Unit msegrids
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class tgridexception |
Record celleventinfoty |
Class tcellframe |
Class tfixcellframe |
Class tcellface |
Class tfixcellface |
Record rowfoldinfoty |
Record cellinfoty |
Class tgridpropfont |
Class tgridprop |
Record colpaintinfoty |
Record rangety |
Record cellaxisrangety |
Record rowpaintinfoty |
Record rowspaintinfoty |
Class tcolselectfont |
Class tcol |
Class tdatacol |
Class tcelldragobject |
Class tdrawcol |
Class tstringcoldatalist |
Class tcustomstringcol |
Class tstringcol |
Class tfixcol |
Class tcolheaderfont |
Class tcolheader |
Class tdatacolheader |
Class tcolheaders |
Class tfixcolheaders |
Class tdatacolheaders |
Class tfixrow |
Class tgridarrayprop |
Class tcolsfont |
Class tcolsfontselect |
Class tcols |
Class trowstatelist |
Class tdatacols |
Class tdrawcols |
Class tstringcols |
Class tfixcols |
Class tfixrows |
Class tgridframe |
Class trowfontarrayprop |
Class tcustomgrid |
Class tcellgrid |
Class tdrawgrid |
Class tcustomstringgrid |
Class tstringgrid |
Functions and Procedures
function gridcoordtotext(const coord: gridcoordty): string; |
function isequalgridcoord(const a,b: gridcoordty): boolean; |
function iscellkeypress(const info: celleventinfoty; const akey: keyty = key_none; const shiftstatemustinclude: shiftstatesty = []; const shiftstatemustnotinclude: shiftstatesty = []): boolean; |
function iscellclick(const info: celleventinfoty; const restrictions: cellclickrestrictionsty = []; const shiftstatemustinclude: shiftstatesty = []; const shiftstatemustnotinclude: shiftstatesty = [ss_repeat]): boolean; |
function isrowenter(const info: celleventinfoty; const noentergrid: boolean = false): boolean; |
function isrowexit(const info: celleventinfoty; const noexitgrid: boolean = false): boolean; |
function isrowchange(const info: celleventinfoty): boolean; |
function wasrowenter(const info: celleventinfoty; const noentergrid: boolean = false): boolean; |
function wasrowexit(const info: celleventinfoty; const noexitgrid: boolean = false): boolean; |
function cellkeypress(const info: celleventinfoty): keyty; |
coloptionty = (...); |
coloptionsty = set of coloptionty; |
coloption1ty = (...); |
coloptions1ty = set of coloption1ty; |
fixcoloptionty = (...); |
fixcoloptionsty = set of fixcoloptionty; |
fixrowoptionty = (...); |
fixrowoptionsty = set of fixrowoptionty; |
optiongridty = (...); |
optionsgridty = set of optiongridty; |
optiongrid1ty = (...); |
optionsgrid1ty = set of optiongrid1ty; |
pickobjectkindty = (...); |
stringcoleditoptionty = (...); |
stringcoleditoptionsty = set of stringcoleditoptionty; |
gridstatety = (...); |
gridstatesty = set of gridstatety; |
gridstate1ty = (...); |
gridstates1ty = set of gridstate1ty; |
cellkindty = (...); |
griderrorty = (...); |
pcelleventinfoty = ˆcelleventinfoty; |
prowfoldinfoty = ˆrowfoldinfoty; |
rowfoldinfoarty = array of rowfoldinfoty; |
rowfoldinfoaty = array[0..0] of rowfoldinfoty; |
prowfoldinfoaty = ˆrowfoldinfoaty; |
celldrawstatety = (...); |
celldrawstatesty = set of celldrawstatety; |
pcellinfoty = ˆcellinfoty; |
gridpropstatety = (...); |
gridpropstatesty = set of gridpropstatety; |
gridpropclassty = class of tgridprop; |
celleventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var info: celleventinfoty) of object; |
drawcelleventty = procedure(const sender: tcol; const canvas: tcanvas; var cellinfo: cellinfoty) of object; |
beforedrawcelleventty = procedure(const sender: tcol; const canvas: tcanvas; var cellinfo: cellinfoty; var processed: boolean) of object; |
showcolhinteventty = procedure(const sender: tdatacol; const arow: integer; var info: hintinfoty) of object; |
datacoleventty = procedure(const sender: tdatacol) of object; |
datacolchangeeventty = procedure(const sender: tdatacol; const aindex: integer) of object; |
datacolaty = array[0..0] of tdatacol; |
pdatacolaty = ˆdatacolaty; |
celldrageventty = procedure(const cellinfo: cellinfoty; var draginfo: draginfoty; var dragobject: tcelldragobject; var accept: boolean; var processed: boolean) of object; |
stringcolclassty = class of tcustomstringcol; |
fixcolclassty = class of tfixcol; |
cellmergeflagty = (...); |
cellmergeflagsty = set of cellmergeflagty; |
datacolheaderoptionty = (...); |
datacolheaderoptionsty = set of datacolheaderoptionty; |
beforefixdrawcelleventty = procedure(const sender: tfixrow; const canvas: tcanvas; var cellinfo: cellinfoty; var processed: boolean) of object; |
drawfixcelleventty = procedure(const sender: tfixrow; const canvas: tcanvas; const cellinfo: cellinfoty) of object; |
cellinnerlevelty = (...); |
cellselectmodety = (...); |
selectcellmodety = (...); |
optionfoldty = (...); |
optionsfoldty = set of optionfoldty; |
gridnotifyeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid) of object; |
griddataeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const acell: gridcoordty) of object; |
griddatablockeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const acell: gridcoordty; const acount: integer) of object; |
gridblockmovingeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var fromindex,toindex,acount: integer) of object; |
gridblockmovedeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const fromindex,toindex,acount: integer) of object; |
gridbeforeblockeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var aindex,acount: integer) of object; |
gridblockeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const aindex: integer; const acount: integer) of object; |
gridsorteventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const lindex,rindex: integer; var aresult: integer) of object; |
gridmorerowseventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const count: integer) of object; |
gridscrolleventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var step: integer) of object; |
copyselectioneventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var handled: boolean) of object; |
pasteselectioneventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var handled: boolean) of object; |
cellclickrestrictionty = (...); |
cellclickrestrictionsty = set of cellclickrestrictionty; |
Functions and Procedures
function gridcoordtotext(const coord: gridcoordty): string; |
function isequalgridcoord(const a,b: gridcoordty): boolean; |
function iscellkeypress(const info: celleventinfoty; const akey: keyty = key_none; const shiftstatemustinclude: shiftstatesty = []; const shiftstatemustnotinclude: shiftstatesty = []): boolean; |
function iscellclick(const info: celleventinfoty; const restrictions: cellclickrestrictionsty = []; const shiftstatemustinclude: shiftstatesty = []; const shiftstatemustnotinclude: shiftstatesty = [ss_repeat]): boolean; |
function isrowenter(const info: celleventinfoty; const noentergrid: boolean = false): boolean; |
function isrowexit(const info: celleventinfoty; const noexitgrid: boolean = false): boolean; |
function isrowchange(const info: celleventinfoty): boolean; |
function wasrowenter(const info: celleventinfoty; const noentergrid: boolean = false): boolean; |
function wasrowexit(const info: celleventinfoty; const noexitgrid: boolean = false): boolean; |
function cellkeypress(const info: celleventinfoty): keyty; |
coloptionty = (...); |
coloptionsty = set of coloptionty; |
coloption1ty = (...); |
coloptions1ty = set of coloption1ty; |
fixcoloptionty = (...); |
fixcoloptionsty = set of fixcoloptionty; |
fixrowoptionty = (...); |
fixrowoptionsty = set of fixrowoptionty; |
optiongridty = (...); |
optionsgridty = set of optiongridty; |
optiongrid1ty = (...); |
optionsgrid1ty = set of optiongrid1ty; |
pickobjectkindty = (...); |
stringcoleditoptionty = (...); |
stringcoleditoptionsty = set of stringcoleditoptionty; |
gridstatety = (...); |
gridstatesty = set of gridstatety; |
gridstate1ty = (...); |
gridstates1ty = set of gridstate1ty; |
cellkindty = (...); |
griderrorty = (...); |
pcelleventinfoty = ˆcelleventinfoty; |
prowfoldinfoty = ˆrowfoldinfoty; |
rowfoldinfoarty = array of rowfoldinfoty; |
rowfoldinfoaty = array[0..0] of rowfoldinfoty; |
prowfoldinfoaty = ˆrowfoldinfoaty; |
celldrawstatety = (...); |
celldrawstatesty = set of celldrawstatety; |
pcellinfoty = ˆcellinfoty; |
gridpropstatety = (...); |
gridpropstatesty = set of gridpropstatety; |
gridpropclassty = class of tgridprop; |
celleventty = procedure(const sender: tobject; var info: celleventinfoty) of object; |
drawcelleventty = procedure(const sender: tcol; const canvas: tcanvas; var cellinfo: cellinfoty) of object; |
beforedrawcelleventty = procedure(const sender: tcol; const canvas: tcanvas; var cellinfo: cellinfoty; var processed: boolean) of object; |
showcolhinteventty = procedure(const sender: tdatacol; const arow: integer; var info: hintinfoty) of object; |
datacoleventty = procedure(const sender: tdatacol) of object; |
datacolchangeeventty = procedure(const sender: tdatacol; const aindex: integer) of object; |
datacolaty = array[0..0] of tdatacol; |
pdatacolaty = ˆdatacolaty; |
celldrageventty = procedure(const cellinfo: cellinfoty; var draginfo: draginfoty; var dragobject: tcelldragobject; var accept: boolean; var processed: boolean) of object; |
stringcolclassty = class of tcustomstringcol; |
fixcolclassty = class of tfixcol; |
cellmergeflagty = (...); |
cellmergeflagsty = set of cellmergeflagty; |
datacolheaderoptionty = (...); |
datacolheaderoptionsty = set of datacolheaderoptionty; |
beforefixdrawcelleventty = procedure(const sender: tfixrow; const canvas: tcanvas; var cellinfo: cellinfoty; var processed: boolean) of object; |
drawfixcelleventty = procedure(const sender: tfixrow; const canvas: tcanvas; const cellinfo: cellinfoty) of object; |
cellinnerlevelty = (...); |
cellselectmodety = (...); |
selectcellmodety = (...); |
optionfoldty = (...); |
optionsfoldty = set of optionfoldty; |
gridnotifyeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid) of object; |
griddataeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const acell: gridcoordty) of object; |
griddatablockeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const acell: gridcoordty; const acount: integer) of object; |
gridblockmovingeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var fromindex,toindex,acount: integer) of object; |
gridblockmovedeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const fromindex,toindex,acount: integer) of object; |
gridbeforeblockeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var aindex,acount: integer) of object; |
gridblockeventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const aindex: integer; const acount: integer) of object; |
gridsorteventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const lindex,rindex: integer; var aresult: integer) of object; |
gridmorerowseventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; const count: integer) of object; |
gridscrolleventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var step: integer) of object; |
copyselectioneventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var handled: boolean) of object; |
pasteselectioneventty = procedure(const sender: tcustomgrid; var handled: boolean) of object; |
cellclickrestrictionty = (...); |
cellclickrestrictionsty = set of cellclickrestrictionty; |
deprecatedcoloptions = []; |
invisiblecoloptions = []; |
fixcoloptionsshift1 = ord(fco_rowfont)-ord(co1_rowfont); |
fixcoloptionsmask: coloptions1ty =
[co1_rowfont,co1_rowcolor,co1_zebracolor]; |
defaultfixcoloptions = []; |
defaultgridskinoptions = [osk_framebuttononly]; |
sortglyphwidth = 11; |
defaultwheelscrollheight = 0; |
rowstatefoldleveltag = 0; |
rowstateissumtag = 1; |
rowstatefoldhiddentag = 2; |
gridautosizetag = 3; |
rowstateoptions = [og_colmerged,og_rowheight]; |
invisibleoptionsgrid = []; |
newcomponentoptionsgridadd = [og_rowinserting,og_rowdeleting,
og_autofirstrow,og_autoappend]; |
stringcoloptionseditmask: optionseditty = [
oe_casesensitive]; |
stringcoloptionseditshift = ord(oe_exitoncursor) -
ord(scoe_exitoncursor); |
gridvaluevarname = 'values'; |
pickobjectstep = integer(high(pickobjectkindty)) + 1; |
layoutchangedcoloptions: coloptionsty = [co_fill,co_proportional,co_invisible,
co_nohscroll]; |
layoutchangedcoloptions1: coloptions1ty =
co1_autorowheight,co1_autocolwidth,co1_autoheaderwidth]; |
notfixcoloptions = [co_fixwidth,co_fixpos,co_fill,co_proportional,co_nohscroll,
co_rowdatachange]; |
defaultoptionsgrid = [og_autopopup,og_colchangeontabkey,og_focuscellonenter,
og_mousescrollcol,og_wrapcol]; |
mousescrolldist = 5; |
griddefaultcolwidth = 50; |
griddefaultrowheight = 20; |
defaultcoltextflags = [tf_ycentered,tf_noselect]; |
defaultactivecoltextflags = defaultcoltextflags - [tf_noselect]; |
defaultgridlinewidth = 1; |
defaultdatalinecolor = cl_gridline; |
defaultfixlinecolor = cl_gridlinefix; |
defaultselectedcellcolor = cl_gridselect; |
defaultdatacoloptions = [co_savestate,co_savevalue,
co_mousescrollrow]; |
defaultdatacoloptions1 = [co1_rowfont,co1_rowcolor,co1_zebracolor,
co1_rowcoloractive,co1_rowcolorfocused,co1_rowreadonly]; |
defaultfixcoltextflags = [tf_ycentered,tf_xcentered]; |
defaultstringcoleditoptions = [scoe_exitoncursor,scoe_undoonesc,scoe_autoselect,
scoe_focusrectonreadonly]; |
slowrepeat = 200000; |
fastrepeat = 100000; |
defaultgridwidgetoptions = defaultoptionswidgetmousewheel +
[ow_focusbackonesc]; |
defaultgridwidgetoptions1 = defaultoptionswidget1 +
[ow1_fontglyphheight]; |
mousecellevents = [cek_mousemove,cek_mousepark,cek_firstmousepark,
cek_buttonpress,cek_buttonrelease]; |
repeaterstates = [gs_scrollup,gs_scrolldown,gs_scrollleft,gs_scrollright]; |
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