Unit mseassistivehandler




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class tassistivespeak  
Class tassistivewidgetitem  
Record assistivewidgetdataty  
Record assistivewidgethashdataty  
Class tassistivewidgetitemlist  
Class tassistivehandler  


assistivehandlerstatety = (...);
assistivehandlerstatesty = set of assistivehandlerstatety;
assistiveeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivemouseeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const info: mouseeventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivefocuschangedeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const oldwidget,newwidget: iassistiveclient; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivekeyeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const info: keyeventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivedataeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientdata; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivecelleventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientgrid; const info: celleventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveediteventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveeditstringeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const atext: msestring; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveeditindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const index: int32; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveeditinputmodeeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const amode: editinputmodety; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveedittextblockeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const amode: edittextblockmodety; const atext: msestring; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivedirectioneventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const adirection: graphicdirectionty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivebooleaneventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const avalue: boolean; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivedirectiongrideventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientgrid; const adirection: graphicdirectionty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivestringeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; var atext: msestring) of object;
assistivedataseteventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const akind: assistivedbeventkindty; const adataset: tdataset; var handled: boolean) of object;
passistivewidgethashdataty = ˆassistivewidgethashdataty;
assistiveservereventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverclienteventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverkeyeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const info: keyeventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservermouseeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const info: mouseeventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverdataeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientdata; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservercelleventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientgrid; const info: celleventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservereditstringeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const achar: msestring; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverediteventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservereditindexeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const index: int32; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservereditinputmodeeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const amode: editinputmodety; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserveredittextblockeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const amode: edittextblockmodety; const atext: msestring; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverdirectioneventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const adirection: graphicdirectionty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverbooleaneventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const avalue: boolean; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservergriddirectioneventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientgrid; const adirection: graphicdirectionty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverfocuschangedeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const oldwidget,newwidget: iassistiveclient; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserveractioneventty = procedure (const sender: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const actionobj: tobject; const info: actioninfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserveritemeventty = procedure (const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const items: shapeinfoarty; const aindex: integer; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservermenueventty = procedure (const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientmenu; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservermenuitemeventty = procedure (const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientmenu; const items: menucellinfoarty; const aindex: integer; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverdataseteventty = procedure(const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const akind: assistivedbeventkindty; const adataset: tdataset; var handled: boolean) of object;
speakoptionty = (...);
speakoptionsty = set of speakoptionty;


internalstates = [ahs_active,ahs_speaklocked,ahs_activated, ahs_applicationactivated];
volumemin = 0.2;
volumemax = 2;
ratemin = 0.2;
ratemax = 5;



assistivehandlerstatety = (...);
  • ahs_active
  • ahs_speaklocked
  • ahs_activated
  • ahs_applicationactivated
  • ahs_nocut
  • ahs_windowactivated
  • ahs_menuactivated
  • ahs_menuactivatepending
  • ahs_dropdownlistclosed
  • ahs_editcharenter
  • ahs_editchardelete
  • ahs_locatepending
  • ahs_dropdownpending
  • ahs_cellwidgetpending
  • ahs_dbchangepending
  • ahs_textblock
  • ahs_textblock1
assistivehandlerstatesty = set of assistivehandlerstatety;
assistiveeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivemouseeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const info: mouseeventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivefocuschangedeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const oldwidget,newwidget: iassistiveclient; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivekeyeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const info: keyeventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivedataeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientdata; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivecelleventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientgrid; const info: celleventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveediteventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveeditstringeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const atext: msestring; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveeditindexeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const index: int32; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveeditinputmodeeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const amode: editinputmodety; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveedittextblockeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const amode: edittextblockmodety; const atext: msestring; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivedirectioneventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const adirection: graphicdirectionty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivebooleaneventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const avalue: boolean; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivedirectiongrideventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientgrid; const adirection: graphicdirectionty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistivestringeventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; var atext: msestring) of object;
assistivedataseteventty = procedure(const sender: tassistivewidgetitem; const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const akind: assistivedbeventkindty; const adataset: tdataset; var handled: boolean) of object;
passistivewidgethashdataty = ˆassistivewidgethashdataty;
assistiveservereventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverclienteventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverkeyeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const info: keyeventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservermouseeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const info: mouseeventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverdataeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientdata; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservercelleventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientgrid; const info: celleventinfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservereditstringeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const achar: msestring; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverediteventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservereditindexeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const index: int32; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservereditinputmodeeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const amode: editinputmodety; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserveredittextblockeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientedit; const amode: edittextblockmodety; const atext: msestring; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverdirectioneventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const adirection: graphicdirectionty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverbooleaneventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const avalue: boolean; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservergriddirectioneventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientgrid; const adirection: graphicdirectionty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverfocuschangedeventty = procedure(const sender:tassistivehandler; const oldwidget,newwidget: iassistiveclient; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserveractioneventty = procedure (const sender: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const actionobj: tobject; const info: actioninfoty; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserveritemeventty = procedure (const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const items: shapeinfoarty; const aindex: integer; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservermenueventty = procedure (const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientmenu; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveservermenuitemeventty = procedure (const sender:tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclientmenu; const items: menucellinfoarty; const aindex: integer; var handled: boolean) of object;
assistiveserverdataseteventty = procedure(const handler: tassistivehandler; const intf: iassistiveclient; const akind: assistivedbeventkindty; const adataset: tdataset; var handled: boolean) of object;
speakoptionty = (...);
  • spo_addtext
  • spo_hint
  • spo_columncaption
  • spo_parent
  • spo_path
  • spo_notext
  • spo_maincaption
speakoptionsty = set of speakoptionty;


internalstates = [ahs_active,ahs_speaklocked,ahs_activated, ahs_applicationactivated];
volumemin = 0.2;
volumemax = 2;
ratemin = 0.2;
ratemax = 5;

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