Class TBGRAColorBox



type TBGRAColorBox = class(TObject)


Box area in the colorspace allowing to split in two different areas




Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; APalette: TBGRACustomPalette); overload;
Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); overload;
Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; AColors: PBGRAPixel; ANbPixels: integer; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); overload;
Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AOwner: boolean); overload;
Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption = acFullChannelInPalette); overload;
Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABounds: TColorBoxBounds); overload;
Public function BoundsContain(AColor: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
Public function Duplicate: TBGRAColorBox;
Public function GetAsArrayOfColors(AIncludePureTransparent: boolean): ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
Public function MedianCut(ADimension: TColorDimension; out SuperiorMiddle: UInt32): TBGRAColorBox;


Public property ApparentInterval[AChannel: TColorDimension]: UInt32 read GetApparentInterval;
Public property AverageColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAverageColor;
Public property AverageColorOrMainColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAverageColorOrMainColor;
Public property Bounds[ADimension: TColorDimension]: TDimensionMinMax read GetBounds;
Public property ColorCount[ACountPureTransparent: boolean]: integer read GetColorCount;
Public property HasPureTransparentColor: boolean read GetHasPureTransparentColor;
Public property InferiorColor: TBGRAPixel read GetInferiorColor;
Public property LargestApparentDimension: TColorDimension read GetLargestApparentDimension;
Public property LargestApparentInterval: UInt32 read GetLargestApparentInterval;
Public property PointLike: boolean read GetPointLike;
Public property PureTransparentColorCount: integer read FPureTransparentColorCount;
Public property SuperiorColor: TBGRAPixel read GetSuperiorColor;
Public property TotalWeight: UInt32 read FTotalWeight;



Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; APalette: TBGRACustomPalette); overload;

This item has no description.

Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); overload;

This item has no description.

Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; AColors: PBGRAPixel; ANbPixels: integer; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption); overload;

This item has no description.

Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AOwner: boolean); overload;

This item has no description.

Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; const AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption = acFullChannelInPalette); overload;

This item has no description.

Public constructor Create(ADimensions: TColorDimensions; ABounds: TColorBoxBounds); overload;

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Public function BoundsContain(AColor: TBGRAPixel): boolean;

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Public function Duplicate: TBGRAColorBox;

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Public function GetAsArrayOfColors(AIncludePureTransparent: boolean): ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;

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Public function MedianCut(ADimension: TColorDimension; out SuperiorMiddle: UInt32): TBGRAColorBox;

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Public property ApparentInterval[AChannel: TColorDimension]: UInt32 read GetApparentInterval;

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Public property AverageColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAverageColor;

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Public property AverageColorOrMainColor: TBGRAPixel read GetAverageColorOrMainColor;

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Public property Bounds[ADimension: TColorDimension]: TDimensionMinMax read GetBounds;

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Public property ColorCount[ACountPureTransparent: boolean]: integer read GetColorCount;

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Public property HasPureTransparentColor: boolean read GetHasPureTransparentColor;

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Public property InferiorColor: TBGRAPixel read GetInferiorColor;

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Public property LargestApparentDimension: TColorDimension read GetLargestApparentDimension;

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Public property LargestApparentInterval: UInt32 read GetLargestApparentInterval;

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Public property PointLike: boolean read GetPointLike;

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Public property PureTransparentColorCount: integer read FPureTransparentColorCount;

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Public property SuperiorColor: TBGRAPixel read GetSuperiorColor;

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Public property TotalWeight: UInt32 read FTotalWeight;

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