Unit BGRASVGShapes


Implementation of various SVG shapes



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TSVGAltGlyph SVG alternate glyph (deprecated)
Class TSVGAltGlyphDef SVG collection of alternate glyph definitions (deprecated)
Class TSVGAltGlyphItem SVG alternate definition for a glyph (deprecated)
Class TSVGCircle SVG circle object
Class TSVGClipPath SVG clipping path
Class TSVGColorProfile SVG color profile for images (deprecated)
Class TSVGContent Content for an SVG element
Class TSVGDefine SVG definitions
Class TSVGElementWithContent Any SVG element containing subelements
Class TSVGElementWithGradient Any SVG element that is filled with a gradient
Class TSVGEllipse SVG ellipse object
Class TSVGGlyphRef SVG single glyph for an alternate definition (deprecated)
Class TSVGGradient SVG gradient
Class TSVGGroup SVG group
Class TSVGImage SVG image object
Class TSVGLine SVG line object
Class TSVGLinearGradient SVG linear gradient
Class TSVGLink SVG link (for browsing)
Class TSVGMarker SVG marker (for chart)
Class TSVGMask SVG mask (alpha)
Class TSVGPath SVG path object
Class TSVGPattern SVG pattern (for filling)
Class TSVGPolypoints SVG polyline object
Class TSVGRadialGradient SVG radial gradient
Class TSVGRectangle SVG rectangle object
Record TSVGRuleset Set of rules for a selector in CSS
Class TSVGStopGradient SVG gradient color-stop
Class TSVGStyle SVG style definition (CSS)
Class TSVGText SVG text object
Class TSVGTextElement Any SVG text object or subelement
Class TSVGTextElementWithContent Any SVG text element with subelements
Class TSVGTextPath SVG text on path
Class TSVGTextPositioning Any SVG element with position of subelements
Class TSVGTRef Hypertext reference in SVG text
Class TSVGTSpan SVG span of text

Functions and Procedures

function CreateSVGElementFromNode(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink): TSVGElement;
function GetSVGFactory(ATagName: string): TSVGFactory;


ArrayOfTextParts = array of record Level: integer; BaseElement: TSVGElement; Text: string; SplitPos: integer; AbsoluteCoord: TPointF; PartStartCoord, PartEndCoord: TPointF; Bounds: TRectF; PosUnicode: integer; InheritedRotation: single; end;
ArrayOfTSVGStyleItem = packed array of TSVGRuleset;
TConvMethod = (...);


Functions and Procedures

function CreateSVGElementFromNode(AElement: TDOMElement; AUnits: TCSSUnitConverter; ADataLink: TSVGDataLink): TSVGElement;

This item has no description.

function GetSVGFactory(ATagName: string): TSVGFactory;

This item has no description.


ArrayOfTextParts = array of record Level: integer; BaseElement: TSVGElement; Text: string; SplitPos: integer; AbsoluteCoord: TPointF; PartStartCoord, PartEndCoord: TPointF; Bounds: TRectF; PosUnicode: integer; InheritedRotation: single; end;

This item has no description.

ArrayOfTSVGStyleItem = packed array of TSVGRuleset;

This item has no description.

TConvMethod = (...);

This item has no description.

  • cmNone
  • cmHoriz
  • cmVertical
  • cmOrtho