Class tcustomdragcontroller



type tcustomdragcontroller = class(tlinkedpersistent, ievent)


No description available, ancestor tlinkedpersistent description follows
No description available, ancestor tnullinterfacedpersistent description follows
No description available, ancestor tvirtualpersistent description follows




Protected fpickpos: pointty;
Protected fpickrect: rectty;
Protected fdragobject: tdragobject;
Protected fstate: dragstatesty;
Protected fintf: idragcontroller;
Protected fsysdndobjects: array[0..3] of sysdndinfoty;
Protected flastwidget: twidget;


Protected procedure dokeypress(const sender: twidget; var info: keyeventinfoty) virtual;
Protected procedure doexpiresdnd(const sender: tobject);
Protected function checkclickstate(const info: mouseeventinfoty): boolean; virtual;
Protected function checksysdnd(const aaction: sysdndactionty; const arect: rectty): boolean; virtual;
Protected function canbegindrag: boolean; virtual;
Protected procedure receiveevent(const aevent: tobjectevent); virtual;
Public constructor create(const aintf: idragcontroller); reintroduce;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public function active: boolean;
Public procedure enddrag; virtual;
Public procedure mouseevent(var info: mouseeventinfoty); virtual;
Public procedure clientmouseevent(var info: mouseeventinfoty); virtual;
Public procedure childormouseevent(const sender: twidget; var info: mouseeventinfoty); virtual;
Public function beforedragevent(var info: draginfoty): boolean; virtual; abstract;
Public function afterdragevent(var info: draginfoty): boolean; virtual; abstract;


Public property pickpos: pointty read fpickpos;
Public property options: dragoptionsty read foptions write foptions default [];



Protected fpickpos: pointty;
Protected fpickrect: rectty;
Protected fdragobject: tdragobject;
Protected fstate: dragstatesty;
Protected fintf: idragcontroller;
Protected fsysdndobjects: array[0..3] of sysdndinfoty;
Protected flastwidget: twidget;


Protected procedure dokeypress(const sender: twidget; var info: keyeventinfoty) virtual;
Protected procedure doexpiresdnd(const sender: tobject);
Protected function checkclickstate(const info: mouseeventinfoty): boolean; virtual;
Protected function checksysdnd(const aaction: sysdndactionty; const arect: rectty): boolean; virtual;
Protected function canbegindrag: boolean; virtual;
Protected procedure receiveevent(const aevent: tobjectevent); virtual;
Public constructor create(const aintf: idragcontroller); reintroduce;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public function active: boolean;
Public procedure enddrag; virtual;
Public procedure mouseevent(var info: mouseeventinfoty); virtual;
Public procedure clientmouseevent(var info: mouseeventinfoty); virtual;
Public procedure childormouseevent(const sender: twidget; var info: mouseeventinfoty); virtual;
Public function beforedragevent(var info: draginfoty): boolean; virtual; abstract;
Public function afterdragevent(var info: draginfoty): boolean; virtual; abstract;


Public property pickpos: pointty read fpickpos;
Public property options: dragoptionsty read foptions write foptions default [];

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