Unit BGRAWriteTiff


Implements the writer for the TIFF image format



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TBGRAWriterTiff Extends the TFPCustomImageWriter to write the TIFF image format
Class TTiffWriterEntry Entry in a TIFF file

Functions and Procedures

function CompareTiffWriteEntries(Entry1, Entry2: Pointer): integer;
function CompressDeflate(InputData: PByte; InputCount: LongWord; out Compressed: PByte; var CompressedCount: LongWord; ErrorMsg: PAnsiString = nil): boolean;


Functions and Procedures

function CompareTiffWriteEntries(Entry1, Entry2: Pointer): integer;

This item has no description.

function CompressDeflate(InputData: PByte; InputCount: LongWord; out Compressed: PByte; var CompressedCount: LongWord; ErrorMsg: PAnsiString = nil): boolean;

This item has no description.