Class tcustomitemlist



type tcustomitemlist = class(tobjectdatalist, iobjectlink)


No description available, ancestor tobjectdatalist description follows
No description available, ancestor tdynamicpointerdatalist description follows
No description available, ancestor tdynamicdatalist description follows
No description available, ancestor tdatalist description follows
No description available, ancestor tlinkedpersistent description follows
No description available, ancestor tnullinterfacedpersistent description follows
No description available, ancestor tvirtualpersistent description follows




Protected fdefaultnodestate: nodestatesty;
Protected fimagelist: timagelist;
Protected fimagesize: sizety;
Protected fimagealignment: alignmentsty;
Protected fimnr_base: integer;
Protected fimnr_expanded: integer;
Protected fimnr_selected: integer;
Protected fimnr_readonly: integer;
Protected fimnr_checked: integer;
Protected fimnr_subitems: integer;
Protected flevelstep: integer;
Protected fintf: iitemlist;
Protected foptions: nodeoptionsty;
Protected fcaptionpos: captionposty;
Protected fitemstate: itemliststatesty;


Protected procedure objectevent(const sender: tobject; const event: objecteventty); override;
Protected function getitems1(const index: integer): tlistitem;
Protected procedure setitems(const index: integer; const Value: tlistitem);
Protected procedure setcount(const value: integer); override;
Protected procedure freedata(var data); override;
Protected procedure removeitem(const aindex: integer);
Protected procedure change(const item: tlistitem); reintroduce; overload;
Protected procedure nodenotification(const sender: tlistitem; var ainfo: nodeactioninfoty); virtual;
Protected procedure setitemselected(const row: integer; const value: boolean); override;
Protected procedure doitemchange(const index: integer); override;
Protected procedure invalidate; virtual;
Protected procedure updatelayout; virtual;
Protected procedure docreateobject(var instance: tobject); override;
Protected procedure createitem(out item: tlistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure createstatitem(const reader: tstatreader; out item: tlistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure statreaditem(const reader: tstatreader; var aitem: tlistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure statreadtreeitem(const reader: tstatreader; const parent: ttreelistitem; var aitem: ttreelistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure statwriteitem(const writer: tstatwriter; const aitem: tlistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure statwritetreeitem(const writer: tstatwriter; const aitem: ttreelistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure dostatread(const reader: tstatreader; const name: msestring); virtual;
Protected procedure dostatwrite(const writer: tstatwriter; const name: msestring); virtual;
Protected procedure writestate(const writer; const name: msestring); override;
Protected procedure readstate(const reader; const acount: integer; const name: msestring); override;
Public constructor create; overload; override;
Public constructor create(const intf: iitemlist); reintroduce; overload;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public procedure registerobject(const aobject: iobjectlink);
Public procedure unregisterobject(const aobject: iobjectlink);
Public function layoutinfopo: plistitemlayoutinfoty;
Public function add(const aitem: tlistitem): integer; overload;
Public function add(const aitem: msestring): integer; overload;
Public procedure add(const aitems: listitemarty); overload;
Public procedure add(const aitems: msestringarty); overload;
Public procedure add(const aitems: array of msestring); overload;
Public function empty(const index: integer): boolean; override;
Public function indexof(const aitem: tlistitem): integer;
Public function nodezone(const point: pointty): cellzonety;
Public function getitems(const must: nodestatesty; const mustnot: nodestatesty): listitemarty;
Public function getindexes(const must: nodestatesty; const mustnot: nodestatesty): integerarty;
Public function getselecteditems: listitemarty;
Public function getselectedindexes: integerarty;
Public function getcheckeditems: listitemarty;
Public function getcheckedindexes: integerarty;


Public property itemlistintf: iitemlist read fintf;
Public property items[constindex:integer]: tlistitem read getitems1 write setitems;
Public property imnr_base: integer read fimnr_base write setimnr_base default 0;
Public property imnr_expanded: integer read fimnr_expanded write setimnr_expanded default 0;
Public property imnr_selected: integer read fimnr_selected write setimnr_selected default 0;
Public property imnr_readonly: integer read fimnr_readonly write setimnr_readonly default 0;
Public property imnr_checked: integer read fimnr_checked write setimnr_checked default 0;
Public property imnr_subitems: integer read fimnr_subitems write setimnr_subitems default 0;
Public property imnr_focused: integer read fimnr_focused write setimnr_focused default 0;
Public property imnr_active: integer read fimnr_active write setimnr_active default 0;
Public property imagelist: timagelist read fimagelist write setimagelist;
Public property imagewidth: integer read write setimagewidth default 0;
Public property imageheight: integer read write setimageheight default 0;
Public property imagesize: sizety read fimagesize write setimagesize;
Public property imagealignment: alignmentsty read fimagealignment write setimagealignment default [al_xcentered,al_ycentered];
Public property options: nodeoptionsty read foptions write setoptions default [];
Public property captionpos: captionposty read fcaptionpos write setcaptionpos default cp_right;
Public property fonts: tfontarrayprop read ffonts write setfonts;
Public property levelstep: integer read flevelstep write setlevelstep default defaultlevelstep;
Public property defaultnodestate: nodestatesty read fdefaultnodestate write fdefaultnodestate default [];
Public property onstatreaditem: statreaditemeventty read fonstatreaditem write fonstatreaditem;
Public property onstatreadtreeitem: statreadtreeitemeventty read fonstatreadtreeitem write fonstatreadtreeitem;
Public property onstatwriteitem: statwriteitemeventty read fonstatwriteitem write fonstatwriteitem;
Public property onstatwritetreeitem: statwritetreeitemeventty read fonstatwritetreeitem write fonstatwritetreeitem;
Public property onstatwrite: statwriteitemlisteventty read fonstatwrite write fonstatwrite;
Public property onstatread: statreaditemlisteventty read fonstatread write fonstatread;



Protected fdefaultnodestate: nodestatesty;
Protected fimagelist: timagelist;
Protected fimagesize: sizety;
Protected fimagealignment: alignmentsty;
Protected fimnr_base: integer;
Protected fimnr_expanded: integer;
Protected fimnr_selected: integer;
Protected fimnr_readonly: integer;
Protected fimnr_checked: integer;
Protected fimnr_subitems: integer;
Protected flevelstep: integer;
Protected fintf: iitemlist;
Protected foptions: nodeoptionsty;
Protected fcaptionpos: captionposty;
Protected fitemstate: itemliststatesty;


Protected procedure objectevent(const sender: tobject; const event: objecteventty); override;
Protected function getitems1(const index: integer): tlistitem;
Protected procedure setitems(const index: integer; const Value: tlistitem);
Protected procedure setcount(const value: integer); override;
Protected procedure freedata(var data); override;
Protected procedure removeitem(const aindex: integer);
Protected procedure change(const item: tlistitem); reintroduce; overload;
Protected procedure nodenotification(const sender: tlistitem; var ainfo: nodeactioninfoty); virtual;
Protected procedure setitemselected(const row: integer; const value: boolean); override;
Protected procedure doitemchange(const index: integer); override;
Protected procedure invalidate; virtual;
Protected procedure updatelayout; virtual;
Protected procedure docreateobject(var instance: tobject); override;
Protected procedure createitem(out item: tlistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure createstatitem(const reader: tstatreader; out item: tlistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure statreaditem(const reader: tstatreader; var aitem: tlistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure statreadtreeitem(const reader: tstatreader; const parent: ttreelistitem; var aitem: ttreelistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure statwriteitem(const writer: tstatwriter; const aitem: tlistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure statwritetreeitem(const writer: tstatwriter; const aitem: ttreelistitem); virtual;
Protected procedure dostatread(const reader: tstatreader; const name: msestring); virtual;
Protected procedure dostatwrite(const writer: tstatwriter; const name: msestring); virtual;
Protected procedure writestate(const writer; const name: msestring); override;
Protected procedure readstate(const reader; const acount: integer; const name: msestring); override;
Public constructor create; overload; override;
Public constructor create(const intf: iitemlist); reintroduce; overload;
Public destructor destroy; override;
Public procedure registerobject(const aobject: iobjectlink);
Public procedure unregisterobject(const aobject: iobjectlink);
Public function layoutinfopo: plistitemlayoutinfoty;
Public function add(const aitem: tlistitem): integer; overload;
Public function add(const aitem: msestring): integer; overload;
Public procedure add(const aitems: listitemarty); overload;
Public procedure add(const aitems: msestringarty); overload;
Public procedure add(const aitems: array of msestring); overload;
Public function empty(const index: integer): boolean; override;
Public function indexof(const aitem: tlistitem): integer;
Public function nodezone(const point: pointty): cellzonety;
Public function getitems(const must: nodestatesty; const mustnot: nodestatesty): listitemarty;
Public function getindexes(const must: nodestatesty; const mustnot: nodestatesty): integerarty;
Public function getselecteditems: listitemarty;
Public function getselectedindexes: integerarty;
Public function getcheckeditems: listitemarty;
Public function getcheckedindexes: integerarty;


Public property itemlistintf: iitemlist read fintf;
Public property items[constindex:integer]: tlistitem read getitems1 write setitems;
Public property imnr_base: integer read fimnr_base write setimnr_base default 0;
Public property imnr_expanded: integer read fimnr_expanded write setimnr_expanded default 0;
Public property imnr_selected: integer read fimnr_selected write setimnr_selected default 0;
Public property imnr_readonly: integer read fimnr_readonly write setimnr_readonly default 0;
Public property imnr_checked: integer read fimnr_checked write setimnr_checked default 0;
Public property imnr_subitems: integer read fimnr_subitems write setimnr_subitems default 0;
Public property imnr_focused: integer read fimnr_focused write setimnr_focused default 0;
Public property imnr_active: integer read fimnr_active write setimnr_active default 0;
Public property imagelist: timagelist read fimagelist write setimagelist;
Public property imagewidth: integer read write setimagewidth default 0;
Public property imageheight: integer read write setimageheight default 0;
Public property imagesize: sizety read fimagesize write setimagesize;
Public property imagealignment: alignmentsty read fimagealignment write setimagealignment default [al_xcentered,al_ycentered];
Public property options: nodeoptionsty read foptions write setoptions default [];
Public property captionpos: captionposty read fcaptionpos write setcaptionpos default cp_right;
Public property fonts: tfontarrayprop read ffonts write setfonts;
Public property levelstep: integer read flevelstep write setlevelstep default defaultlevelstep;
Public property defaultnodestate: nodestatesty read fdefaultnodestate write fdefaultnodestate default [];
Public property onstatreaditem: statreaditemeventty read fonstatreaditem write fonstatreaditem;
Public property onstatreadtreeitem: statreadtreeitemeventty read fonstatreadtreeitem write fonstatreadtreeitem;
Public property onstatwriteitem: statwriteitemeventty read fonstatwriteitem write fonstatwriteitem;
Public property onstatwritetreeitem: statwritetreeitemeventty read fonstatwritetreeitem write fonstatwritetreeitem;
Public property onstatwrite: statwriteitemlisteventty read fonstatwrite write fonstatwrite;
Public property onstatread: statreaditemlisteventty read fonstatread write fonstatread;

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