Unit msemacros




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record macroinfoty  
Class tmacrolist  
Class tmacrostringlist  
Class tstringlistmacro  
Class tstringlistmacroitem  
Class tmacroproperty  

Functions and Procedures

function initmacros(const amacros: array of macroinfoty): macroinfoarty;
function initmacros(const anames,avalues: array of msestring; const ahandler: array of macrohandlerty): macroinfoarty;
function initmacros(const anames,avalues: array of msestringarty; const ahandler: array of macrohandlerarty): macroinfoarty;
function initmacros(const amacros: array of macroinfoarty): macroinfoarty;
function expandmacros(const value: msestring; const macros: macroinfoarty; const options: macrooptionsty = [mao_caseinsensitive]): msestring;
function expandmacros(const value: msestring; const anames,avalues: array of msestring; const options: macrooptionsty = [mao_caseinsensitive]): msestring;
function expandmacros1(const value: msestring; const anames,avalues: array of msestring; const options: macrooptionsty = [mao_caseinsensitive]): msestring;
function expandmacros2(const value: msestring; const anames,avalues: array of msestring; const ahandler: array of macrohandlerty; const options: macrooptionsty = [mao_caseinsensitive]): msestring;


macrohandlerty = function(const sender: tmacrolist; const params: msestringarty): msestring;
macrohandlerarty = array of macrohandlerty;
pmacroinfoty = ˆmacroinfoty;
macroinfoarty = array of macroinfoty;
macroinfoaty = array[0..0] of macroinfoty;
pmacroinfoaty = ˆmacroinfoaty;
macrooptionty = (...);
macrooptionsty = set of macrooptionty;


Functions and Procedures

function initmacros(const amacros: array of macroinfoty): macroinfoarty;
function initmacros(const anames,avalues: array of msestring; const ahandler: array of macrohandlerty): macroinfoarty;
function initmacros(const anames,avalues: array of msestringarty; const ahandler: array of macrohandlerarty): macroinfoarty;
function initmacros(const amacros: array of macroinfoarty): macroinfoarty;
function expandmacros(const value: msestring; const macros: macroinfoarty; const options: macrooptionsty = [mao_caseinsensitive]): msestring;
function expandmacros(const value: msestring; const anames,avalues: array of msestring; const options: macrooptionsty = [mao_caseinsensitive]): msestring;
function expandmacros1(const value: msestring; const anames,avalues: array of msestring; const options: macrooptionsty = [mao_caseinsensitive]): msestring;
function expandmacros2(const value: msestring; const anames,avalues: array of msestring; const ahandler: array of macrohandlerty; const options: macrooptionsty = [mao_caseinsensitive]): msestring;


macrohandlerty = function(const sender: tmacrolist; const params: msestringarty): msestring;
macrohandlerarty = array of macrohandlerty;
pmacroinfoty = ˆmacroinfoty;
macroinfoarty = array of macroinfoty;
macroinfoaty = array[0..0] of macroinfoty;
pmacroinfoaty = ˆmacroinfoaty;
macrooptionty = (...);
  • mao_caseinsensitive
  • mao_curlybraceonly
  • mao_removeunknown
macrooptionsty = set of macrooptionty;

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