[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'msegraphicsmagick' (#msegui)



Source position: msegraphicsmagick.pas line 613

type Imagec = record

  gamma: cdouble;

  chromaticity: ChromaticityInfo;

  orientation: OrientationType;

  rendering_intent: RenderingIntent;

  units: ResolutionType;

  montage: pcchar;

  directory: pcchar;

  geometry: pcchar;

  offset: clong;

  x_resolution: cdouble;

  y_resolution: cdouble;

  page: RectangleInfo;

  tile_info: RectangleInfo;

  blur: cdouble;

  fuzz: cdouble;

  filter: FilterTypes;

  interlace: InterlaceType;

  endian: EndianType;

  gravity: GravityType;

  compose: CompositeOperator;

  _dispose: DisposeType;

  scene: culong;

  delay: culong;

  iterations: culong;

  total_colors: culong;

  start_loop: clong;

  error: ErrorInfo;

  timer: TimerInfo;

  client_data: pointer;

  filename: array [MaxTextExtent] of Char;

  magick_filename: array [MaxTextExtent] of cchar;

  magick: array [MaxTextExtent] of cchar;

  magick_columns: culong;

  magick_rows: culong;

  exception: ExceptionInfo;

  previous: pointer;

  next: pointer;

  profiles: pointer;

  is_monochrome: cuint;

  is_grayscale: cuint;

  taint: cuint;

  clip_mask: pointer;

  ping: MagickBool;

  cache: _CacheInfoPtr_;

  default_views: _ThreadViewSetPtr_;

  attributes: _ImageAttributePtr_;

  ascii85: _Ascii85InfoPtr_;

  blob: _BlobInfoPtr_;

  reference_count: clong;

  semaphore: _SemaphoreInfoPtr_;

  logging: cuint;

  list: pointer;

  signature: culong;


Documentation generated on: 2021-05-13