
3D rendering of TCustomRenderer3D scences in OpenGL



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Object TAttributeVariableInteger Attribute variable containg an integer
Object TAttributeVariablePoint Attribute variable containg a 2D point with integer coordinates
Object TAttributeVariablePoint3D Attribute variable containg a 3D point
Object TAttributeVariablePointF Attribute variable containg a 2D point
Object TAttributeVariableSingle Attribute variable containg a floating-point value
Class TBGLLighting3D Lighting for 3D scene
Class TBGLRenderer3D Renderer of 3D scenes using OpenGL
Class TBGLScene3D 3D scene rendered with OpenGL
Class TBGLShader3D Shader for 3D polygons
Object TUniformVariable Uniform variable in shader (constant for one primitve)
Object TUniformVariableInteger Uniform variable containg an integer
Object TUniformVariableMatrix4D Uniform variable containg a 4D matrix
Object TUniformVariablePoint Uniform variable containg a 2D point with integer coordinates
Object TUniformVariablePoint3D Uniform variable containg a 3D point
Object TUniformVariablePointF Uniform variable containg a 2D point
Object TUniformVariableSingle Uniform variable containg a floating-point value

Functions and Procedures

function ProjectionToOpenGL(AProj: TProjection3D; ANear, AFar: Single): TMatrix4D;


TAttributeVariable = BGRACanvasGL.TAttributeVariable;


Functions and Procedures

function ProjectionToOpenGL(AProj: TProjection3D; ANear, AFar: Single): TMatrix4D;

This item has no description.


TAttributeVariable = BGRACanvasGL.TAttributeVariable;

Attribute variable in shader (value defined per vertex)