Unit msedockpanelform
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class tdockpanelformmenuitem |
Class tdockpanelformscrollbox |
Class tdockpanelform |
Class tdockpanelformcontroller |
Functions and Procedures
function createdockpanelform(const aclass: tclass; const aclassname: pshortstring): tmsecomponent; |
panelfoclassty = class of tdockpanelform; |
dockpanelupdatecaptioneventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; const apanel: tdockpanelform; var avalue: msestring) of object; |
dockpanelupdatemenueventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; const apanel: tdockpanelform; const avalue: tmenuitem) of object; |
createpaneleventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; var apanel: tdockpanelform) of object; |
createdynamiccompeventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; const aclassname: string; const aname: string; var acomponent: tmsecomponent) of object; |
dynamiccompeventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; const acomponent: tmsecomponent) of object; |
Functions and Procedures
function createdockpanelform(const aclass: tclass; const aclassname: pshortstring): tmsecomponent; |
panelfoclassty = class of tdockpanelform; |
dockpanelupdatecaptioneventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; const apanel: tdockpanelform; var avalue: msestring) of object; |
dockpanelupdatemenueventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; const apanel: tdockpanelform; const avalue: tmenuitem) of object; |
createpaneleventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; var apanel: tdockpanelform) of object; |
createdynamiccompeventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; const aclassname: string; const aname: string; var acomponent: tmsecomponent) of object; |
dynamiccompeventty = procedure(const sender: tdockpanelformcontroller; const acomponent: tmsecomponent) of object; |
defaultdockpanelgripoptions = defaultgripoptions +
[go_fixsizebutton,go_topbutton,go_backgroundbutton,go_lockbutton]; |
defaultdockpaneloptionsdock = defaultoptionsdock +
od_splitvert,od_splithorz,od_tabed,od_proportional,od_propsize]; |
defaultdockpanelwidth = 350; |
defaultdockpanelheight = 200; |
defaultdockpaneloptions =
(defaultformoptions - [fo_autoreadstat,fo_autowritestat]) +
[fo_globalshortcuts,fo_screencentered]; |
defaultdockpaneloptionswidget =
(defaultformwidgetoptions - [ow_destroywidgets]) +
[ow_mousefocus,ow_arrowfocusin,ow_arrowfocusout]; |
defaultdockstatprio = 256; |
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