Class TBGRAAvgLvlPalette



type TBGRAAvgLvlPalette = class(TBGRACustomPalette)


Abstract implementation of a BGRA palette using a binary tree.

It ensures relatively fast and average access time even with many entries.




Protected FArray: array of PBGRAPixel;
Protected FLastAddedColorCount: integer;
Protected FLastAddedColors: packed[0..MaxLastAddedColors-1] of PBGRAPixel;
Protected FTree: TAVLTree;


Public constructor Create; overload;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; override;
Public function GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; override;
Public function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor; override;
Public function IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;
Protected function GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
Protected function GetCount: integer; override;
Protected function GetLastColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel;
Public procedure Clear; virtual;
Protected procedure AddLastColor(AColor: PBGRAPixel);
Protected procedure ClearArray; virtual;
Protected procedure ClearLastColors;
Protected procedure FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure NeedArray; virtual;



Protected FArray: array of PBGRAPixel;

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Protected FLastAddedColorCount: integer;

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Protected FLastAddedColors: packed[0..MaxLastAddedColors-1] of PBGRAPixel;

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Protected FTree: TAVLTree;

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Public constructor Create; overload;

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Public destructor Destroy; override;

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Public function ContainsColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): boolean; override;

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Public function GetAsArrayOfColor: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; override;

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Public function GetAsArrayOfWeightedColor: ArrayOfWeightedColor; override;

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Public function IndexOfColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): integer; override;

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Protected function GetColorByIndex(AIndex: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;

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Protected function GetCount: integer; override;

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Protected function GetLastColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): PBGRAPixel;

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Public procedure Clear; virtual;

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Protected procedure AddLastColor(AColor: PBGRAPixel);

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Protected procedure ClearArray; virtual;

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Protected procedure ClearLastColors;

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Protected procedure FreeEntry(AEntry: PBGRAPixel); virtual; abstract;

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Protected procedure NeedArray; virtual;

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