Class tcanvas



type tcanvas = class(tpersistent)





Protected fuser: tobject;
Protected fintf: pointer;
Protected fstate: canvasstatesty;
Protected fvaluepo: canvasvaluespoty;
Protected fdrawinfo: drawinfoty;
Protected gcfonthandle1: fontnumty;
Protected afonthandle1: fontnumty;
Protected ffont: tfont;
Public target: tobject;
Public drawinfopo: pointer;


Protected function getgdifuncs: pgdifunctionaty; virtual;
Protected procedure registergclink(const dest: tcanvas);
Protected procedure unregistergclink(const dest: tcanvas);
Protected procedure gcdestroyed(const sender: tcanvas); virtual;
Protected procedure setppmm(avalue: real); virtual;
Protected function getfitrect: rectty; virtual;
Protected procedure valuechanged(value: canvasstatety); inline;
Protected procedure valueschanged(values: canvasstatesty); inline;
Protected procedure initgcvalues; virtual;
Protected procedure initgcstate; virtual;
Protected procedure finalizegcstate; virtual;
Protected procedure checkrect(const rect: rectty);
Protected procedure checkgcstate(state: canvasstatesty); virtual;
Protected procedure checkregionstate;
Protected function defaultcliprect: rectty; virtual;
Protected function lock: boolean; virtual;
Protected procedure unlock; virtual;
Protected procedure doflush;
Protected procedure gdi(const func: gdifuncty); virtual;
Protected procedure init;
Protected procedure beforeread;
Protected procedure afterread;
Protected procedure internalcopyarea(asource: tcanvas; const asourcerect: rectty; const adestrect: rectty; acopymode: rasteropty; atransparentcolor: colorty; amask: tsimplebitmap; const amaskpos: pointty; aalignment: alignmentsty; const atileorigin: pointty; const aopacity: colorty);
Protected procedure setcliporigin(const Value: pointty);
Protected function getgchandle: ptruint;
Protected function getcanvasimage(const abgr: boolean = false): imagety;
Protected function getimage(const bgr: boolean): maskedimagety;
Protected procedure fillarc(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty; const pieslice: boolean);
Protected procedure getarcinfo(out startpo,endpo: pointty);
Protected procedure internaldrawtext(var info); virtual;
Protected function createfont: tcanvasfont; virtual;
Protected procedure drawfontline(const startpoint,endpoint: pointty);
Protected procedure nextpage; virtual;
Protected function getcontextinfopo: pointer; virtual;
Protected procedure updatesize(const asize: sizety); virtual;
Protected procedure movewindowrect(const adist: pointty; const arect: rectty);
Protected procedure defineproperties(filer: tfiler); override;
Public constructor create(const user: tobject; const intf: icanvas); virtual;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public class function getclassgdifuncs: pgdifunctionaty; virtual;
Public procedure updatewindowoptions(var aoptions: internalwindowoptionsty); virtual;
Public function creategc(const apaintdevice: paintdevicety; const akind: gckindty; var gc: gcty; const aprintername: msestring = ''): gdierrorty;
Public procedure linktopaintdevice(apaintdevice: paintdevicety; const gc: gcty; const cliporigin: pointty); virtual;
Public procedure fitppmm(const asize: sizety);
Public function size: sizety;
Public function highresdevice: boolean;
Public procedure initflags(const dest: tcanvas); virtual;
Public procedure unlink;
Public procedure initdrawinfo(var adrawinfo: drawinfoty);
Public function active: boolean;
Public procedure reset; virtual;
Public function save: integer;
Public function restore(index: integer = -1): integer;
Public procedure resetpaintedflag;
Public procedure endpaint;
Public procedure move(const dist: pointty);
Public procedure remove(const dist: pointty);
Public procedure copyarea(const asource: tcanvas; const asourcerect: rectty; const adestpoint: pointty; const acopymode: rasteropty = rop_copy; const atransparentcolor: colorty = cl_default; const aopacity: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure copyarea(const asource: tcanvas; const asourcerect: rectty; const adestrect: rectty; const alignment: alignmentsty = []; const acopymode: rasteropty = rop_copy; const atransparentcolor: colorty = cl_default; const aopacity: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure drawpoint(const point: pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawpoints(const apoints: array of pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; first: integer = 0; acount: integer = -1);
Public procedure drawline(const startpoint,endpoint: pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawline(const startpoint: pointty; const length: sizety; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawlinesegments(const apoints: array of segmentty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawlines(const apoints: array of pointty; const aclosed: boolean = false; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const first: integer = 0; const acount: integer = -1); overload;
Public procedure drawlines(const apoints: array of pointty; const abreaks: array of integer; const aclosed: boolean = false; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const first: integer = 0; const acount: integer = -1); overload;
Public procedure drawvect(const startpoint: pointty; const direction: graphicdirectionty; const length: integer; const acolor: colorty = cl_default); overload;
Public procedure drawvect(const startpoint: pointty; const direction: graphicdirectionty; const length: integer; out endpoint: pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default); overload;
Public procedure drawrect(const arect: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawcross(const arect: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const alignment: alignmentsty = [al_xcentered,al_ycentered]);
Public procedure drawellipse(const def: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawellipse1(const def: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawcircle(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawarc(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default); overload;
Public procedure drawarc1(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawarc(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default); overload;
Public procedure fillrect(const arect: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillellipse(const def: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillellipse1(const def: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillcircle(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillarcchord(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillarcchord1(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillarcchord(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillarcpieslice(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillarcpieslice1(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillarcpieslice(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillpolygon(const apoints: array of pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure drawframe(const arect: rectty; awidth: integer = -1; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const hiddenedges: edgesty = []); overload;
Public procedure drawframe(const arect: rectty; awidth: framety; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const hiddenedges: edgesty = []); overload;
Public procedure drawxorframe(const arect: rectty; const awidth: integer = -1; const abrush: tsimplebitmap = nil); overload;
Public procedure drawxorframe(const po1: pointty; const po2: pointty; const awidth: integer = -1; const abrush: tsimplebitmap = nil); overload;
Public procedure fillxorrect(const arect: rectty; const abrush: tsimplebitmap = nil); overload;
Public procedure fillxorrect(const start: pointty; const length: integer; const direction: graphicdirectionty; const awidth: integer = 0; const abrush: tsimplebitmap = nil); overload;
Public procedure drawstring(const atext: msestring; const apos: pointty; const afont: tfont = nil; const grayed: boolean = false; const arotation: real = 0); overload;
Public procedure drawstring(const atext: pmsechar; const acount: integer; const apos: pointty; const afont: tfont = nil; const grayed: boolean = false; const arotation: real = 0); overload;
Public function getstringwidth(const atext: msestring; const afont: tfont = nil): integer; overload;
Public function getstringwidth(const atext: pmsechar; const acount: integer; const afont: tfont = nil): integer; overload;
Public function getfontmetrics(const achar: ucs4char; const afont: tfont = nil): fontmetricsty;
Public function getfontmetrics(const achar: msechar; const afont: tfont = nil): fontmetricsty;
Public procedure resetclipregion;
Public procedure setcliprect(const rect: rectty);
Public procedure addcliprect(const rect: rectty);
Public procedure addclipframe(const frame: rectty; inflate: integer);
Public procedure subcliprect(const rect: rectty);
Public procedure subclipframe(const frame: rectty; inflate: integer);
Public procedure intersectcliprect(const rect: rectty);
Public procedure intersectclipframe(const frame: rectty; inflate: integer);
Public procedure addclipregion(const region: regionty);
Public procedure subclipregion(const region: regionty);
Public procedure intersectclipregion(const region: regionty);
Public function copyclipregion: regionty;
Public function clipregionisempty: boolean;
Public function clipbox: rectty;
Public function createregion: regionty; overload;
Public function createregion(const asource: regionty): regionty; overload;
Public function createregion(const arect: rectty): regionty; overload;
Public function createregion(const rects: array of rectty): regionty; overload;
Public function createregion(frame: rectty; const inflate: integer): regionty; overload;
Public procedure destroyregion(region: regionty);
Public procedure regmove(const adest: regionty; const dist: pointty);
Public procedure regremove(const adest: regionty; const dist: pointty);
Public procedure regaddrect(const dest: regionty; const rect: rectty);
Public procedure regsubrect(const dest: regionty; const rect: rectty);
Public procedure regintersectrect(const dest: regionty; const rect: rectty);
Public procedure regaddregion(const dest: regionty; const region: regionty);
Public procedure regsubregion(const dest: regionty; const region: regionty);
Public procedure regintersectregion(const dest: regionty; const region: regionty);
Public function regionisempty(const region: regionty): boolean;
Public function regionclipbox(const region: regionty): rectty;
Public procedure adjustbrushorigin(const arect: rectty; const alignment: alignmentsty);


Public property origin: pointty read getorigin write setorigin;
Public property clipregion: regionty write setclipregion;
Public property kind: bitmapkindty read getkind;
Public property color: colorty read getcolor write setcolor default cl_black;
Public property colorbackground: colorty read getcolorbackground write setcolorbackground default cl_transparent;
Public property rasterop: rasteropty read getrasterop write setrasterop default rop_copy;
Public property font: tfont read ffont write setfont;
Public property brush: tsimplebitmap read getbrush write setbrush;
Public property brushorigin: pointty read getbrushorigin write setbrushorigin;
Public property rootbrushorigin: pointty read getrootbrushorigin write setrootbrushorigin;
Public property linewidth: integer read getlinewidth write setlinewidth default 0;
Public property linewidthmm: real read getlinewidthmm write setlinewidthmm;
Public property dashes: dashesstringty read getdashes write setdashes;
Public property capstyle: capstylety read getcapstyle write setcapstyle default cs_butt;
Public property joinstyle: joinstylety read getjoinstyle write setjoinstyle default js_miter;
Public property smooth: boolean read getsmooth write setsmooth;
Public property options: canvasoptionsty read getoptions write setoptions default [];
Public property paintdevice: paintdevicety read fdrawinfo.paintdevice;
Public property gchandle: ptruint read getgchandle;
Public property ppmm: real read fdrawinfo.gc.ppmm write setppmm;
Public property statestamp: longword read fdrawinfo.statestamp;



Protected fuser: tobject;
Protected fintf: pointer;
Protected fstate: canvasstatesty;
Protected fvaluepo: canvasvaluespoty;
Protected fdrawinfo: drawinfoty;
Protected gcfonthandle1: fontnumty;
Protected afonthandle1: fontnumty;
Protected ffont: tfont;
Public target: tobject;
Public drawinfopo: pointer;


Protected function getgdifuncs: pgdifunctionaty; virtual;
Protected procedure registergclink(const dest: tcanvas);
Protected procedure unregistergclink(const dest: tcanvas);
Protected procedure gcdestroyed(const sender: tcanvas); virtual;
Protected procedure setppmm(avalue: real); virtual;
Protected function getfitrect: rectty; virtual;
Protected procedure valuechanged(value: canvasstatety); inline;
Protected procedure valueschanged(values: canvasstatesty); inline;
Protected procedure initgcvalues; virtual;
Protected procedure initgcstate; virtual;
Protected procedure finalizegcstate; virtual;
Protected procedure checkrect(const rect: rectty);
Protected procedure checkgcstate(state: canvasstatesty); virtual;
Protected procedure checkregionstate;
Protected function defaultcliprect: rectty; virtual;
Protected function lock: boolean; virtual;
Protected procedure unlock; virtual;
Protected procedure doflush;
Protected procedure gdi(const func: gdifuncty); virtual;
Protected procedure init;
Protected procedure beforeread;
Protected procedure afterread;
Protected procedure internalcopyarea(asource: tcanvas; const asourcerect: rectty; const adestrect: rectty; acopymode: rasteropty; atransparentcolor: colorty; amask: tsimplebitmap; const amaskpos: pointty; aalignment: alignmentsty; const atileorigin: pointty; const aopacity: colorty);
Protected procedure setcliporigin(const Value: pointty);
Protected function getgchandle: ptruint;
Protected function getcanvasimage(const abgr: boolean = false): imagety;
Protected function getimage(const bgr: boolean): maskedimagety;
Protected procedure fillarc(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty; const pieslice: boolean);
Protected procedure getarcinfo(out startpo,endpo: pointty);
Protected procedure internaldrawtext(var info); virtual;
Protected function createfont: tcanvasfont; virtual;
Protected procedure drawfontline(const startpoint,endpoint: pointty);
Protected procedure nextpage; virtual;
Protected function getcontextinfopo: pointer; virtual;
Protected procedure updatesize(const asize: sizety); virtual;
Protected procedure movewindowrect(const adist: pointty; const arect: rectty);
Protected procedure defineproperties(filer: tfiler); override;
Public constructor create(const user: tobject; const intf: icanvas); virtual;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public class function getclassgdifuncs: pgdifunctionaty; virtual;
Public procedure updatewindowoptions(var aoptions: internalwindowoptionsty); virtual;
Public function creategc(const apaintdevice: paintdevicety; const akind: gckindty; var gc: gcty; const aprintername: msestring = ''): gdierrorty;
Public procedure linktopaintdevice(apaintdevice: paintdevicety; const gc: gcty; const cliporigin: pointty); virtual;
Public procedure fitppmm(const asize: sizety);
Public function size: sizety;
Public function highresdevice: boolean;
Public procedure initflags(const dest: tcanvas); virtual;
Public procedure unlink;
Public procedure initdrawinfo(var adrawinfo: drawinfoty);
Public function active: boolean;
Public procedure reset; virtual;
Public function save: integer;
Public function restore(index: integer = -1): integer;
Public procedure resetpaintedflag;
Public procedure endpaint;
Public procedure move(const dist: pointty);
Public procedure remove(const dist: pointty);
Public procedure copyarea(const asource: tcanvas; const asourcerect: rectty; const adestpoint: pointty; const acopymode: rasteropty = rop_copy; const atransparentcolor: colorty = cl_default; const aopacity: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure copyarea(const asource: tcanvas; const asourcerect: rectty; const adestrect: rectty; const alignment: alignmentsty = []; const acopymode: rasteropty = rop_copy; const atransparentcolor: colorty = cl_default; const aopacity: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure drawpoint(const point: pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawpoints(const apoints: array of pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; first: integer = 0; acount: integer = -1);
Public procedure drawline(const startpoint,endpoint: pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawline(const startpoint: pointty; const length: sizety; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawlinesegments(const apoints: array of segmentty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawlines(const apoints: array of pointty; const aclosed: boolean = false; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const first: integer = 0; const acount: integer = -1); overload;
Public procedure drawlines(const apoints: array of pointty; const abreaks: array of integer; const aclosed: boolean = false; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const first: integer = 0; const acount: integer = -1); overload;
Public procedure drawvect(const startpoint: pointty; const direction: graphicdirectionty; const length: integer; const acolor: colorty = cl_default); overload;
Public procedure drawvect(const startpoint: pointty; const direction: graphicdirectionty; const length: integer; out endpoint: pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default); overload;
Public procedure drawrect(const arect: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawcross(const arect: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const alignment: alignmentsty = [al_xcentered,al_ycentered]);
Public procedure drawellipse(const def: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawellipse1(const def: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawcircle(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawarc(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default); overload;
Public procedure drawarc1(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default);
Public procedure drawarc(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default); overload;
Public procedure fillrect(const arect: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillellipse(const def: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillellipse1(const def: rectty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillcircle(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillarcchord(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillarcchord1(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure fillarcchord(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillarcpieslice(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillarcpieslice1(const def: rectty; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillarcpieslice(const center: pointty; const radius: integer; const startang,extentang: real; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none); overload;
Public procedure fillpolygon(const apoints: array of pointty; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const linecolor: colorty = cl_none);
Public procedure drawframe(const arect: rectty; awidth: integer = -1; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const hiddenedges: edgesty = []); overload;
Public procedure drawframe(const arect: rectty; awidth: framety; const acolor: colorty = cl_default; const hiddenedges: edgesty = []); overload;
Public procedure drawxorframe(const arect: rectty; const awidth: integer = -1; const abrush: tsimplebitmap = nil); overload;
Public procedure drawxorframe(const po1: pointty; const po2: pointty; const awidth: integer = -1; const abrush: tsimplebitmap = nil); overload;
Public procedure fillxorrect(const arect: rectty; const abrush: tsimplebitmap = nil); overload;
Public procedure fillxorrect(const start: pointty; const length: integer; const direction: graphicdirectionty; const awidth: integer = 0; const abrush: tsimplebitmap = nil); overload;
Public procedure drawstring(const atext: msestring; const apos: pointty; const afont: tfont = nil; const grayed: boolean = false; const arotation: real = 0); overload;
Public procedure drawstring(const atext: pmsechar; const acount: integer; const apos: pointty; const afont: tfont = nil; const grayed: boolean = false; const arotation: real = 0); overload;
Public function getstringwidth(const atext: msestring; const afont: tfont = nil): integer; overload;
Public function getstringwidth(const atext: pmsechar; const acount: integer; const afont: tfont = nil): integer; overload;
Public function getfontmetrics(const achar: ucs4char; const afont: tfont = nil): fontmetricsty;
Public function getfontmetrics(const achar: msechar; const afont: tfont = nil): fontmetricsty;
Public procedure resetclipregion;
Public procedure setcliprect(const rect: rectty);
Public procedure addcliprect(const rect: rectty);
Public procedure addclipframe(const frame: rectty; inflate: integer);
Public procedure subcliprect(const rect: rectty);
Public procedure subclipframe(const frame: rectty; inflate: integer);
Public procedure intersectcliprect(const rect: rectty);
Public procedure intersectclipframe(const frame: rectty; inflate: integer);
Public procedure addclipregion(const region: regionty);
Public procedure subclipregion(const region: regionty);
Public procedure intersectclipregion(const region: regionty);
Public function copyclipregion: regionty;
Public function clipregionisempty: boolean;
Public function clipbox: rectty;
Public function createregion: regionty; overload;
Public function createregion(const asource: regionty): regionty; overload;
Public function createregion(const arect: rectty): regionty; overload;
Public function createregion(const rects: array of rectty): regionty; overload;
Public function createregion(frame: rectty; const inflate: integer): regionty; overload;
Public procedure destroyregion(region: regionty);
Public procedure regmove(const adest: regionty; const dist: pointty);
Public procedure regremove(const adest: regionty; const dist: pointty);
Public procedure regaddrect(const dest: regionty; const rect: rectty);
Public procedure regsubrect(const dest: regionty; const rect: rectty);
Public procedure regintersectrect(const dest: regionty; const rect: rectty);
Public procedure regaddregion(const dest: regionty; const region: regionty);
Public procedure regsubregion(const dest: regionty; const region: regionty);
Public procedure regintersectregion(const dest: regionty; const region: regionty);
Public function regionisempty(const region: regionty): boolean;
Public function regionclipbox(const region: regionty): rectty;
Public procedure adjustbrushorigin(const arect: rectty; const alignment: alignmentsty);


Public property origin: pointty read getorigin write setorigin;
Public property clipregion: regionty write setclipregion;
Public property kind: bitmapkindty read getkind;
Public property color: colorty read getcolor write setcolor default cl_black;
Public property colorbackground: colorty read getcolorbackground write setcolorbackground default cl_transparent;
Public property rasterop: rasteropty read getrasterop write setrasterop default rop_copy;
Public property font: tfont read ffont write setfont;
Public property brush: tsimplebitmap read getbrush write setbrush;
Public property brushorigin: pointty read getbrushorigin write setbrushorigin;
Public property rootbrushorigin: pointty read getrootbrushorigin write setrootbrushorigin;
Public property linewidth: integer read getlinewidth write setlinewidth default 0;
Public property linewidthmm: real read getlinewidthmm write setlinewidthmm;
Public property dashes: dashesstringty read getdashes write setdashes;
Public property capstyle: capstylety read getcapstyle write setcapstyle default cs_butt;
Public property joinstyle: joinstylety read getjoinstyle write setjoinstyle default js_miter;
Public property smooth: boolean read getsmooth write setsmooth;
Public property options: canvasoptionsty read getoptions write setoptions default [];
Public property paintdevice: paintdevicety read fdrawinfo.paintdevice;
Public property gchandle: ptruint read getgchandle;
Public property ppmm: real read fdrawinfo.gc.ppmm write setppmm;
Public property statestamp: longword read fdrawinfo.statestamp;

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