Unit msesyntaxpainter
Functions and Procedures
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Record tokeninfoty |
Record starttokenty |
Record endtokenty |
Record keywordinfoty |
Record scopeinfoty |
Class tkeywordlist |
Record refreshinfoty |
Class trefreshinfolist |
Record scopestackcachety |
Record markitemty |
Record markinfoty |
Record clientinfoty |
Record syntaxcolorinfoty |
Record pairwordsty |
Record syntaxdefty |
Class tsyntaxpainter |
tokencharsty = set of char; |
tokenflagty = (...); |
tokenflagsty = set of tokenflagty; |
ptokeninfoty = ˆtokeninfoty; |
tokeninfoarty = array of tokeninfoty; |
starttokenpoty = ˆstarttokenty; |
starttokenarty = array of starttokenty; |
endtokenpoty = ˆendtokenty; |
endtokenarty = array of endtokenty; |
keywordinfoarty = array of keywordinfoty; |
scopeinfopoty = ˆscopeinfoty; |
scopeinfoarty = array of scopeinfoty; |
charsty = set of char; |
charspoty = ˆcharsty; |
keywordarty = array of tkeywordlist; |
prefreshinfoty = ˆrefreshinfoty; |
scopestackcachearty = array of scopestackcachety; |
markitemarty = array of markitemty; |
pclientinfoty = ˆclientinfoty; |
clientinfoarty = array of clientinfoty; |
syntaxdefpoty = ˆsyntaxdefty; |
syntaxdefarty = array of syntaxdefty; |
defaultkeywordchars: set of char = ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_']; |
defaultlinesperslice = 100; |
emptymarkinfo: markinfoty = (backgroundcolor: cl_none; items: nil); |
tokencharsty = set of char; |
tokenflagty = (...); |
tokenflagsty = set of tokenflagty; |
ptokeninfoty = ˆtokeninfoty; |
tokeninfoarty = array of tokeninfoty; |
starttokenpoty = ˆstarttokenty; |
starttokenarty = array of starttokenty; |
endtokenpoty = ˆendtokenty; |
endtokenarty = array of endtokenty; |
keywordinfoarty = array of keywordinfoty; |
scopeinfopoty = ˆscopeinfoty; |
scopeinfoarty = array of scopeinfoty; |
charsty = set of char; |
charspoty = ˆcharsty; |
keywordarty = array of tkeywordlist; |
prefreshinfoty = ˆrefreshinfoty; |
scopestackcachearty = array of scopestackcachety; |
markitemarty = array of markitemty; |
pclientinfoty = ˆclientinfoty; |
clientinfoarty = array of clientinfoty; |
syntaxdefpoty = ˆsyntaxdefty; |
syntaxdefarty = array of syntaxdefty; |
defaultkeywordchars: set of char = ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_']; |
defaultlinesperslice = 100; |
emptymarkinfo: markinfoty = (backgroundcolor: cl_none; items: nil); |
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