Unit msegraphutils




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Packed Record rgbtriplety  
Record colorinfoty  
Record pointty  
Record fpointty  
Record dpointty  
Record segmentty  
Record graphicvectorty  
Record sizety  
Record rectty  
Record framety  
Record rectextty  
Class egdi  
Record rectaccessty  

Functions and Procedures

function rx(const arect: rectty): integer;
function ry(const arect: rectty): integer;
function rcx(const arect: rectty): integer;
function rcy(const arect: rectty): integer;
function rstopx(const arect: rectty): integer;
function rstopy(const arect: rectty): integer;
procedure rsetx(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsety(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsetcx(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsetcy(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsetstopx(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsetstopy(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
function makesizex(const value,ovalue: integer): sizety;
function makesizey(const value,ovalue: integer): sizety;
function makeposx(const value,ovalue: integer): pointty;
function makeposy(const value,ovalue: integer): pointty;
function px(const apoint: pointty): integer;
function py(const apoint: pointty): integer;
function sx(const asize: sizety): integer;
function sy(const asize: sizety): integer;
procedure psetx(var apoint: pointty; const avalue: integer);
procedure psety(var apoint: pointty; const avalue: integer);
procedure ssetx(var asize: sizety; const avalue: integer);
procedure ssety(var asize: sizety; const avalue: integer);
procedure gdierror(error: gdierrorty; const text: msestring = ''); overload;
procedure gdierror(error: gdierrorty; sender: tobject; text: msestring = ''); overload;
function stringtocolor(const text: string): colorty;
function trystringtocolor(text: string; out value: colorty): boolean;
function colortostring(value: colorty): string;
function getcolornames: msestringarty;
function getcolorvalues: colorarty;
function makepoint(const x,y: integer): pointty;
function makesize(const cx,cy: integer): sizety;
function makerect(const x,y,cx,cy: integer): rectty; overload;
function makerect(const pos: pointty; const size: sizety): rectty; overload;
function makesegment(const a,b: pointty): segmentty;
function makeframe(const left,top,right,bottom: integer): framety;
function mp(const x,y: integer): pointty;
function ms(const cx,cy: integer): sizety;
function mr(const x,y,cx,cy: integer): rectty; overload;
function mr(const pos: pointty; const size: sizety): rectty; overload;
function mg(const a,b: pointty): segmentty;
function mf(const left,top,right,bottom: integer): framety;
function bottomright(const rect: rectty): pointty;
function isnullpoint(const point: pointty): boolean;
function isnullsize(const size: sizety): boolean;
function isnullrect(const rect: rectty): boolean;
function isnullframe(const frame: framety): boolean;
function pointisequal(const a,b: pointty): boolean;
function sizeisequal(const a,b: sizety): boolean;
function rectisequal(const a,b: rectty): boolean;
function frameisequal(const a,b: framety): boolean;
function addpoint(const a,b: pointty): pointty;
procedure addpoint1(var dest: pointty; const point: pointty);
function subpoint(const a,b: pointty): pointty;
procedure subpoint1(var dest: pointty; const point: pointty);
function distance(const a,b: pointty): integer;
function addsize(const a,b: sizety): sizety;
procedure addsize1(var dest: sizety; const size: sizety);
function subsize(const a,b: sizety): sizety;
procedure subsize1(var dest: sizety; const size: sizety);
function fitsize(const asize: sizety; const maxsize: sizety): sizety;
function rectcenter(const arect: rectty): pointty;
procedure centerrect(apos: pointty; asize: integer; out rect: rectty);
function excenterrect(const arect: rectty): rectty;
function recenterrect(const arect: rectty): rectty;
function inflaterect(const rect: rectty; value: integer): rectty;
function inflaterect(const rect: rectty; const value: int32; const disablededges: edgesty): rectty;
function inflaterect(const rect: rectty; const frame: framety): rectty;
procedure inflaterect1(var rect: rectty; value: integer);
procedure inflaterect1(var rect: rectty; const value: int32; const disablededges: edgesty);
procedure inflaterect1(var rect: rectty; const frame: framety);
function deflaterect(const rect: rectty; const frame: framety): rectty;
procedure deflaterect1(var rect: rectty; const frame: framety);
procedure normalizerect1(var arect: rectty);
function normalizerect(const arect: rectty): rectty;
procedure swapxy1(var arect: rectty);
function addframe(const a,b: framety): framety;
procedure addframe1(var dest: framety; const frame: framety);
function subframe(const a,b: framety): framety;
procedure subframe1(var dest: framety; const frame: framety);
function expandrectext(const a,b: rectextty): rectextty;
procedure expandrectext1(var dest: rectextty; const frame: rectextty);
procedure inflaterectext1(var ext: rectextty; const frame: framety);
function inflaterectext(const ext: rectextty; const frame: framety): rectextty;
procedure deflaterectext1(var ext: rectextty; const frame: framety);
function deflaterectext(const ext: rectextty; const frame: framety): rectextty;
procedure inflateframe1(var frame: framety; value: integer);
function inflateframe(const frame: framety; value: integer): framety;
function moverect(const rect: rectty; const dist: pointty): rectty;
procedure moverect1(var rect: rectty; const dist: pointty);
function removerect(const rect: rectty; const dist: pointty): rectty;
procedure removerect1(var rect: rectty; const dist: pointty);
procedure shiftinrect(var rect: rectty; const outerrect: rectty);
procedure centerinrect(var rect: rectty; const outerrect: rectty);
function changerectdirection(const arect: rectty; const olddirction,newdirection: graphicdirectionty): rectty;
function rotateframe(const aframe: framety; const olddirection, newdirection: graphicdirectionty): framety;
procedure rotateframe1(var aframe: framety; const olddirection, newdirection: graphicdirectionty);
function intersectrect(const a,b: rectty; out dest: rectty): boolean; overload;
function intersectrect(const a,b: rectty): rectty; overload;
procedure intersectrect1(var dest: rectty; const source: rectty);
function testintersectrect(const a,b: rectty): boolean;
function combinerect(const a,b: rectty): rectty;
procedure combinerect1(var a: rectty; const b: rectty);
function clipinrect(const point: pointty; const boundsrect: rectty): pointty; overload;
function clipinrect(const rect: rectty; const boundsrect: rectty): rectty; overload;
function clipinrect1(var point: pointty; const boundsrect: rectty): boolean; overload;
function clipinrect1(var rect: rectty; const boundsrect: rectty): boolean; overload;
function calcrectalignment(const dest: rectty; source: rectty; const alignment: alignmentsty): rectty;
function pointinrect(const point: pointty; const rect: rectty): boolean;
function pointinellipse(const point: pointty; const rect: rectty): boolean;
function rectinrect(const inner,outer: rectty): boolean;
function segment(const a,b: pointty): segmentty;
procedure vectortoline(const vector: graphicvectorty; out a,b: pointty);
function rotatedirection(const olddest,newvalue, oldvalue: graphicdirectionty): graphicdirectionty;
procedure removeduplicatedpoints(var vect: pointarty);
function hsbtorgb(hue,sat,bri: word): colorty;


imagenrty = type integer;
facenrty = type integer;
pixelty = longword;
pixelaty = array[0..0] of pixelty;
ppixelaty = ˆpixelaty;
colorty = type longword;
pcolorty = ˆcolorty;
colorarty = array of colorty;
prgbtriplety = ˆrgbtriplety;
rgbtriplearty = array of rgbtriplety;
rgbtripleaty = array[0..0] of rgbtriplety;
prgbtripleaty = ˆrgbtripleaty;
colormapsty = (...);
colormapty = array[colormapsty] of longwordarty;
pcolorinfoty = ˆcolorinfoty;
colorinfoarty = array of colorinfoty;
graphicdirectionty = (...);
pgraphicdirectionty = ˆgraphicdirectionty;
graphicdirectionsty = set of graphicdirectionty;
pgraphicdirectionsty = ˆgraphicdirectionsty;
alignmentty = (...);
alignmentsty = set of alignmentty;
edgety = (...);
edgesty = set of edgety;
fontstylety = (...);
fontstylesty = set of fontstylety;
ppointty = ˆpointty;
pointarty = array of pointty;
ppointarty = ˆpointarty;
pointararty = array of pointarty;
pointaty = array[0..0] of pointty;
ppointaty = ˆpointaty;
pointpoarty = array of ppointty;
pppointty = ˆppointty;
pfpointty = ˆfpointty;
fpointarty = array of fpointty;
pfpointarty = ˆfpointarty;
fpointaty = array[0..0] of fpointty;
pfpointaty = ˆfpointaty;
pdpointty = ˆdpointty;
dpointarty = array of dpointty;
pdpointarty = ˆdpointarty;
dpointaty = array[0..0] of dpointty;
pdpointaty = ˆdpointaty;
psegmentty = ˆsegmentty;
segmentarty = array of segmentty;
pframety = ˆframety;
prectty = ˆrectty;
rectarty = array of rectty;
prectarty = ˆrectarty;
prectextty = ˆrectextty;
gdierrorty = (...);
getrectintegerty = function(const arect: rectty): integer;
setrectintegerty = procedure(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
getintpointty = function(const value,ovalue: integer): pointty;
getintsizety = function(const value,ovalue: integer): sizety;
getpointintty = function(const apoint: pointty): integer;
getsizeintty = function(const asize: sizety): integer;
setpointintty = procedure(var apoint: pointty; const avalue: integer);
setsizeintty = procedure(var asize: sizety; const avalue: integer);
prectaccessty = ˆrectaccessty;


redmask = $ff0000;
redshift = 16;
greenmask = $00ff00;
greenshift = 8;
bluemask = $0000ff;
blueshift = 0;
maxopacity = $00ffffff;
speccolormask = $f0000000;
speccolorshift = 28;
cl_functional = colorty($80000000);
cl_mapped = colorty($90000000);
cl_namedrgb = colorty($a0000000);
cl_user = colorty($b0000000);
cl_invalid = cl_functional + 0;
cl_default = cl_functional + 1;
cl_parent = cl_functional + 2;
cl_transparent = cl_functional + 3;
cl_brush = cl_functional + 4;
cl_brushcanvas = cl_functional + 5;
cl_none = cl_functional + 6;
cl_nonenum = 6;
cl_font = cl_functional + 7;
cl_normal = cl_functional + 8;
cl_lastfunctional = cl_functional + 9;
cl_dkshadow = cl_mapped + 0;
cl_shadow = cl_mapped + 1;
cl_mid = cl_mapped + 2;
cl_light = cl_mapped + 3;
cl_highlight = cl_mapped + 4;
cl_background = cl_mapped + 5;
cl_foreground = cl_mapped + 6;
cl_active = cl_mapped + 7;
cl_noedit = cl_mapped + 8;
cl_text = cl_mapped + 9;
cl_selectedtext = cl_mapped + 10;
cl_selectedtextbackground = cl_mapped + 11;
cl_infobackground = cl_mapped + 12;
cl_glyph = cl_mapped + 13;
cl_activegrip = cl_mapped + 14;
cl_empty = cl_mapped + 15;
cl_emptytext = cl_mapped + 16;
cl_emptytextbackground = cl_mapped + 17;
cl_zebra = cl_mapped + 18;
cl_grayed = cl_mapped + 19;
cl_grayedshadow = cl_mapped + 20;
cl_gridactive = cl_mapped + 21;
cl_gridfocus = cl_mapped + 22;
cl_gridselect = cl_mapped + 23;
cl_gridline = cl_mapped + 24;
cl_gridlinefix = cl_mapped + 25;
cl_gridframe = cl_mapped + 26;
cl_scrollbarpattern = cl_mapped + 27;
cl_scrollbarpatternclicked = cl_mapped + 28;
cl_buttondefaultrect = cl_mapped + 29;
cl_glyphactive = cl_mapped + 30;
cl_treeline = cl_mapped + 31;
cl_treelineactive = cl_mapped + 32;
cl_lastmapped = cl_mapped + 33;
cl_0 = cl_namedrgb + 0;
cl_1 = cl_namedrgb + 1;
cl_black = cl_namedrgb + 2;
cl_dkgray = cl_namedrgb + 3;
cl_gray = cl_namedrgb + 4;
cl_ltgray = cl_namedrgb + 5;
cl_white = cl_namedrgb + 6;
cl_red = cl_namedrgb + 7;
cl_green = cl_namedrgb + 8;
cl_blue = cl_namedrgb + 9;
cl_cyan = cl_namedrgb + 10;
cl_magenta = cl_namedrgb + 11;
cl_yellow = cl_namedrgb + 12;
cl_dkred = cl_namedrgb + 13;
cl_dkgreen = cl_namedrgb + 14;
cl_dkblue = cl_namedrgb + 15;
cl_dkcyan = cl_namedrgb + 16;
cl_dkmagenta = cl_namedrgb + 17;
cl_dkyellow = cl_namedrgb + 18;
cl_ltred = cl_namedrgb + 19;
cl_ltgreen = cl_namedrgb + 20;
cl_ltblue = cl_namedrgb + 21;
cl_ltcyan = cl_namedrgb + 22;
cl_ltmagenta = cl_namedrgb + 23;
cl_ltyellow = cl_namedrgb + 24;
cl_lastnamedrgb = cl_namedrgb + 25;
cl_user0 = cl_user + 0;
cl_user1 = cl_user + 1;
cl_user2 = cl_user + 2;
cl_user3 = cl_user + 3;
cl_user4 = cl_user + 4;
cl_user5 = cl_user + 5;
cl_user6 = cl_user + 6;
cl_user7 = cl_user + 7;
cl_user8 = cl_user + 8;
cl_user9 = cl_user + 9;
cl_user10 = cl_user + 10;
cl_user11 = cl_user + 11;
cl_user12 = cl_user + 12;
cl_user13 = cl_user + 13;
cl_user14 = cl_user + 14;
cl_user15 = cl_user + 15;
cl_user16 = cl_user + 16;
cl_user17 = cl_user + 17;
cl_user18 = cl_user + 18;
cl_user19 = cl_user + 19;
cl_fade0 = cl_user + 20;
cl_fade1 = cl_user + 21;
cl_fade2 = cl_user + 22;
cl_fade3 = cl_user + 23;
cl_fade4 = cl_user + 24;
cl_fade5 = cl_user + 25;
cl_fade6 = cl_user + 26;
cl_fade7 = cl_user + 27;
cl_fade8 = cl_user + 28;
cl_fade9 = cl_user + 29;
cl_lastuser = cl_user + 30;
functionalcolorcount = integer(cl_lastfunctional)-integer(cl_functional);
mappedcolorcount = integer(cl_lastmapped)-integer(cl_mapped);
namedrgbcolorcount = integer(cl_lastnamedrgb)-integer(cl_namedrgb);
usercolorcount = integer(cl_lastuser)-integer(cl_user);
mapcolorcounts: array[colormapsty] of integer = ( 0, functionalcolorcount, mappedcolorcount, namedrgbcolorcount, usercolorcount );
defaultfunctional: array[0..functionalcolorcount-1] of colorinfoty = ( (name: 'cl_invalid'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_default'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_parent'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_transparent'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_brush'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_brushcanvas'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_none'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_font'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_normal'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)) );
defaultmapped: array[0..mappedcolorcount-1] of colorinfoty = ( (name: 'cl_dkshadow'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_shadow'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_mid'; rgb: (blue: $c0; green: $c0; red: $c0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_light'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_highlight'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_background'; rgb: (blue: $d0; green: $d0; red: $d0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_foreground'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_active'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_noedit'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_text'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_selectedtext'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_selectedtextbackground'; rgb: (blue: $c0; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_infobackground'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_glyph'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_activegrip'; rgb: (blue: $90; green: $20; red: $20; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_empty'; rgb: (blue: $a0; green: $a0; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_emptytext'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_emptytextbackground'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_zebra'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_grayed'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_grayedshadow'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridactive'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridfocus'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridselect'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridline'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridlinefix'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridframe'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_scrollbarpattern'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_scrollbarpatternclicked'; rgb:(blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_buttondefaultrect'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_glyphactive'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_treeline'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_treelineactive'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)) );
defaultnamedrgb: array[0..namedrgbcolorcount-1] of colorinfoty = ( (name: 'cl_0'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_1'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_black'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkgray'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gray'; rgb: (blue: $c0; green: $c0; red: $c0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltgray'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_white'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_red'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_green'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $ff; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_blue'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_cyan'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_magenta'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $00; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_yellow'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkred'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $c0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkgreen'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $c0; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkblue'; rgb: (blue: $c0; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkcyan'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkmagenta'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $00; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkyellow'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltred'; rgb: (blue: $a0; green: $a0; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltgreen'; rgb: (blue: $a0; green: $ff; red: $a0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltblue'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $a0; red: $a0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltcyan'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $a0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltmagenta'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $a0; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltyellow'; rgb: (blue: $a0; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)) );
defaultuser: array[0..usercolorcount-1] of colorinfoty = ( (name: 'cl_user0'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user1'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user2'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user3'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user4'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user5'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user6'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user7'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user8'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user9'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user10'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user11'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user12'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user13'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user14'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user15'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user16'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user17'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user18'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user19'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade0'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade1'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade2'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade3'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade4'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade5'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade6'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade7'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade8'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade9'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)) );
nullpoint: pointty = (x: 0; y: 0);
nullsize: sizety = (cx: 0; cy: 0);
nullrect: rectty = (x: 0; y: 0; cx: 0; cy: 0);
nullframe: framety = (left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0);
emptyrectext: rectextty = (left: maxint; top: maxint; right: minint; bottom: minint);
minimalframe: framety = (left: 1; top: 1; right: 1; bottom: 1);
minimaltextframe: framety = (left: 1; top: 0; right: 1; bottom: 0);
rectaccessx: rectaccessty = ( pos: rx; size: rcx; stop: rstopx; opos: ry; osize: rcy; ostop: rstopy; setpos: rsetx; setsize: rsetcx; setstop: rsetstopx; setopos: rsety; setosize: rsetcy; setostop: rsetstopy; makepos: makeposx; makeopos: makeposy; makesize: makesizex; makeosize: makesizey; pt: px; opt: py; si: sx; osi: sy; setpt: psetx; setopt: psety; setsi: ssetx; setosi: ssety; );
rectaccessy: rectaccessty = ( pos: ry; size: rcy; stop: rstopy; opos: rx; osize: rcx; ostop: rstopy; setpos: rsety; setsize: rsetcy; setstop: rsetstopy; setopos: rsetx; setosize: rsetcx; setostop: rsetstopx; makepos: makeposy; makeopos: makeposx; makesize: makesizey; makeosize: makesizex; pt: py; opt: px; si: sy; osi: sx; setpt: psety; setopt: psetx; setsi: ssety; setosi: ssetx; );


Functions and Procedures

function rx(const arect: rectty): integer;
function ry(const arect: rectty): integer;
function rcx(const arect: rectty): integer;
function rcy(const arect: rectty): integer;
function rstopx(const arect: rectty): integer;
function rstopy(const arect: rectty): integer;
procedure rsetx(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsety(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsetcx(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsetcy(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsetstopx(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
procedure rsetstopy(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
function makesizex(const value,ovalue: integer): sizety;
function makesizey(const value,ovalue: integer): sizety;
function makeposx(const value,ovalue: integer): pointty;
function makeposy(const value,ovalue: integer): pointty;
function px(const apoint: pointty): integer;
function py(const apoint: pointty): integer;
function sx(const asize: sizety): integer;
function sy(const asize: sizety): integer;
procedure psetx(var apoint: pointty; const avalue: integer);
procedure psety(var apoint: pointty; const avalue: integer);
procedure ssetx(var asize: sizety; const avalue: integer);
procedure ssety(var asize: sizety; const avalue: integer);
procedure gdierror(error: gdierrorty; const text: msestring = ''); overload;
procedure gdierror(error: gdierrorty; sender: tobject; text: msestring = ''); overload;
function stringtocolor(const text: string): colorty;
function trystringtocolor(text: string; out value: colorty): boolean;
function colortostring(value: colorty): string;
function getcolornames: msestringarty;
function getcolorvalues: colorarty;
function makepoint(const x,y: integer): pointty;
function makesize(const cx,cy: integer): sizety;
function makerect(const x,y,cx,cy: integer): rectty; overload;
function makerect(const pos: pointty; const size: sizety): rectty; overload;
function makesegment(const a,b: pointty): segmentty;
function makeframe(const left,top,right,bottom: integer): framety;
function mp(const x,y: integer): pointty;
function ms(const cx,cy: integer): sizety;
function mr(const x,y,cx,cy: integer): rectty; overload;
function mr(const pos: pointty; const size: sizety): rectty; overload;
function mg(const a,b: pointty): segmentty;
function mf(const left,top,right,bottom: integer): framety;
function bottomright(const rect: rectty): pointty;
function isnullpoint(const point: pointty): boolean;
function isnullsize(const size: sizety): boolean;
function isnullrect(const rect: rectty): boolean;
function isnullframe(const frame: framety): boolean;
function pointisequal(const a,b: pointty): boolean;
function sizeisequal(const a,b: sizety): boolean;
function rectisequal(const a,b: rectty): boolean;
function frameisequal(const a,b: framety): boolean;
function addpoint(const a,b: pointty): pointty;
procedure addpoint1(var dest: pointty; const point: pointty);
function subpoint(const a,b: pointty): pointty;
procedure subpoint1(var dest: pointty; const point: pointty);
function distance(const a,b: pointty): integer;
function addsize(const a,b: sizety): sizety;
procedure addsize1(var dest: sizety; const size: sizety);
function subsize(const a,b: sizety): sizety;
procedure subsize1(var dest: sizety; const size: sizety);
function fitsize(const asize: sizety; const maxsize: sizety): sizety;
function rectcenter(const arect: rectty): pointty;
procedure centerrect(apos: pointty; asize: integer; out rect: rectty);
function excenterrect(const arect: rectty): rectty;
function recenterrect(const arect: rectty): rectty;
function inflaterect(const rect: rectty; value: integer): rectty;
function inflaterect(const rect: rectty; const value: int32; const disablededges: edgesty): rectty;
function inflaterect(const rect: rectty; const frame: framety): rectty;
procedure inflaterect1(var rect: rectty; value: integer);
procedure inflaterect1(var rect: rectty; const value: int32; const disablededges: edgesty);
procedure inflaterect1(var rect: rectty; const frame: framety);
function deflaterect(const rect: rectty; const frame: framety): rectty;
procedure deflaterect1(var rect: rectty; const frame: framety);
procedure normalizerect1(var arect: rectty);
function normalizerect(const arect: rectty): rectty;
procedure swapxy1(var arect: rectty);
function addframe(const a,b: framety): framety;
procedure addframe1(var dest: framety; const frame: framety);
function subframe(const a,b: framety): framety;
procedure subframe1(var dest: framety; const frame: framety);
function expandrectext(const a,b: rectextty): rectextty;
procedure expandrectext1(var dest: rectextty; const frame: rectextty);
procedure inflaterectext1(var ext: rectextty; const frame: framety);
function inflaterectext(const ext: rectextty; const frame: framety): rectextty;
procedure deflaterectext1(var ext: rectextty; const frame: framety);
function deflaterectext(const ext: rectextty; const frame: framety): rectextty;
procedure inflateframe1(var frame: framety; value: integer);
function inflateframe(const frame: framety; value: integer): framety;
function moverect(const rect: rectty; const dist: pointty): rectty;
procedure moverect1(var rect: rectty; const dist: pointty);
function removerect(const rect: rectty; const dist: pointty): rectty;
procedure removerect1(var rect: rectty; const dist: pointty);
procedure shiftinrect(var rect: rectty; const outerrect: rectty);
procedure centerinrect(var rect: rectty; const outerrect: rectty);
function changerectdirection(const arect: rectty; const olddirction,newdirection: graphicdirectionty): rectty;
function rotateframe(const aframe: framety; const olddirection, newdirection: graphicdirectionty): framety;
procedure rotateframe1(var aframe: framety; const olddirection, newdirection: graphicdirectionty);
function intersectrect(const a,b: rectty; out dest: rectty): boolean; overload;
function intersectrect(const a,b: rectty): rectty; overload;
procedure intersectrect1(var dest: rectty; const source: rectty);
function testintersectrect(const a,b: rectty): boolean;
function combinerect(const a,b: rectty): rectty;
procedure combinerect1(var a: rectty; const b: rectty);
function clipinrect(const point: pointty; const boundsrect: rectty): pointty; overload;
function clipinrect(const rect: rectty; const boundsrect: rectty): rectty; overload;
function clipinrect1(var point: pointty; const boundsrect: rectty): boolean; overload;
function clipinrect1(var rect: rectty; const boundsrect: rectty): boolean; overload;
function calcrectalignment(const dest: rectty; source: rectty; const alignment: alignmentsty): rectty;
function pointinrect(const point: pointty; const rect: rectty): boolean;
function pointinellipse(const point: pointty; const rect: rectty): boolean;
function rectinrect(const inner,outer: rectty): boolean;
function segment(const a,b: pointty): segmentty;
procedure vectortoline(const vector: graphicvectorty; out a,b: pointty);
function rotatedirection(const olddest,newvalue, oldvalue: graphicdirectionty): graphicdirectionty;
procedure removeduplicatedpoints(var vect: pointarty);
function hsbtorgb(hue,sat,bri: word): colorty;


imagenrty = type integer;
facenrty = type integer;
pixelty = longword;
pixelaty = array[0..0] of pixelty;
ppixelaty = ˆpixelaty;
colorty = type longword;
pcolorty = ˆcolorty;
colorarty = array of colorty;
prgbtriplety = ˆrgbtriplety;
rgbtriplearty = array of rgbtriplety;
rgbtripleaty = array[0..0] of rgbtriplety;
prgbtripleaty = ˆrgbtripleaty;
colormapsty = (...);
  • cm_rgb
  • cm_functional
  • cm_mapped
  • cm_namedrgb
  • cm_user
colormapty = array[colormapsty] of longwordarty;
pcolorinfoty = ˆcolorinfoty;
colorinfoarty = array of colorinfoty;
graphicdirectionty = (...);
  • gd_right
  • gd_up
  • gd_left
  • gd_down
  • gd_none
pgraphicdirectionty = ˆgraphicdirectionty;
graphicdirectionsty = set of graphicdirectionty;
pgraphicdirectionsty = ˆgraphicdirectionsty;
alignmentty = (...);
  • al_left
  • al_xcentered
  • al_right
  • al_top
  • al_ycentered
  • al_bottom
  • al_grayed
  • al_stretchx
  • al_stretchy
  • al_fit
  • al_thumbnail
  • al_tiled
  • al_nomaskscale
  • al_intpol
  • al_or
  • al_and
alignmentsty = set of alignmentty;
edgety = (...);
  • edg_right
  • edg_top
  • edg_left
  • edg_bottom
edgesty = set of edgety;
fontstylety = (...);
  • fs_bold
  • fs_italic
  • fs_underline
  • fs_strikeout
  • fs_selected
  • fs_blank
  • fs_force
fontstylesty = set of fontstylety;
ppointty = ˆpointty;
pointarty = array of pointty;
ppointarty = ˆpointarty;
pointararty = array of pointarty;
pointaty = array[0..0] of pointty;
ppointaty = ˆpointaty;
pointpoarty = array of ppointty;
pppointty = ˆppointty;
pfpointty = ˆfpointty;
fpointarty = array of fpointty;
pfpointarty = ˆfpointarty;
fpointaty = array[0..0] of fpointty;
pfpointaty = ˆfpointaty;
pdpointty = ˆdpointty;
dpointarty = array of dpointty;
pdpointarty = ˆdpointarty;
dpointaty = array[0..0] of dpointty;
pdpointaty = ˆdpointaty;
psegmentty = ˆsegmentty;
segmentarty = array of segmentty;
pframety = ˆframety;
prectty = ˆrectty;
rectarty = array of rectty;
prectarty = ˆrectarty;
prectextty = ˆrectextty;
gdierrorty = (...);
  • gde_ok
  • gde_creategc
  • gde_createprintergc
  • gde_createmetafilegc
  • gde_invalidgc
  • gde_notruecolor
  • gde_invalidcolor
  • gde_invalidsaveindex
  • gde_parameter
  • gde_font
  • gde_pixmap
  • gde_freepixmap
  • gde_invalidcopymode
  • gde_mustbebitmap
  • gde_notmonochrome
  • gde_unmatchedmonochrome
  • gde_fontmetrics
  • gde_image
  • gde_invalidrect
  • gde_invalidfileformat
  • gde_invalidindex
  • gde_notimplemented
  • gde_noglx
  • gde_novisual
  • gde_rendercontext
  • gde_glxpixmap
  • gde_createwindow
getrectintegerty = function(const arect: rectty): integer;
setrectintegerty = procedure(var arect: rectty; const avalue: integer);
getintpointty = function(const value,ovalue: integer): pointty;
getintsizety = function(const value,ovalue: integer): sizety;
getpointintty = function(const apoint: pointty): integer;
getsizeintty = function(const asize: sizety): integer;
setpointintty = procedure(var apoint: pointty; const avalue: integer);
setsizeintty = procedure(var asize: sizety; const avalue: integer);
prectaccessty = ˆrectaccessty;


redmask = $ff0000;
redshift = 16;
greenmask = $00ff00;
greenshift = 8;
bluemask = $0000ff;
blueshift = 0;
maxopacity = $00ffffff;
speccolormask = $f0000000;
speccolorshift = 28;
cl_functional = colorty($80000000);
cl_mapped = colorty($90000000);
cl_namedrgb = colorty($a0000000);
cl_user = colorty($b0000000);
cl_invalid = cl_functional + 0;
cl_default = cl_functional + 1;
cl_parent = cl_functional + 2;
cl_transparent = cl_functional + 3;
cl_brush = cl_functional + 4;
cl_brushcanvas = cl_functional + 5;
cl_none = cl_functional + 6;
cl_nonenum = 6;
cl_font = cl_functional + 7;
cl_normal = cl_functional + 8;
cl_lastfunctional = cl_functional + 9;
cl_dkshadow = cl_mapped + 0;
cl_shadow = cl_mapped + 1;
cl_mid = cl_mapped + 2;
cl_light = cl_mapped + 3;
cl_highlight = cl_mapped + 4;
cl_background = cl_mapped + 5;
cl_foreground = cl_mapped + 6;
cl_active = cl_mapped + 7;
cl_noedit = cl_mapped + 8;
cl_text = cl_mapped + 9;
cl_selectedtext = cl_mapped + 10;
cl_selectedtextbackground = cl_mapped + 11;
cl_infobackground = cl_mapped + 12;
cl_glyph = cl_mapped + 13;
cl_activegrip = cl_mapped + 14;
cl_empty = cl_mapped + 15;
cl_emptytext = cl_mapped + 16;
cl_emptytextbackground = cl_mapped + 17;
cl_zebra = cl_mapped + 18;
cl_grayed = cl_mapped + 19;
cl_grayedshadow = cl_mapped + 20;
cl_gridactive = cl_mapped + 21;
cl_gridfocus = cl_mapped + 22;
cl_gridselect = cl_mapped + 23;
cl_gridline = cl_mapped + 24;
cl_gridlinefix = cl_mapped + 25;
cl_gridframe = cl_mapped + 26;
cl_scrollbarpattern = cl_mapped + 27;
cl_scrollbarpatternclicked = cl_mapped + 28;
cl_buttondefaultrect = cl_mapped + 29;
cl_glyphactive = cl_mapped + 30;
cl_treeline = cl_mapped + 31;
cl_treelineactive = cl_mapped + 32;
cl_lastmapped = cl_mapped + 33;
cl_0 = cl_namedrgb + 0;
cl_1 = cl_namedrgb + 1;
cl_black = cl_namedrgb + 2;
cl_dkgray = cl_namedrgb + 3;
cl_gray = cl_namedrgb + 4;
cl_ltgray = cl_namedrgb + 5;
cl_white = cl_namedrgb + 6;
cl_red = cl_namedrgb + 7;
cl_green = cl_namedrgb + 8;
cl_blue = cl_namedrgb + 9;
cl_cyan = cl_namedrgb + 10;
cl_magenta = cl_namedrgb + 11;
cl_yellow = cl_namedrgb + 12;
cl_dkred = cl_namedrgb + 13;
cl_dkgreen = cl_namedrgb + 14;
cl_dkblue = cl_namedrgb + 15;
cl_dkcyan = cl_namedrgb + 16;
cl_dkmagenta = cl_namedrgb + 17;
cl_dkyellow = cl_namedrgb + 18;
cl_ltred = cl_namedrgb + 19;
cl_ltgreen = cl_namedrgb + 20;
cl_ltblue = cl_namedrgb + 21;
cl_ltcyan = cl_namedrgb + 22;
cl_ltmagenta = cl_namedrgb + 23;
cl_ltyellow = cl_namedrgb + 24;
cl_lastnamedrgb = cl_namedrgb + 25;
cl_user0 = cl_user + 0;
cl_user1 = cl_user + 1;
cl_user2 = cl_user + 2;
cl_user3 = cl_user + 3;
cl_user4 = cl_user + 4;
cl_user5 = cl_user + 5;
cl_user6 = cl_user + 6;
cl_user7 = cl_user + 7;
cl_user8 = cl_user + 8;
cl_user9 = cl_user + 9;
cl_user10 = cl_user + 10;
cl_user11 = cl_user + 11;
cl_user12 = cl_user + 12;
cl_user13 = cl_user + 13;
cl_user14 = cl_user + 14;
cl_user15 = cl_user + 15;
cl_user16 = cl_user + 16;
cl_user17 = cl_user + 17;
cl_user18 = cl_user + 18;
cl_user19 = cl_user + 19;
cl_fade0 = cl_user + 20;
cl_fade1 = cl_user + 21;
cl_fade2 = cl_user + 22;
cl_fade3 = cl_user + 23;
cl_fade4 = cl_user + 24;
cl_fade5 = cl_user + 25;
cl_fade6 = cl_user + 26;
cl_fade7 = cl_user + 27;
cl_fade8 = cl_user + 28;
cl_fade9 = cl_user + 29;
cl_lastuser = cl_user + 30;
functionalcolorcount = integer(cl_lastfunctional)-integer(cl_functional);
mappedcolorcount = integer(cl_lastmapped)-integer(cl_mapped);
namedrgbcolorcount = integer(cl_lastnamedrgb)-integer(cl_namedrgb);
usercolorcount = integer(cl_lastuser)-integer(cl_user);
mapcolorcounts: array[colormapsty] of integer = ( 0, functionalcolorcount, mappedcolorcount, namedrgbcolorcount, usercolorcount );
defaultfunctional: array[0..functionalcolorcount-1] of colorinfoty = ( (name: 'cl_invalid'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_default'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_parent'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_transparent'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_brush'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_brushcanvas'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_none'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_font'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_normal'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)) );
defaultmapped: array[0..mappedcolorcount-1] of colorinfoty = ( (name: 'cl_dkshadow'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_shadow'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_mid'; rgb: (blue: $c0; green: $c0; red: $c0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_light'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_highlight'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_background'; rgb: (blue: $d0; green: $d0; red: $d0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_foreground'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_active'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_noedit'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_text'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_selectedtext'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_selectedtextbackground'; rgb: (blue: $c0; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_infobackground'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_glyph'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_activegrip'; rgb: (blue: $90; green: $20; red: $20; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_empty'; rgb: (blue: $a0; green: $a0; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_emptytext'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_emptytextbackground'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_zebra'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_grayed'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_grayedshadow'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridactive'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridfocus'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridselect'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridline'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridlinefix'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gridframe'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_scrollbarpattern'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_scrollbarpatternclicked'; rgb:(blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_buttondefaultrect'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_glyphactive'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_treeline'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_treelineactive'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)) );
defaultnamedrgb: array[0..namedrgbcolorcount-1] of colorinfoty = ( (name: 'cl_0'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_1'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_black'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkgray'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_gray'; rgb: (blue: $c0; green: $c0; red: $c0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltgray'; rgb: (blue: $e0; green: $e0; red: $e0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_white'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_red'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_green'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $ff; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_blue'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_cyan'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_magenta'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $00; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_yellow'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkred'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $c0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkgreen'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $c0; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkblue'; rgb: (blue: $c0; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkcyan'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $80; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkmagenta'; rgb: (blue: $80; green: $00; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_dkyellow'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $80; red: $80; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltred'; rgb: (blue: $a0; green: $a0; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltgreen'; rgb: (blue: $a0; green: $ff; red: $a0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltblue'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $a0; red: $a0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltcyan'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $ff; red: $a0; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltmagenta'; rgb: (blue: $ff; green: $a0; red: $ff; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_ltyellow'; rgb: (blue: $a0; green: $ff; red: $ff; res: $00)) );
defaultuser: array[0..usercolorcount-1] of colorinfoty = ( (name: 'cl_user0'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user1'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user2'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user3'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user4'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user5'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user6'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user7'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user8'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user9'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user10'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user11'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user12'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user13'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user14'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user15'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user16'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user17'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user18'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_user19'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade0'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade1'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade2'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade3'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade4'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade5'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade6'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade7'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade8'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)), (name: 'cl_fade9'; rgb: (blue: $00; green: $00; red: $00; res: $00)) );
nullpoint: pointty = (x: 0; y: 0);
nullsize: sizety = (cx: 0; cy: 0);
nullrect: rectty = (x: 0; y: 0; cx: 0; cy: 0);
nullframe: framety = (left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0);
emptyrectext: rectextty = (left: maxint; top: maxint; right: minint; bottom: minint);
minimalframe: framety = (left: 1; top: 1; right: 1; bottom: 1);
minimaltextframe: framety = (left: 1; top: 0; right: 1; bottom: 0);
rectaccessx: rectaccessty = ( pos: rx; size: rcx; stop: rstopx; opos: ry; osize: rcy; ostop: rstopy; setpos: rsetx; setsize: rsetcx; setstop: rsetstopx; setopos: rsety; setosize: rsetcy; setostop: rsetstopy; makepos: makeposx; makeopos: makeposy; makesize: makesizex; makeosize: makesizey; pt: px; opt: py; si: sx; osi: sy; setpt: psetx; setopt: psety; setsi: ssetx; setosi: ssety; );
rectaccessy: rectaccessty = ( pos: ry; size: rcy; stop: rstopy; opos: rx; osize: rcx; ostop: rstopy; setpos: rsety; setsize: rsetcy; setstop: rsetstopy; setopos: rsetx; setosize: rsetcx; setostop: rsetstopx; makepos: makeposy; makeopos: makeposx; makesize: makesizey; makeosize: makesizex; pt: py; opt: px; si: sy; osi: sx; setpt: psety; setopt: psetx; setsi: ssety; setosi: ssetx; );

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