function richstringtocaption(const caption: richstringty): captionty;
function isshortcut(key: keyty; const caption: msestring): boolean; overload;
function isshortcut(key: msechar; const caption: msestring): boolean; overload;
function expandtabs(const s: richstringty; const tabcharcount: integer): richstringty;
procedure writerichstring(const writer: twriter; const value: richstringty);
function readrichstring(const reader: treader): richstringty;


newinfoty = (...);
newinfosty = set of newinfoty;
pcharstylety = ˆcharstylety;
charstylearty = array of charstylety;
pformatinfoty = ˆformatinfoty;
formatinfoarty = array of formatinfoty;
pformatinfoarty = ˆformatinfoarty;
richflagty = (...);
richflagsty = set of richflagty;
prichstringty = ˆrichstringty;
richstringarty = array of richstringty;
richstringaty = array[0..0] of richstringty;
prichstringaty = ˆrichstringaty;
updaterichstringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: richstringty) of object;


fsboldmask = $01;
fsitalicmask = $02;
fsunderlinemask = $04;
fsstrikeoutmask = $08;
fonthandleflags = [ni_bold,ni_italic];
fontlayoutflags = [ni_bold,ni_italic,ni_blank];
fontstyleflags = [ni_bold,ni_italic,ni_underline,ni_strikeout,ni_selected, ni_blank];
emptyrichstring: richstringty = (text: ''; format: nil; flags: []);
richlineend: richstringty = (text: lineend; format: nil; flags: []);


hotkeyfontstylesadd: fontstylesty;
hotkeyfontstylesremove: fontstylesty;
hotkeycolor: colorty;
hotkeycolorbackground: colorty;


Functions and Procedures

function charstyletocolor(const color: colorty): colorty;
function colortocharstyle(const color: colorty): colorty;
function setfontcolor1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; color: colorty): boolean;
function setfontcolor(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; color: colorty): formatinfoarty;
function setcolorbackground1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; color: colorty): boolean;
function setcolorbackground(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; color: colorty): formatinfoarty;
function updatefontstyle1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; astyle: fontstylety; aset: boolean): boolean;
function updatefontstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; astyle: fontstylety; aset: boolean): formatinfoarty;
function updatefontstyle1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; astyles: fontstylesty; aset: boolean): boolean;
function updatefontstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; len: halfinteger; astyles: fontstylesty; aset: boolean): formatinfoarty;
function setcharstyle1(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex,len: halfinteger; const style: charstylety): boolean;
function setcharstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex,len: halfinteger; const style: charstylety): formatinfoarty;
function getcharstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; const aindex: integer): charstylety;
function getfontstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; const aindex: integer): fontstylesty;
procedure setselected1(var text: richstringty; start,len: halfinteger);
function setselected(const text: richstringty; start,len: halfinteger): richstringty;
function isequalrichstring(const a,b: richstringty): boolean;
function isemptyrichstring(const value: richstringty): boolean;
function isequalformat(const a,b: formatinfoarty): boolean;
function isequalformatinfo(const a,b: formatinfoty): boolean;
procedure richdelete(var value: richstringty; aindex,count: integer);
procedure richinsert(const source: msestring; var value: richstringty; aindex: integer);
function richcopy(const source: richstringty; index, count: halfinteger): richstringty;
function richconcat(const a,b: richstringty): richstringty; overload;
function richconcat(const a: richstringty; const b: msestring; const fontstyle: fontstylesty = []; const fontcolor: colorty = cl_none; const colorbackground: colorty = cl_none): richstringty; overload;
function richconcat(const a: msestring; const b: richstringty; const fontstyle: fontstylesty = []; const fontcolor: colorty = cl_none; const colorbackground: colorty = cl_none): richstringty; overload;
procedure richconcat1(var dest: richstringty; const b: richstringty); overload;
procedure richconcat1(var dest: richstringty; const b: msestring; const fontstyle: fontstylesty = []; const fontcolor: colorty = cl_none; const colorbackground: colorty = cl_none); overload;
procedure additem(const value: richstringty; var dest: richstringarty; var count: integer; step: integer = 32); overload;
function splitrichstring(const avalue: richstringty; const separator: msechar): richstringarty;
function breakrichlines(const source: richstringty): richstringarty;
procedure captiontorichstring(const caption: captionty; var dest: richstringty);
function richstringtocaption(const caption: richstringty): captionty;
function isshortcut(key: keyty; const caption: msestring): boolean; overload;
function isshortcut(key: msechar; const caption: msestring): boolean; overload;
function expandtabs(const s: richstringty; const tabcharcount: integer): richstringty;
procedure writerichstring(const writer: twriter; const value: richstringty);
function readrichstring(const reader: treader): richstringty;


newinfoty = (...);
  • ni_bold = ord(fs_bold)
  • ni_italic = ord(fs_italic)
  • ni_underline = ord(fs_underline)
  • ni_strikeout = ord(fs_strikeout)
  • ni_selected = ord(fs_selected)
  • ni_blank = ord(fs_blank)
  • ni_fontcolor
  • ni_colorbackground
  • ni_delete
newinfosty = set of newinfoty;
pcharstylety = ˆcharstylety;
charstylearty = array of charstylety;
pformatinfoty = ˆformatinfoty;
formatinfoarty = array of formatinfoty;
pformatinfoarty = ˆformatinfoarty;
richflagty = (...);
  • rf_noparagraph
richflagsty = set of richflagty;
prichstringty = ˆrichstringty;
richstringarty = array of richstringty;
richstringaty = array[0..0] of richstringty;
prichstringaty = ˆrichstringaty;
updaterichstringeventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var avalue: richstringty) of object;


fsboldmask = $01;
fsitalicmask = $02;
fsunderlinemask = $04;
fsstrikeoutmask = $08;
fonthandleflags = [ni_bold,ni_italic];
fontlayoutflags = [ni_bold,ni_italic,ni_blank];
fontstyleflags = [ni_bold,ni_italic,ni_underline,ni_strikeout,ni_selected, ni_blank];
emptyrichstring: richstringty = (text: ''; format: nil; flags: []);
richlineend: richstringty = (text: lineend; format: nil; flags: []);


hotkeyfontstylesadd: fontstylesty;
hotkeyfontstylesremove: fontstylesty;
hotkeycolor: colorty;
hotkeycolorbackground: colorty;

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