[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'msewidgets' (#msegui)



Source position: msewidgets.pas line 1393

function showmessage(

  const atext: msestring;

  const caption: msestring;

  const buttons: array of modalresultty;

  const defaultbutton: modalresultty = mr_cancel;

  const noshortcut: modalresultsty = [];

  const minwidth: Integer = 0;

  const exttext: msestring = '';

  const position: messagepositionty = mepo_default

):modalresultty; overload;

function showmessage(

  const atext: msestring;

  const caption: msestring;

  const buttons: array of modalresultty;

  const defaultbutton: modalresultty;

  const noshortcut: modalresultsty;

  const minwidth: Integer;

  const actions: array of notifyeventty;

  const exttext: msestring = '';

  const position: messagepositionty = mepo_default

):modalresultty; overload;

function showmessage(

  const atext: msestring;

  const caption: msestring;

  const buttons: array of modalresultty;

  const adest: rectty;

  const awidget: twidget = Nil;

  const placement: captionposty = cp_bottomleft;

  const defaultbutton: modalresultty = mr_cancel;

  const noshortcut: modalresultsty = [];

  const minwidth: Integer = 0;

  const exttext: msestring = ''

):modalresultty; overload;

function showmessage(

  const atext: msestring;

  const caption: msestring = '';

  const minwidth: Integer = 0;

  const exttext: msestring = ''

):modalresultty; overload;

Documentation generated on: 2021-05-13