Class TBGRAPhoxoDocument



type TBGRAPhoxoDocument = class(TBGRALayeredBitmap)


Layered image in Phoxo format




Public constructor Create; overload; override;
Public constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; override;
Public class function CheckFormat(Stream: TStream; ARestorePosition: boolean): boolean; static;
Public class function ReadBlock(Stream: TStream; out AHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader; out ABlockData: PByte): boolean; static;
Protected function GetMimeType: string; override;
Public procedure LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
Public procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
Public procedure SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;
Public procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); override;
Protected procedure AddLayerFromPhoxoData(const ABlockHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader; ABlockData: PByte);
Protected procedure InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
Protected procedure InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);


Public property DPIX: integer read FDPIX;
Public property DPIY: integer read FDPIY;



Public constructor Create; overload; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TGraphic.Create.

Create an empty instance

Public constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); overload; override;

This item has no description.

Public class function CheckFormat(Stream: TStream; ARestorePosition: boolean): boolean; static;

This item has no description.

Public class function ReadBlock(Stream: TStream; out AHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader; out ABlockData: PByte): boolean; static;

This item has no description.

Protected function GetMimeType: string; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TGraphic.GetMimeType.

Get mimetype of current graphic class

Public procedure LoadFromFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TGraphic.LoadFromFile.

Load the content from a given file

Public procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TGraphic.LoadFromStream.

Load the content from a given stream

Public procedure SaveToFile(const filenameUTF8: string); override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TGraphic.SaveToFile.

Saves the content to a file

Public procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TGraphic.SaveToStream.

Saves the content into a given stream

Protected procedure AddLayerFromPhoxoData(const ABlockHeader: TPhoxoBlockHeader; ABlockData: PByte);

This item has no description.

Protected procedure InternalLoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);

This item has no description.

Protected procedure InternalSaveToStream(AStream: TStream);

This item has no description.


Public property DPIX: integer read FDPIX;

This item has no description.

Public property DPIY: integer read FDPIY;

This item has no description.