Unit BGRAPolygon


This unit contains polygon drawing functions and spline functions.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TBGRAMultishapeFiller Class that fills multiple shapes at once, joining them smoothly

Functions and Procedures

procedure BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; bordercolor,fillcolor: TBGRAPixel; bordertexture,filltexture: IBGRAScanner; EraseMode: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure BorderEllipse(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode);
procedure BorderEllipse(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: word = 65535);
procedure BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
procedure BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
procedure BorderEllipseAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
procedure BorderEllipseWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; drawmode: TDrawMode);
procedure BorderRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure BorderRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillEllipseAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);
procedure FillEllipseAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
procedure FillEllipseAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
procedure FillPolyAliased(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; brush: TUniversalBrush; Alpha: Word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillPolyAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillPolyAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillPolyAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; brush: TUniversalBrush; NonZeroWinding: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);
procedure FillShapeAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean= false);
procedure FillShapeAliased(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; brush: TUniversalBrush; Alpha: Word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean= false);
procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; brush: TUniversalBrush; NonZeroWinding: boolean);
procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode);
procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);
procedure FillShapeAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);


Functions and Procedures

procedure BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; bordercolor,fillcolor: TBGRAPixel; bordertexture,filltexture: IBGRAScanner; EraseMode: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure BorderEllipse(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode);

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procedure BorderEllipse(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: word = 65535);

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procedure BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);

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procedure BorderEllipseAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);

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procedure BorderEllipseAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false);

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procedure BorderEllipseWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry, w: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; drawmode: TDrawMode);

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procedure BorderRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure BorderRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry, w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillEllipseAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single; ABrush: TUniversalBrush);

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procedure FillEllipseAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);

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procedure FillEllipseAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, rx, ry: single; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false);

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procedure FillPolyAliased(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; brush: TUniversalBrush; Alpha: Word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillPolyAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillPolyAliasedWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillPolyAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillPolyAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; brush: TUniversalBrush; NonZeroWinding: boolean; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillRoundRectangleAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; scan: IBGRAScanner; LinearBlend: boolean = false; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true);

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procedure FillShapeAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode; AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean= false);

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procedure FillShapeAliased(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; brush: TUniversalBrush; Alpha: Word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; AliasingIncludeBottomRight: Boolean= false);

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procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TCustomUniversalBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; brush: TUniversalBrush; NonZeroWinding: boolean);

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procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; drawmode: TDrawMode);

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procedure FillShapeAntialias(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; c: TBGRAPixel; EraseMode: boolean; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);

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procedure FillShapeAntialiasWithTexture(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; shapeInfo: TBGRACustomFillInfo; scan: IBGRAScanner; NonZeroWinding: boolean; LinearBlend: boolean = false);

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