[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'msegrids' (#msegui)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

A grid widget


Source position: msegrids.pas line 1906

type tcustomgrid = class(tpublishedwidget, iautoscrollframe, iobjectpicker, iscrollbar, idragcontroller, istatfile, iifigridlink, iassistiveclientgrid)


  constructor create(); override;

  destructor destroy; override;

  procedure initnewcomponent(); override;

  procedure synctofontheight; override;

  procedure dragevent(); override;

  function internaldragevent(); virtual;

  function actualcursor(); override;

  procedure beginupdate;

  procedure endupdate();

  function updating;

  function calcminscrollsize; override;

  procedure layoutchanged;

  function cellclicked;

  procedure rowdatachanged();

  procedure rowup(); virtual;

  procedure rowdown(); virtual;

  procedure pageup(); virtual;

  procedure pagedown(); virtual;

  procedure wheelup(); virtual;

  procedure wheeldown(); virtual;

  procedure lastrow(); virtual;

  procedure firstrow(); virtual;

  procedure colstep(); virtual;

  function hasdata;

  function canexitrow();

  function cellexiting;

  function gridprop();

  function isdatacell();

  function isvalidcell();

  function isfixrow();

  function isfixcol();

  function rowvisible();

  function rowsperpage;

  function cellatpos();

  function cellrect();

  function clippedcellrect();

  function cellvisible();

  procedure invalidatecell();

  procedure invalidatefocusedcell;

  procedure invalidaterow();

  function selectcell();

  function getselectedrange;

  function focuscell(); virtual;

  procedure focuscolbyname();

  function focusedcellvalid;

  function rowremoving;

  function scrollingcol;

  function noscrollingcol;

  function defocuscell;

  function defocusrow;

  function showrect();

  function showcaretrect();

  function showcellrect();

  procedure showcell();

  procedure showrow();

  procedure showlastrow;

  procedure scrollrows();

  procedure scrollleft;

  procedure scrollright;

  procedure scrollpageleft;

  procedure scrollpageright;

  property cellwindowpos: pointty; [rw]

  property rowwindowpos: int32; [rw]

  property colwindowpos: int32; [rw]

  function userinput;

  procedure movecol(); virtual;

  procedure moverow(); virtual;

  function insertrow();

  procedure deleterow();

  function appinsrow();

  function isinsertempty;

  function isautoappend;

  function autoappending;

  function checkreautoappend;

  procedure removeappendedrow;

  function autoremoving;

  procedure clear;

  function appendrow();

  function appenddatarow;

  procedure sortinvalid();

  function checksort;

  procedure sort;

  function copyselection; virtual;

  function pasteselection; virtual;

  property optionsgrid: optionsgridty; [rw]

  property optionsgrid1: optionsgrid1ty; [rw]

  property optionsfold: optionsfoldty; [rw]

  property norowedit: Boolean; [rw]

  property sorted: Boolean; [rw]

  property folded: Boolean; [rw]

  property datarowlinewidth: Integer; [rw]

  property datarowlinecolorfix: colorty; [rw]

  property datarowlinecolor: colorty; [rw]

  property datarowheight: Integer; [rw]

  property datarowheightmin: Integer; [rw]

  property datarowheightmax: Integer; [rw]

  property datacols: tdatacols; [rw]

  property fixcols: tfixcols; [rw]

  property fixrows: tfixrows; [rw]

  property rowcount: Integer; [rw]

  function rowhigh;

  function datarowhigh;

  property rowcountmax: Integer; [rw]

  function visiblerow();

  property firstvisiblerow: Integer; [r]

  property lastvisiblerow: Integer; [r]

  property visiblerows: integerarty; [r]

  property focusedcell: gridcoordty; [r]

  property col: Integer; [rw]

  property row: Integer; [rw]

  property mousecell: gridcoordty; [r]

  property gridframecolor: colorty; [rw]

  property rowcolors: tcolorarrayprop; [rw]

  property rowcolorstate []: rowstatenumty; [rw]

  property rowlinecolorstate []: rowstatenumty; [rw]

  property rowlinecolorfixstate []: rowstatenumty; [rw]

  property rowlinewidth []: rowlinewidthty; [rw]

  property rowfonts: trowfontarrayprop; [rw]

  property rowfontstate []: rowstatenumty; [rw]

  property rowreadonlystate []: Boolean; [rw]

  property rowhidden []: Boolean; [rw]

  property rowfoldlevel []: Byte; [rw]

  property rowfoldissum []: Boolean; [rw]

  function rowfoldinfo;

  property rowheight []: Integer; [rw]

  property rowstatelist: trowstatelist; [rw]

  property ifilink: tifigridlinkcomp; [rw]

  property zebra_color: colorty; [rw]

  property zebra_start: Integer; [rw]

  property zebra_height: Integer; [rw]

  property zebra_step: Integer; [rw]

  property statfile: tstatfile; [rw]

  property statvarname: msestring; [rw]

  property statpriority: Integer; [rw]

  property onbeforeupdatelayout: gridnotifyeventty; [rw]

  property onlayoutchanged: gridnotifyeventty; [rw]

  property oncolmoving: gridblockmovingeventty; [rw]

  property oncolmoved: gridblockmovedeventty; [rw]

  property onrowcountchanged: gridnotifyeventty; [rw]

  property onrowsdatachanged: griddatablockeventty; [rw]

  property onrowdatachanged: griddataeventty; [rw]

  property onrowsmoving: gridblockmovingeventty; [rw]

  property onrowsmoved: gridblockmovedeventty; [rw]

  property onscrollrows: gridscrolleventty; [rw]

  property ongetmorerows: gridmorerowseventty; [rw]

  property onrowsinserting: gridbeforeblockeventty; [rw]

  property onrowsinserted: gridblockeventty; [rw]

  property onrowsdeleting: gridbeforeblockeventty; [rw]

  property onrowsdeleted: gridblockeventty; [rw]

  property onrowsmodified: notifyeventty; [rw]

  property onedited: notifyeventty; [rw]

  property onsort: gridsorteventty; [rw]

  property onsortchanged: gridnotifyeventty; [rw]

  property oncellevent: celleventty; [rw]

  property onselectionchanged: notifyeventty; [rw]

  property oncopyselection: copyselectioneventty; [rw]

  property onpasteselection: pasteselectioneventty; [rw]

  property drag: tdragcontroller; [rw]


  property frame: tgridframe; [rw]

  property font: twidgetfont; [rws]

  property fontempty: twidgetfontempty; [rws]

  property onkeydown: keyeventty; [rw]

  property wheelscrollheight: Integer; [rw]

  property optionswidget: optionswidgetty;

  property optionswidget1: optionswidget1ty;

  property onshortcut: shortcuteventty;





A grid widget




















A grid widget.

The coordinate system in MSEgui grids has its origin in the first datarow of the first datacolumn. Fixed rows and columns have negative indices:

   -2 -1 0 1 2 column-index
-2  F  F F F F
-1  F  F F F F
0   F  F D D D
1   F  F D D D
2   F  F D D D
+ row index

The big negative numbers mean "none" or "whole column/row", it is the number constant "invalidaxis" = "-bigint" = -"maxint div 2".

Documentation generated on: 2021-05-13