Unit BGRAVectorize


This unit provides vectorizers for black'n'white images and text.

The TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer class can be provided as a renderer to TBGRABitmap.

Font rendering units : BGRAText, BGRATextFX, BGRAVectorize, BGRAFreeType



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record TBGRAGlyphsInfo General information on glyph stream
Class TBGRAVectorizedFont Allows to vectorize and to load vectorized font and draw them
Record TBGRAVectorizedFontHeader Header of a serialized vectorized font
Class TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer Font renderer using vectorized fonts and with effects.

Functions and Procedures

function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;


TGlyphSizes = array of record Text, Glyph: String; Width,Height: single; end;


Functions and Procedures

function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;

Vectorize a rectangular area in a monochrome bitmap (actually checking the green channel)

function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;

Vectorize a monochrome bitmap (actually checking the green channel)


TGlyphSizes = array of record Text, Glyph: String; Width,Height: single; end;

Size of glyphs in text