Unit BGRAClasses

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records


Basic Pascal types regardless of the framework (LCL, no LCL, MSEgui). To be used instead of Classes and Types in unit clause.



Functions and Procedures

procedure Dec64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;
procedure Dec64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;
procedure DecF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;
procedure DecF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;
procedure Inc64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;
procedure Inc64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;
procedure IncF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;
procedure IncF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;
function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
function Size(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TSize;


EFCreateError = Classes.EFCreateError;
EFOpenError = Classes.EFOpenError;
EInvalidOperation = Classes.EInvalidOperation;
Int32or64 = Int64;
PPoint = ˆTPoint;
PRect = ˆTRect;
PSize = ˆTSize;
TAlignment = Classes.TAlignment;
TClassesPoint = Classes.TPoint;
TComponent = mclasses.TComponent;
TFPList = Classes.TFPList;
THandleStream = mclasses.THandleStream;
TList = Classes.TList;
TMemoryStream = mclasses.TMemoryStream;
TMSERect = msegraphutils.rectty;
TNotifyEvent = Classes.TNotifyEvent;
TPersistent = Classes.TPersistent;
TPoint = msegraphutils.pointty;
TPointF = Types.TPointF;
TRect = Classes.TRect;
TRectF = Types.TRectF;
TResourceStream = mclasses.TResourceStream;
TSeekOrigin = Classes.TSeekOrigin;
TShiftState = mseguiglob.shiftstatesty;
TSize = msegraphutils.sizety;
TStream = Classes.TStream;
TStringList = Classes.TStringList;
TStrings = Classes.TStrings;
TStringStream = mclasses.TStringStream;
UInt32or64 = UInt64;


fmCreate = $FF00;
fmOpenRead = 0;
fmOpenReadWrite = 2;
fmOpenWrite = 1;
soBeginning = Classes.soBeginning;
soCurrent = Classes.soCurrent;
soEnd = Classes.soEnd;
soFromBeginning = 0;
soFromCurrent = 1;
soFromEnd = 2;
ssAlt = mseguiglob.ss_alt;
ssCtrl = mseguiglob.ss_ctrl;
ssDouble = mseguiglob.ss_double;
ssLeft = mseguiglob.ss_left;
ssMiddle = mseguiglob.ss_middle;
ssRight = mseguiglob.ss_right;
ssShift = mseguiglob.ss_shift;
ssTriple = mseguiglob.ss_triple;
taCenter = Classes.taCenter;
taLeftJustify = Classes.taLeftJustify;
taRightJustify = Classes.taRightJustify;


Functions and Procedures

procedure Dec64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure Dec64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure DecF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure DecF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure Inc64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure Inc64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure IncF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure IncF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;

This item has no description.

function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;

This item has no description.

function Size(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TSize;

This item has no description.


EFCreateError = Classes.EFCreateError;

File creation exception

EFOpenError = Classes.EFOpenError;

File open exception

EInvalidOperation = Classes.EInvalidOperation;

Invalid operation exception

Int32or64 = Int64;

Signed integer value of at least 32 bits

PPoint = ˆTPoint;

This item has no description.

PRect = ˆTRect;

This item has no description.

PSize = ˆTSize;

This item has no description.

TAlignment = Classes.TAlignment;

Horizontal alignment

TClassesPoint = Classes.TPoint;

This item has no description.

TComponent = mclasses.TComponent;

Base component class

TFPList = Classes.TFPList;

FreePascal list of pointers

THandleStream = mclasses.THandleStream;

Stream attached to file handle

TList = Classes.TList;

Delphi list of pointers

TMemoryStream = mclasses.TMemoryStream;

Memory stream

TMSERect = msegraphutils.rectty;

This item has no description.

TNotifyEvent = Classes.TNotifyEvent;

Standard event without parameters

TPersistent = Classes.TPersistent;

Base persistent class

TPoint = msegraphutils.pointty;

This item has no description.

TPointF = Types.TPointF;

Contains a point with single-precision floating point coordinates

TRect = Classes.TRect;

This item has no description.

TRectF = Types.TRectF;

Represents a rectangle with single-precision floating point coordinates

TResourceStream = mclasses.TResourceStream;

Resource stream

TSeekOrigin = Classes.TSeekOrigin;

Stream seek origin

TShiftState = mseguiglob.shiftstatesty;

This item has no description.

TSize = msegraphutils.sizety;

This item has no description.

TStream = Classes.TStream;

Stream base class

TStringList = Classes.TStringList;

String list

TStrings = Classes.TStrings;

Base string list

TStringStream = mclasses.TStringStream;

String stream

UInt32or64 = UInt64;

Unsigned integer value of at least 32 bits


fmCreate = $FF00;

This item has no description.

fmOpenRead = 0;

This item has no description.

fmOpenReadWrite = 2;

This item has no description.

fmOpenWrite = 1;

This item has no description.

soBeginning = Classes.soBeginning;

This item has no description.

soCurrent = Classes.soCurrent;

This item has no description.

soEnd = Classes.soEnd;

This item has no description.

soFromBeginning = 0;

This item has no description.

soFromCurrent = 1;

This item has no description.

soFromEnd = 2;

This item has no description.

ssAlt = mseguiglob.ss_alt;

This item has no description.

ssCtrl = mseguiglob.ss_ctrl;

This item has no description.

ssDouble = mseguiglob.ss_double;

This item has no description.

ssLeft = mseguiglob.ss_left;

This item has no description.

ssMiddle = mseguiglob.ss_middle;

This item has no description.

ssRight = mseguiglob.ss_right;

This item has no description.

ssShift = mseguiglob.ss_shift;

This item has no description.

ssTriple = mseguiglob.ss_triple;

This item has no description.

taCenter = Classes.taCenter;

This item has no description.

taLeftJustify = Classes.taLeftJustify;

types always imported from Classes

taRightJustify = Classes.taRightJustify;

This item has no description.