Unit BGRAGradientScanner

Functions and Procedures


Scanners that generate gradients. This allows to use gradients as textures



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TBGRABufferedGradient Buffered gradient to accelerate computation of complex gradients
Class TBGRAConstantScanner Scanner of constant color
Class TBGRACustomMultiGradient Abstract class multi color stops gradient
Class TBGRAGradientScanner Scanner that renders a gradient
Class TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner Scanner of triangle scanner in linear RGBA colorspace
Class TBGRAHueGradient Hue gradient between two colors
Class TBGRAHueMultiGradient Multi-gradient using hue interpolation
Class TBGRAMultiGradient Multi-gradient using RGBA interpolation
Class TBGRAOpacityScanner Scanner applying an opacity
Class TBGRARandomScanner Scanner of random color
Class TBGRASimpleGradient Abstract simple RGBA gradient between two colors
Class TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection Simple RGBA gradient between two colors with gamma correction
Class TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection Simple RGBA gradient between two colors without gamma correction
Class TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner Scanner filling a mask with a solid color
Class TBGRATextureMaskScanner Scanner filling a mask with a texture


TBGRAColorInterpolation = (...);
TBGRAGradientRepetition = (...);
TBGRAGradientScannerInternalScanAtFunc = function(const p: TPointF):single of object;
TBGRAGradientScannerInternalScanNextFunc = function():single of object;
TGradientInterpolationFunction = function(t: single): single of object;
THueGradientOption = (...);
THueGradientOptions = set of THueGradientOption;



TBGRAColorInterpolation = (...);

Color interpolation in gradients

  • ciStdRGB: Using sRGB colorspace
  • ciLinearRGB: Using linear RGB colorspace
  • ciLinearHSLPositive: Using HSL colorspace, rotating hue towards positive
  • ciLinearHSLNegative: Using HSL colorspace, rotating hue towards negative
  • ciLinearHSLAuto: Using HSL colorspace, rotating hue for shortest path
  • ciGSBPositive: Using GSB colorspace, rotating hue towards positive
  • ciGSBNegative: Using GSB colorspace, rotating hue towards negative
  • ciGSBAuto: Using GSB colorspace, rotating hue for shortest path
TBGRAGradientRepetition = (...);

Gradient reptition option

  • grPad: Pad with the end colors
  • grRepeat: Repeat gradient by jumping from end to start
  • grReflect: Repeat gradient using reflection
  • grSine: Repeat gradient using the sine of the position
TBGRAGradientScannerInternalScanAtFunc = function(const p: TPointF):single of object;

This item has no description.

TBGRAGradientScannerInternalScanNextFunc = function():single of object;

This item has no description.

TGradientInterpolationFunction = function(t: single): single of object;

This item has no description.

THueGradientOption = (...);

This item has no description.

  • hgoRepeat
  • hgoReflect
  • hgoPositiveDirection: repetition
  • hgoNegativeDirection
  • hgoDirectionAuto
  • hgoHueCorrection: hue orientation
  • hgoLightnessCorrection
  • hgoGuessNonSaturatedHue
THueGradientOptions = set of THueGradientOption;

color interpolation